
!st FLEET PEOPLE1788 - The People of the First Fleet4BIOO934
1000 AUSTRALIANS1000 Famous Australians4BIOO808
11th A/ASIAN CONG'11th A/Asian Congress on Genealogy1JOU2099
13 STORIESVictorian Murderesses (French & English)3BIOO667
1788-1820 REGISTER1788-1820 Association's Pioneer Register Vol 17HIS2548
17th INF' BRIGADEThe 17th Australian Infantry Brigade5MIL1067
18th CENTURYEveryday Life in the 18th Century3HISO300
1929-1940Who Was Who Vol 34BIOO834
1992 REFERENCEThe 1992 Genealogical Contact Reference1GUIOO19
1992 REFERENCEThe 1992 Genealogical Contact Reference1GUIOO19
1st FLEET CRIMESThe Crimes of the First Fleet Convicts4IMMO842
1st FLEET PEOPLEThe People of the First Fleet -17884IMMO841
2/16th BATTALION1,000 Men at War5MIL1084
2/28thThe 2/28th5MIL1076
2/28thThe Second 28th. Famous of the 9th Aust Div5MIL1077
2/40th BATTALIONDoomed Battalion Aust 2/40th Batt 1940/455MIL1075
2/6th BATTLIONNothing Over Us - 2/6th Infantry Battalion5MIL1110
2194 DAYS OF WAR2194 Days of War5MIL2151
21st REGIMENTConquest and Settlement5MIL1069
26THNorth of the 26th6HIS2227PIL
26th NORTHNorth of the 26th6HIS1422N/W
2nd FLEETSecond Fleet Families of Australia4IMMO843
2nd FLEETThe Second Fleet 17904IMMO844
3 STATE CORNERAust Geographic Corner - Qld NSW & SA5HIS2113
3rd FLEETThe Third Fleet Convicts4IMMO846
5 VARIOUS CEM'SCemeteries - Victoria7CEM1705VIC
AB 1788-1939Aborigines & Settlers 1788-19396AB/HIS1872
AB 1788-1980Aboriginal Australians 1788-19806AB/HIS2393AUS
AB ALBANYAborigines of the Albany District 1821/986AB/HIS1491WA
AB DICTIONARYAustralian Aboriginal Words in English. Origin & Meanings1AB/DIROO86AUS
AB FABLESAboriginal Fables6AB/HIS1488
AB HISTORYEuropean-Aboriginal Relations in WA History6AB/HIS1873WA
AB INFORMAT'NAB - General Information6AB/HIS1510
AB MISSIONAboriginal Mission - John Smithers 1840/556AB/HIS1501WA
AB MISSIONSA Drop in the Bucket6AB/HIS1492WA
AB MUSEUMPatterns of Life6AB/HIS1500WA
AB NEW NORCIAAborigines of New Norcia1AB/DIRO156WA
AB OF AUST'Aborigines of Australia6AB/HIS1490
AB PLACE NAMESAboriginal Place Names & Their Meanings6AB/GUI1489
AB RES' & MOREAB - Research, Tribes, Languages6AB/HIS1509
AB RESEARCHLookin' For Your Mob. Guide to Tracing Family History6AB/GUI2135
AB ROTTNESTFar From Home. Aboriginal Prisoners of Rottnest Island6AB/HIS1496WA
AB SHARPE What An Experience6AB/HIS1507
AB SITESNotes on the Recognition of Aboriginal Sites6AB/G2391WA
AB SOUTH WESTAborigines of the SW Region 1829-18401AB/DIRO157WA
AB SOUTH WESTPortraits of the South West6AB/HIS1502WA
AB STUDIESAboriginal Studies6AB/HI2392WA
AB STUDIESIntro to Aboriginal Studies6AB/HIS2394SA
AB TORRESTelling It Like It Is6AB/HIS1505
AB TRACKERSBack Trackers - Video6AB/HISO778
AB TRAGEDYTrials & Tragedy In The North Vol 76AB/HIS1493
AB TRAGEDYDark Deeds In A Sunny Land6AB/HIS1495
AB YORKAboriginies of the York Area6AB/HIS2066WA
ABC RADIOOn Air - Catherine King & the ABC Women6HIS1823
ABOR'NAL PRE 1810The First Australians - Pre History 18105HIS1010
ACT & JERVIS BAYMon.Inscrip Aus.Cap Territory/ Jervis Bay7CEM1691
ACT & JERVIS BAYMon.Inscr.Aust Cap Territory & Jervis Bay7CEM1691NSW
ACT HOMES Our Beautiful Homes - Edwardian Age5HIS1583ACT
ACT RESEARCHThe Ancestral Searcher 1976-20021DIR1790ACT
ACT STATE LIB'Pathfinder No 11GUIOO58
ADAMS J & SA Tribute to John William & Susanna ADAMS4BIOO669
ADAMS JW & SA Tribute to John William & Susanna ADAMS4BIOO669
ADAMS W & EWilliam & Elizabeth ADAMS4BIOO668
ADELAIDE CEM'Hist & Records of West Terrace Adelaide7CEM1702SA
ADELAIDE RIVEREarly Days in Adelaide River7HIS1569
AFRICAINEThe Voyage of the "Africaine"4IMM1932
AGNES (MAID)A Girl at Government House5HIS1866
AHEARNI Remember - Stony Hill - Central Greenough4BIOO670
AIF-MALAYAGrim Story - The AIF in Malaya5MIL1091
ALBANYAspects of Old Albany6HIS 1232S/AG
ALBANYAlbany - A Panorama of the Sound6HIS 1233S/AG
ALBANYThe Settlement of the Sound6HIS 1235S/AG
ALBANYThe Old Farm Strawberry Hill6HIS 1238S/AG
ALBANYA Taste of History in Albany6HIS 1239S/AG
ALBANYMore Than A House - Strawberry Farm6HIS 1240S/AG
ALBANYFirst Settlement Heritage Trail6HIS 1241S/AG
ALBANYThe Last Coach6HIS 1242S/AG
ALBANYAlbany - 1st WA Settlement6HIS 1243S/AG
ALBANYWollaston's Albany Journal6HIS1923S/AG
ALBANYMaritime Albany Remembered 6HIS2145S/AG
ALBANY 1969/70The Albany Guide 1969-19703ATLASO636
ALBANY CONVICTSThe Military Estab & Penal Settlement King George Sound4IMMO858
ALBANY EUCLAJournal to the Eastward6HIS 1236S/AG
ALBANY FARMThe Old Farm Strawberry Hill6HIS1986S/AG
ALBANY FORTThe Guns of George's Sound - The Albany Forts 5MIL2256
ALBANY FORTSThe Guns of George's Sound. Albany Forts5MIL2256WA
ALEX' BRIDGEOver the Bridge - Alexander Bridge/Karridale6HIS1436G/S
ALGAKIRKAlgakirk - Fenland2GUIO268UK
ALICE SPRINGSHistory of Alice Springs/ Landmarks/Streets7HIS1568
ANAKIEAnakie-Sapphire Fields of Central Qld7HIS1646
ANGUSThe Monikie Story: Angus2HISO430SCT
ANZACS to AMIENSAnzacs to Amiens5MIL1158
APEXApex - The First 25 Years5HISO976
APEXThe Golden Years of Apex 1956-19815HIS1843
APEXApex - The First Twenty Five Years5HIS1844
ARAMINTAAraminta. Emigrant Ship 18524IMMO901
ARARATGreen Pastures & Gold History of Ararat Vic7HIS1600
ARKANSASArkansas Confederate Applications3DIRO469USA
ASIAN WHO'S WHOWho's Who Australasian 19874BIOO803
ATHLETEAboard the "ATHLETE" 1854, 1855 Diary of T Dickson4IMMO915
AUG'-KARRI' RCThrough The Darkness'. Aug'-Karri' RC History6HIS2530S/W
AUG'TA RATHMI'A Village on the River - Augusta & Rathmines 6HIS2484S/W
AUGUSTA M/RIVERThrough the Darkness6HIS1166S/W
AUGUSTA M/RIVERThe Light of the Leeuwin6HIS1200S/W
AUS 150 WOMENReflections4BIOO810
AUS' 1688 - 1980Inventing Australia5HIS1868
AUS' 1788 - 1850Such Was Life 5HIS1864
AUS' 1830No Beat of Drum5HISO966
AUS 1851-1913Such Was Life-Select Document in Aust Social History6HIS1476
AUS 1860 - 1893Boom & Depression 1860 - 18935HIS1023
AUS' 1990'SReinventing Australia5HIS1870
AUS' 1st 100 YEARSThe First Hundred Years5HIS1037
AUS' 20th CENTURYTwentieth Century Australia 1900 - 19605HISO997
AUS' AXEMENRacing Axemen5HIS1027
AUS' BATTLERSAussie Battlers5HISO994
AUS BIBLIOGRAPHYBibliography of Australian Family History1DIRO100
AUS BIO' DICT'ARYAust Dictionary of Biography 1891-1939 Gil-Las1BIOO146
AUS' BLUE BOOKThe Australian Blue Book5HISO992
AUS' BREWERIESThe Breweries of Australia5HISO998
AUS' BREWERIESThe Breweries of Australia5HIS1819
AUS BUSH VOICESNo Place for a Nervous Lady5HIS1822
AUS BUSHMENIf Only I'd Listened to Grandpa4BIOO806
AUS' BUSHRANGERSHistory Of Australian Bushrangers Vol 15HISO977
AUS' BUSHRANGERSHistory Of Australian Bushrangers Vol 25HISO978
AUS CEMETERIESCemeteries In Australia7CEM1687
AUS CEMETERIESCemeteries In Australia7CEM1689
AUS' COAST' SHIPSAustralian Coastal Passenger Ships4IMMO925
AUS' COLONIALSThe Colonial Australians5HIS1012
AUS' CON' FAMILIESConvict Families That Made Australia4IMM2452
AUS' CONVICT LIFEConvict Life in Australia4IMMO838
AUS' CONVICTSConvict Australia 1788 -18684IMMO972
AUS' DISCOVERIESDiscovering Historic Australia5HISO999
AUS' EARLY HIST'This Was Australia5HISO996
AUS' EARLY HIST'Australia: as we once were5HIS1014
AUS' EMIGRANTSBound for Australia4IMM1818
AUS ENTERTAINERSAustralia's Entertainers4BIOO804
AUS' ENVIRONMENTSpoils & Spoilers5HIS1869
AUS' EXPLORERSThe Explorers Vol IV5HIS1032
AUS' FARMINGDigging Stick to Rotary Hoe5HISO964
AUS' FEDERATIONLion & Kangaroo 1901 -19195HIS1044
AUS' GOLDGold Diggers & Digging Gold 1854-19205HIS1056
AUS' GOLD RUSHThe Gold Rush in Australia5HIS1026
AUS' GOLDF'DSGold Gambler & Sly Grog 1851 -19005HIS1017
AUS' GOLDFIELDSLife on the Australian Goldfields5HIS1038
AUS' GOVERNORSEarly Governors of Australia5HIS1040
AUS' HIST' BUILD'SHistoric Buildings of Australia Vol 25HISO995
AUS' HIST' NOTESNotes on Australian History5HIS2039
AUS' HIST' NOTESA Short History of Australia5HIS2040
AUS' HIST' TOWNSBook of Historic Australian Towns5HIS1853
AUS' HIST' T'WNSBook of Historic Australian Towns5HIS2416
AUS' HISTORICHistoric Australia in Colour5HIS1899
AUS' HOMESTEADSHistoric Homesteads of Australia5HIS2471
AUS' HOTELSThe Australian Pub5HISO963
AUS' INDUSTRIESThe Story of Australian Industries5HISO986
AUS JEWISH SOC'Blashkiana4BIO2140
AUS' JOURNALISMThe Vagabond Papers5HIS1043
AUS' JUBILEE BOOKThe Great Jubilee Book5HIS1019
AUS' JUBILEE BOOKThe Great Jubilee Book - Aus in Pictures5HIS2451
AUS' MASONSThe Masonic Grand Masters of Australia5HIS1934
AUS' MIGRANTSA Nation of Migrants4IMMO993
AUS' MININGThe Rush That Never Ended5HIS1865
AUS' NAT' ASSETSNational Assets 1901 - 19975HIS1797
AUS NAT' LIBRARYGenealogy & Heraldry in the National Library1GUIO456
AUS' NAT'RAL DIS'RDisaster Strikes5HISO983
AUS NAVAL HIST'Of Nautilus & Eagles5MIL1073
AUS' OLD TALESTales of Old Times5HIS1029
AUS' ORAL HIST'Oral History Handbook1HISOO18
AUS' ORAL HIST'Speaking of History5HIS1016
AUS PARISH REG'Parish Register in Australia7CEM1686NSW
AUS' PHOTO HIST'Australia - A History in Photographs5HIS1003
AUS PHOTOSAustralian Family Album 1860-19804BIO2100
AUS' PICTORIALA Pictorial History of Australia5HIS1006
AUS' PICTORIALThe Australian Countryside in Pictures5HIS1018
AUS' PICTORIALWonderful Australia in Pictures5HIS1051
AUS' PICTORIALIllustrated History of Australia5HIS1052
AUS' PION' WOMENPioneer Women of the Bush & Outback5HIS1039
AUS' PIONEER SCH'Pioneer Schools in Australia6HIS1020
AUS' PION'R WOM'NAustralian Pioneer Women5HIS1011
AUS PLACE NAMESAustralian Place Names1GUIOO39
AUS PLACE NAMESPlace Names of Australia1GUIOO40
AUS PORTRAITSAustralian Colonial Portraits4BIOO805
AUS' PORTRAITSNational Portraits - 25 Australian Lives4BIOO800
AUS' POSTAL HIST'Australian Postal History5HIS1004
AUS' POSTAL UNIONPostal Unions & Politics5HISO967
AUS' POSTCARDSPicture Postcards in Australia 1898 - 19205HIS1015
AUS' POVERTYPoverty Australia5HIS1025
AUS' PRINTERSPrinters & Politics - Printers Union 1850-19505HISO965
AUS' RED CENTREAust Geographic Book of the Red Centre5HIS2112
AUS' REG'R SHIPSNational Register of Ships Arrivals Aus & NZ4IMMO921
AUS' REG'R SHIPSNational Register of Ships Arrivals Aus & NZ4IMM2059
AUS' RIVER SHIPSShips of the Inland Rivers4HIS2387
AUS RIVER TRADEThe River Trade - Wool & Steamer5HIS1036
AUS' RURAL LIFERural Life 1860 - 18905HIS1022
AUS' SCENIC WON'Scenic Wonders of Australia5HIS1924
AUS' SETTLERSThe Settlers Guide - Old Time Skills & Lore5HIS2470
AUS SHIELASShielas : A Tribute to Australian Women4BIOO807
AUS' SHIP OWNERSAust Shipowners & Their Fleets Book 124IMM1340
AUS' SHIP OWNERSAust Shipowners & Their Fleets Book 134IMM1341
AUS' SHIP WRECKSWrecks & Reputations (Schomberg & Lochard)4IMMO906
AUS' SHIP'NG REC'SFind Shipping & Immigration Records in Aust4IMMO905
AUS SHORT HISTShort History of Australia5HISO985
AUS' SOCIAL ORIG'SA New Brittania5HIS1880
AUS' STORIESHeads And Tales: Stories of Australia5HIS1013
AUS' SYMBOLSSymbols of Australia5HIS1050
AUS' THEATREThe Australian Theatre5HISO974
AUS' WARTIME HIST'Wartime Territory5HIS1057
AUS WHO'S WHOWho's Who in Australia 1933/344BIOO831
AUS WHO'S WHO Who's Who of Australian Women4BIOO812
AUS WHO'S WHO Who's Who in Australia 19924BIOO826
AUS WOMENThe Women Were There4BIOO811
AUS WOMEN/ARMYIn Which We Served5MIL1112
AUS/NZ - ITALIANSHow to Trace Your Italian Ancestors. Aus/N.Z.3GUIO526
AUS/NZ RESEARCHTracing Your Family History1GUIOO42
AUS'LD WOMENPioneer Women Of Australind (P'fld,Diadem,Trusty) 4IMM2468S/W
AUS'LIND CEM'Australind Cemetery 19677CEM1719
AUS'ND WOMENPioneer Women Of Australind (P'Fld,Diadem,Trusty)4IMM2468
AUST 1901<Australia Since Federation5HISO989
AUST' ALBUMAust Album - The Way We Were (Large Book)5HIS1054
AUST CEMETERIESCemeteries in Australia7CEM1687NSW
AUST CEMETERIESCemeteries in Australia7CEM1689NSW
AUST ENCYCLOP'AAustralian Encyclopedia4DIRO325
AUST' HISTORYAn Emerging Identity5HIS1894
AUST' LEGENDThe Australian Legend5HIS1028
AUST LIBRARIANSBiographical Dictionary of Aust Librarians1DIRO150
AUST/CHINASojourners - China's Relationship with Aust5HISO971
AUST1788<What happened Next- Australia from 17885HIS1848
AUSTRALIABeneath The Southern Cross5HIS1030
AUSTRALIA HIST'A History of Australia5HIS1046
AUSTRALIA STORYAustralia - Her Story5HIS1034
AUSTRALINDAustralind Recalled6HIS1163S/W
AUSTRALINDA Study of Australind 1841-19676HIS1164S/W
AUSTRALINDOld Australind Recalled6HIS2127S/W
AUSTRALIND CEM'Australind Cemetery 19677CEM1719WA
AUSTRIA VIENNASchonbrunn- Palace & Park-Austria & Vienna3GENO495AUT
AVON SKETCHESAvon Valley Sketchbook 19776HIS 1387C/AG
AXEMENThe Forgotten Pioneers6HIS1226S/W
AXEMENOld Growth Foresters 6HIS2093S/W
AYRSHIREAyreshire Heritage2HISO419SCT
A-Z HANDBOOKThe A to Z Genealogical Handbook1GUIOO23
A-Z HANDBOOKA-Z Genealogical Handbook1GUIOO23
B.H.P.What's Good For Australia5HIS1048
BACH ELIZABETHAncestors of "Elizabeth Dorothy BACH"4BIO2523S/W
BACH JOHNAncestors of John Victor Lawson BACH4BIO2522S/W
BACH JOHNAncestors of "John Victor Lawson BACH"4BIO2522S/W
BADENOCHRomantic Badenoch2GUIO407SCT
BAIRNSDALEBairnsdale. Portrait of an Aust Country Town7HIS1621
BALINGUP SCH'Balingup School - One Hundred Years6EDU1826
BALLARATSovereign Hill - Historic Ballarat7HIS1587
BALLARATLucky City. Ballarat 1851-19017HIS1590
BALLARATHistory of Ballarat7HIS1591
BALLARATVictoria 1834-19007HIS1592
BALLARATVoters Roll Ballarat 1917-19187ELEC2105
BALLARATVoters Roll Ballarat 1918-19197ELEC2146
BALLARAT OLD CEMBurials with Cornish Loc'ns in Ballarat Old Cem7CEM1708
BALLA'T OLD CEM'Burials with Cornish Locations in Ballarat7CEM1708VIC
BANKING BENDIGOBanking on the Bendigo7HIS1595
BANNISTERFrowning Fortunes4BIOO671
BAPTIST ANCES'My Ancestors Were Baptists2GUI1624UK
BARBATTIThe BARBETTI Family of Waterloo4BIO2517S/W
BARBETTIThe BARBETTI Family of Waterloo4BIO2517S/W
BARCALDINEBarcaldine 1846-19867HIS2388
BARMERAThe Barmera Story7HIS2354
BARNARDTimes and Tides2HISO320UK
BAROSSABarossa Valley Sketchbook7HIS2065
BARRY KEVINThe Story of Kevin Barry2BIO2285IRI
BASS' GUILDF'DBassendean & Guildford Sketchbook6HIS1299PER
BASS STRAITMysteries of the Bass Strait Triangle7HIS1576
BATTYE Convict Research Battye Library 4IMMO851
BATTYE J SWA Map Bibliography1DIR1980PER
BATTYE J SWorth Tell Worth Keeping (Guide to Battye Library)1GUIOO67
BATTYE J STracing Your Ancestors - JS Battye Library1GUIOO68
BAXTERNo Place for a Nervous Lady4BIOO672
BAXTER SCH'Baxter and its Primary School 1890-19907HIS1623
BEANPioneers and Their Better Halves4BIOO673
BEDFORDSHIREPortrait of Bedfordshire2HISO304BDF
BEECHWORTHBackground to Beechworth7HIS1615
BEECK/BECKBeeck to Beck:: and Expecting More4BIOO674
BEER & BREWINGThe Amber Nectar5HIS1041
BEGIN FAM' HIS'Tracking Ancestors1GUIOO28
BELLINGERChampagne and Tingle Trees4BIOO675
BENDIGOThe Gold Mines - Bendigo7HIS1588
BENDIGOBendigo - The Golden Age Retraced7HIS1594
BENDIGOBendigo - A History7HIS1596
BENDIGO/GERMANBendigo the German Chapter7HIS1593
BENEDICTINEBenedictine Pioneers in Australia Vol 15HIS2054
BENEDICTINEBenedictine Pioneers in Australia Vol 25HIS2055
BENGHAZITo Benghazi - Aust in the Wae 1939 - 19455MIL1071
BERKSHIREBuckfast Abbey - A History - Berkshire2HISO274BRK
BERRIMA Wingecarribee. Its Early History7HIS2248
BERRIMA CEM'Cemetery Transcrip. Berrima District7CEM1715
BERRIMA CEM'Cem. Trans.of the Berrima District7CEM1715NSW
BERWGER RIt's Better to Laugh Than Cry - Rosina BERWGER 4BIO2234
BEST G & SNot in Name Alone. Pioneers George & Sally BEST4BIO1349
BEVERLEYThe Story of Avondale6HIS 1835C/AG
BEVERLEYTracking the Dale6HIS1836C/AG
BIMBI CEMETERYBurials In Bimbi Cemetery7CEM2424
BIMBI CEMETERYBurials In Bimbi Cemetery7CEM2424NSW
BINDOON FILEThe Bindoon File - Boystown 1947-19544HIS1368N/AG
BINDOON FILEBindoon File - Boys Town 1947-19544IMM1368
BINNINGUPBinningup - The History6HIS1172S/W
BIO REGISTER A-KBiographical Register 1788-1939 Vol 1 A-K1DIRO148
BIO REGISTER L-ZBiographical Register 1788-1939 Vol 2 L-Z1DIRO149
BLACKBURNS ISLEBlackburns Isle7HIS1533
BLACKWOODHistory of the Upper Blackwood6HIS1214S/W
BLACKWOODThe Blackwood: A Valley in Transition6HIS1985S/W
BLAINEY GThe Tyranny of Distance5HIS1007
BLAINEY GThe Tyranny of Distance5HIS1035
BLAINEY GBlack Kettle & Full Moon5HIS2010
BLECHYNDENBridgedale - BLECHYNDEN Homestead6HIS1210S/W
BLUE MOUNTAINSBlue Mountains - Tourist Newspaper 20033ATLO659
BOANS 1914-1918Boans to the Battlefield. Staff 1914 - 19185MIL1058WA
BOARD/WOLFEEchoes of the Past4BIOO700
BODDINGTONBecoming Boddington6HIS2275S/W
BOER WARThe Boer War5MIL1062
BONSON DOLLYThe Girl Who Talked To The Stars6AB/HIS1506NT
BONTHARAMBOAunt SPENCER's Diary - 18547HIS1599
BOOROLOOLABooroloola & Gulf District Deaths7CEM1699
BORROLOOLA CEMBorroloola and Gulf District Deaths7CEM1699SA
BOSTOCK H.P.The Great Ride - Henry Phillip Bostock5MIL2331
BOUL'NE-SUR-MERBritish Military Cem in Boulogne-Sur-Mer5MIL1087
BOURKEBourke A Pictorial History Vol 1 - Pictorial7GUI2318
BOWDEN TIM The Way My Father Tells It5HIS2006
BOWRAL Beautiful Bowral - A Pictorial Celebration7HIS2250
BOWRAL HOSP'Blessed are They-Bowral Dist Hosp 1889-19897HIS2247
BOYANUP P' SC'Back to Boyanup Primary School 1895-20116HIS2492S/W
BOYANUP SCH'Back to Boyanup Primary School 1895-20116EDU2492S/W
BOYUP BROOKA Flax Mill By the River - Boyup Brook 1941/656HIS1213S/W
BRIDE SHIPSThe Bride Ships4IMM1092
BRIDGETOWNThe Lean Years 6HIS1439G/S
BRISBANE 1890'sBrisbane in the 1890's7HIS1645
BRISBANE HOSPITALBrisbane Hospital Patients Index 1887-19027HIS2188
BROOKTONHistory of Aldersyde 1846-19466HIS 1386C/AG
BROOMEBroome - 1986 Pearl Festival6HIS1414KIM
BROOMEPort of Pearls6HIS 1415KIM
BROWN E & TA Faithful Picture. Letters of Eliza & Thomas BROWN 4BIO2064
BROWN E &TA Faithful Picture-Letters of E&T BROWN 1841-18524BIOO680
BROWN HILLWhere is Brown Hill6HIS2349EG/E
BROWNINGThe BROWNING Family 1851-19854BIOO681
BRUCE ROCKBruce Rock - A Revised History6HIS2085C/AG
BRUNSWICKWhen Blue Was True6HIS1173S/W
BUDGEThe Sky Pilot of the Nullarbor4BIO1816
BUN'AUST'HARV'Bunbury, Australind & Harvey6HIS1221S/W
BUNB' ANG' DIO'Journey - A Hist Ang Diocese of Bunbury 1904-20046HIS2098S/W
BUNB' AUS'LINDBunbury & Australind Visitors Guide 19806GUI1183S/W
BUNB' BUSS'Bunbury & Busselton Sketchbook6HIS1180S/W
BUNB' ELE' ROLLMunicipality of Bunbury Elect Roll 19815ELE2280S/W
BUNB' H'TAGEBunbury Heritage Trail6HIS1184S/W
BUNB' PRI' SCH'Bunbury Primary School 100 Yrs 1895-19956HIS2228S/W
BUNB' RC CH'A Journey in Faith to Jubilee 20006HIS1470
BUNB' R'LWAYBunbury-Boyanup Railway 100 Yrs 1891-19916HIS1181S/W
BUNB' WATER Liquid Gold - Bunbury Water Board6HIS2259S/W
BUNBURYExcellent Connections Bunbury 1836-19906HIS1175S/W
BUNBURYBunbury Civilians in Wartime6HIS1179S/W
BUNBURYBunbury Since 1803 - A Bunch of Dates6HIS1182S/W
BUNBURYBunbury Images - People & Places6HIS1776S/W
BUNBURY BK 1Bunbury - I Remember When - Book 16HIS1186S/W
BUNBURY BK 2Bunbury - I Remember When - Book 26HIS1187S/W
BUNBURY BK 3Bunbury - I Remember When - Book 36HIS1188S/W
BUNBURY BK 4Bunbury - I Remember When - Book 46HIS1190S/W
BUNBURY BK 5Bunbury - I Remember When - Book 66HIS1191S/W
BUNBURY BK 6 Bunbury - I Remember When - Book 56HIS1192S/W
BUNBURY CEM'Bunbury Cemeteries7CEM1764
BUNBURY CEM'Bunbury Cemeteries - Transcriptions7CEM1765
BUNBURY CEM'Bunbury Cemeteries7CEM1764WA
BUNBURY CEM'Bunbury Cemeteries - Transcriptions7CEM1765WA
BUNBURY PORTFull Steam Ahead - Bunbury Port Authority6HIS1168S/W
BUNBURY PORTFull Steam Ahead6GUI2342S/W
BUND' TO MARLAYFrom Bundalaguah to Marlay Point7HIS1785
BUNDALAGUAHBack to Bundalaguah - Easter 19727HIS1784
BUNNINGSThe Timber People6HIS1799S/W
BUSH BALLADSReflections & Bush Ballads6HIS2219
BUSHERThe BUSHER Pioneers Reflections 150 Yrs at Dardanup4BIO2126
BUSHRANGERSAustralian Bushrangers5HIS1000
BUSHRANGERSBushrangers - A Pictorial History5HIS1001
BUSHRANGERSPictorial History of Bushrangers5HIS1002
BUSHRANGERSStand & Deliver. 100 Bushrangers 1787-19015HIS1005
BUSHRANGERSHistory of Aust Bushranging Vol 45HIS2215
BUSS' ST MARY'SSt Mary's, Busselton6HIS 1988S/W
BUSSELTONTo Call our Own Group 124 Sth of Busselton6HIS2107G/S
BUSSELTONHistoric Busselton6HIS1194S/W
BUSSELTONBusselton - Outstation on the Vasse 1830/506HIS1196S/W
BUSSELTON JET'Reflections of the Jetty. Story of Busselton Jetty6HIS2419S/W
BUSS'N JETTYReflections of the Jetty. Busselton. 6HIS2419
B'WORTH MAR' REG1st Marriage Reg of St Joseph's, Beechworth7HIS1614
C/AG VOL' DEF'Wheatbelt Warriors (15th WA Battalion)6HIS1407C/AG
CAIRNS HISTORYTrinity Phoenix - History of Cairns7HIS1660
CALVERT A FMy Fourth Tour in Western Australia6HIS1447
CAMDENThe Town of Camden7HIS2357
CANADAColonists at Fort Royal3HISO474CAN
CANADAIn Search of your Canadian Roots3GUIO475CAN
CANADABoss Whistle- Coalminers of Vancouver3HISO476CAN
CANADAThe North West Passage3HISO477CAN
CANADAThoughts of the Past3HISO478CAN
CANADAIntroduction to Canada3ATLO624CAN
CANADAThe Story of Canada3HIS2240CAN
CANNING RIVERAlong the Canning6HIS1300PER
CAPELCapel & Districts6HIS1936S/W
CAPELJust a Horse Ride Away. (History of Capel)6HIS2016S/W
CAP'N COOK IN N.Z.Captain COOK in New Zealand3HIS1871
CARNARVONCarnarvon - Reflections of a Country Town6HIS 1421N/W
CARNARVON CEM'Carnarvon Pioneer Cemetery7CEM1721WA
CARN'VON CEM'Carnarvon Pioneer Cemetery7CEM1721
CARRICK AYRSHIR'Carrick, Ayrshire Monumental Inscript Pre 18552CEM1726SCT
CARRICK/AYRSHIREMonumental Inscriptions-Carrick,Ayrshire 18552CEMO403SCT
CARSON JIMBattling Around6HIS1448
CASINO Burials - West Street Cemetery Casino 19897CEM1695
CASINO CEM'Burials - West St Cemetery - Casino 19897CEM1695NSW
CASTLEDENEThe Castledene Journey - Six Generations 1856-20014BIOO720
CASTLEMAINECastlemaine Pioneer 1930 Jubilee Book7HIS1637
CASTLEMAINECastlemaine - From Camp to City7HIS2356
CATALPARace for the Catalpa (The Fenian Escape Story)4IMMO859
CATHOLICMy Ancestor Was Catholic2GUIO219UK
CATHOLIC ANCEST'My Ancestor Was Catholic2GUIO214UK
CEMETERY BOOK 1Northern Territory Cemetery Book No 17CEM1697NT
CEMETERY TRUSTNames/Addresses of Vic Cem Trust Secretaries7CEM1706VIC
CENSUSMaking Use of The Census2GUIO221UK
CENSUS 18011801 Census - Ticehurst Sussex2GUIO223SSX
CENSUS 1821/311821/31 Census Sussex2GUIO224 SSX
CENSUS 18311831 Census - St Clements Hastings2GUIO225UK
CENSUS 1841/81Census Returns 1841-18812GUIO230UK
CENSUS 1841/91Census Returns 1841-18912GUIO231UK
CENSUS 1851Lancashire Census 18512GUIO227LAN
CENSUS 1851Lancashire Census 18512GUIO228LAN
CENSUS 19011901 Census2GUI2036UK
CENSUS PRE 1841Pre 1841 Census2GUIO226UK
CENSUS PRE 1841Pre 1841 Censuses & Population Listings2CEN2511UK
CENTRAL G/FIELDSGrave Reflections. Central Goldfields7CEM1709VIC
CHANGI PHOTO'SChangi Photographer5MIL1074
CHAPMAN T History of Thomas CHAPMAN & His Desc. 1835-19714BIO2121
CHAPMAN T & SPioneers of the Preston.Thos CHAPMAN Selina GARD'4BIO2444S/W
CHAPMAN T& SPioneers of the Preston. T CHAPMAN & S GARDINER4BIO2444S/W
CHAPMAN VALL'YChapman Valley Pioneers4BIOO685
CHARLES 1stCharles 12HIS2225UK
CHILD MIGRANTSBarefoot & Pregnant4IMMO990
CHILD MIGRANTSBarefoot & Pregnant Vol 24IMMO991
CHILD MIGR'NTSChild Migrants4IMMO961
CHINAChina Around the World Program3GENO491CHN
CHITTERINGChittering - Exploration to Shire6HIS2078N/AG
CHRISTIAN BRO'The Scheme - Christian Brothers & Childcare in WA4IMM1348
CHRON'CLE MELBThe Chronicles of Early Melb.7HIS1626
CLARENDONClarendon & Its People 7HIS2243
CLIFTONWA Company - Letter Book No.1 of Chief Commiss.6HIS1266S/W
CLIFTON LOUISAA Friend Indeed Lousia CLIFTON of Australind WA4BIOO691
CLIFTON M WJournals of Marshall Waller CLIFTON 1840-18614BIO2425S/W
CLIFTON M WJournals of Marshall Waller CLIFTON 1840-18614BIO2425S/W
CLIFTON R C Gathered Fragments - Biography of Robt Cecil CLIFTON4BIOO688
CLIFTON R HThe CLIFTON Family - Richard Henry 1872-19394BIO2516S/W
CLIFTON R HThe CLIFTON Family - Richard Henry 1872-19394BIO2516S/W
CLUNE FRANK The Isles of Spice3BIOO666
COBB & COCobb & Co. In the Golden West6HIS2365EG/E
COCKBURNCockburn The Making of a Community6HIS2075PER
COLE TOMHell West And Crooked7HIS1571
COLLIEPioneers of Collie District 1880-19306HIS1203S/W
COLLIEOne Day In Collie6HIS1204S/W
COLLIE 100 Years Collie Coal6HIS1201S/W
COLLIE A Rich & Diverse Heritage. Collie 1898-20106HIS2427S/W
COLLIE STRIKEBlacklegs - Scottish Colliery Strike of 19116HIS1796S/W
COLLIE STRIKEBlacklegs - Scottish Colliery Strike 1911 - Collie WA4IMMO773
CON BIOGRAPHIESCornish Australian Heritage 1788-1988 2HISO762CON
CON HISTORYA History of Cornwall2HISO761CON
CON RESEARCHCornwall Record Office2DIRO763CON
CON'CT WOMENNotorious Strumpets & Dangerous Girls4IMM849
CONGUPNA SCH'The Centenary of Congupna Schools & District7HIS1627
CONNAUGHTConnaught Provence-Churches, County Maps2GUI2224IRI
CONVICT MAIDSConvict Maids4IMM2453
CONVICT RES'How to Trace Your Convict Ancestors4IMMO862
CONVICT RES'A Short Guide to Tracing Your Convict Ancestory4IMMO863
CONVICT SHIPSConvicts Ships and Lists4IMMO852
CONVICT WOMENConvict Women4IMM2344
CONVICTSThe Brand of his Coat4IMMO854
COOK JAMESCaptain Cook in Australia5HIS1863
COOKERNUPHistory of Cookernup6HIS1219S/W
COOKTOWNIntroduction to Cooktown & its Museum7HIS1652
COOKTOWN SCH'"Nothing Special" Edu in Cooktown 1875-20007EDU2426
COOLG' KALG'Back to the Goldfields 1892-19406HIS1900EG/E
COOLGARDIEEarly Days Around Coolgardie6HIS1263EG/E
COOLGARDIEEarly Days Around Coolgardie6HIS1282EG/E
COOLGARDIEWarden FINNERTY's House Coolgardie "The Residency"6HIS1292EG/E
COOPER'S CREEKCooper's Creek7HIS1918
CORNWALLCornish Villages2HISO760CON
CORNWALLA History of Cornwall2HISO761CON
CORNWALLCornish Australian Heritage 1788-19982HISO762CON
CORNWALL REC'SCornwall Record Office2DIRO763CON
CORRIGINCorrigin - Pioneering Days & Beyond6HIS2094C/AG
CORRIGINPioneers & Early Settlers of Corrigin6HIS2095C/AG
CORVETTESA Small War. Corvettes: The 39 Through Fremantle6HIS2410
COTTESLOEHeritage of the Pines6HIS1301PER
COUNTRY LIFECountry Life in Pioneer South Australia7HIS1679
COUNTY DOWNMemoirs of Ireland: Parishes of County Down2DIRO376IRI
COWARAMUPThe Cowaramup Disrict 1900-1988 (see also S/W)6HIS1198G/S
COWARAMUPThe Cowaramup District 1900-1998 (G/S section )6HIS1198S/W
COWARAMUPHarwood's Cottage6HIS1199S/W
COWCHERAccount of COWCHER Family (also brief story of Hydes)4BIOO693
COXLife at Clarendon - Cox Family7HIS2245
CRAMERPioneers Politics & People - Political Memoir4BIOO690
CREATON/CAMB'From Ceaton to Camballup4BIO2521S/W
CRIDDLE WThe Descendants of William CRIDDLE4BIOO692
CROCODILE LANDIn Crocodile Land7HIS1925
CUBALLINGA Cuballing Keepsake Renunion 19906HIS 1389C/AG
CUEJust a Century Ago6HIS1392CTRL
CUEGold at Peak Hill6HIS1432CTRL
CUEThe Old Coach Road to Cue & Beyond6HIS1891CTRL
CUE. DAY DAWNGold on the Murchison6HIS2329CTRL
CUTTRISSTry Australia First4BIOO694
CWLTH WAR DEADWar Dead of the British C'wlth 1914/185MIL1115NSW
DAINTREEDaintree's Early Years7HIS1738
DALLAS1860 Census - Dallas County Arkansas3CENO468USA
DALY WATERSTwo At Daly Waters 7HIS1564
DARWIN ATLASDarwin Directory 2001/20023ATLO643
DARWIN DRAMADarwin Drama5MIL1088N.T.
DATING PHOTOSDating Family Photos 1850-19201GUIOO17
DATING PHOTOSDating Old Photos 1850 - 19201GUIOO17
DAVIESYork - Its Horse and Hey Days4BIOO696
de BURGHThe Breakaways - William & Margaret de BURGH4BIO2337S/W
de BURGH W & MThe Breakaways - William & Margaret de BURGH4BIO2337
DEATH CAUSESDeadly Details7CEM1690
DEBRETT'S AUS DeBrett's Handbook of Australia 4BIO2480
DEBRETT'S AUS /NZDeBrett's Handbook of Australia & New Zealand4BIOO817
DEBRETT'S F' HIST'Debrett's Family Historian1GUIO442UK
DEBRETT'S UK Debrett's Handbook - 19823BIOO818UK
DEBRETT'S UK DeBrett's Peerage and Baronetage 20002BIO2479UK
DELANDA Lost Glitter. Letters of 1895-18974BIO2532
DENILIQUINA Trail of Years:100 Shows & Deniliquin Dist7HIS1537
DENILIQUINSaltbush Country - History of Deniliquin7HIS1549
DENILIQUINDeniliquin Lawn Cemetery 1977-19977CEM1711
DENILIQUIN CEM'Deniliquin Lawn Cemetery 1977-19977CEM1711NSW
DENMARKDenmark - An Outline History6HIS 1892S/AG
DENMARKDenmark - Around the World Program3GENO492DNK
DENMARK CEM'Denmark Cemetery 1910-20017CEM1807
DENMARK CEM'Denmark Cemetery 1910 - 20017CEM1807WA
DEPIAZZIA Long Way From Turano4BIOO697
DESERTERSShips Deserters 1852-19004IMMO918
DEVLIN ANNEAnne Devlin - An Outline of Her Story2BIO2284IRI
DIADEMShipping - Diadem4IMMO957
DICTIONARYChambers New School Dictionary1DIROO87
DICTIONARY WADict of Western Australians 1829-1914 Vol2 1850-1868 Bond4IMMO856
DINGUP CHURCHSt Thomas Dingup Church 100th Anniversary 1895-19956HIS2176S/W
DIVIDING RANGEThe Great Dividing Range7HISO962
DONNELLYDonnelly - Men & Mill6HIS2091S/W
DONNYBROOKGreen Gold - History of Donnybrook 1842-19746HIS1206S/W
DONNYBROOKTales From the Old Oak Tree6HIS1207S/W
DONNYBROOKPin Hi 'N' Jack Hi - Mumbalup-Noggerup6HIS1208S/W
DOUBTFUL LADIESDamned Whores & God's Police5HIS1867
DOUGLASWool to Stolen Gold-Life on the Land & In the Law in WA4BIOO698
DOWLING LUCYMy Teaching Career by Lucy Dowling6EDU2534WA
DOWSETT S & EDescs of Samuel & Eliza DOWSETT - Wandering4BIO1793
DRAGEBeyond Envy4BIO2363
DRAKE BROCKMANThe Turning Wheel5HIS1049
DRUMFYVIEWe Lived in Drumfyvie2HISO437SCT
DRUMMONDThe DRUMMONDS of Hawthornden 6HIS 1391C/AG
DRUMMONDThe Drummonds of Hawthornden6HIS1879
DUBLINGuide to Dublin & Ireland 1983-19842GUIO379IRI
DUBLINMe Jewel and Darlin' Dublin2HISO397IRI
DUNACHDunach in the Shadow of the Mount7HIS1620
DUNSBOROUGHAll and About Dunsborough6HIS2190S/W
DUNSBOROUGHFrom Quedjinup to Dunsborough6BIO2204S/W
DURACKThe Durack Legacy6HIS 1419KIM
DURACKKings in Grass Castles4BIOO699
DURACK MARYTo Be Heirs Forever6HIS1480
DURHAMWashington County Durham2GUIO210DUR
DURHAMThe Kings England 2HISO292DUR
DUYFKENDuyfken - Story of a Brave Ship & Replica6HIS1896PER
E P FORCEThe Veterans. History of Enrolled Pensioner Force WA4IMMO867
E P FORCEEnrolled Pensioner Force - Vol 2 (incomplete)4IMMO884
EAGLEHAWKSts of the Borough of Eaglehawk 1863-19937HIS1618
EARLY SWAN R'Early Swan River Colony6HIS1875PER
EDINBURGHWelcome to Edinburgh2GUI1813SCT
EDU' GENERALEducation Information File6EDU1529
EDU' HISTORYThe History of the Development of Education in WA 1829-6EDU1512
EDU' HISTORYLocal History in Schools6EDU1513
EDWARDS C E"Wandoo" The Story of C E EDWARDS4BIOO701
EDWARDS C E"Wandoo" The Story of Charles E EDWARDS 4BIO1984
EDWARDS RA Troopers Story5MIL2502
EDWIN FOXThe Story of The Edwin Fox4IMMO907
ELEC' HARVEYElect Roll S/Ward Harvey 19636ELE2156S/W
ELEC' HARVEYConsolidated Elect Roll Aust Ward 19975ELE2157S/W
ELEC' HARVEYConsolidated Elect Roll Coastal Ward 19975ELE2158S/W
ELEC' HARVEYConsolidated Elect Roll South Ward 19965ELE2159S/W
ELEC' HARVEYConsolidated Elect Roll Coastal Ward 19895ELE2160S/W
ELEC' HARVEYConsolidated Elect Roll South Ward 19875ELE2161S/W
ELEC' HARVEYConsolidated Elect Roll North Ward 19845ELE2163S/W
ELEC' HARVEYConsolidated Elect Roll Aust Ward 19935ELE2164S/W
ELEC' HARVEYConsolidated Elect Roll Aust Ward 19845ELE2165S/W
ELEC' HARVEYConsolidated Elect Roll Aust Ward 19915ELE2166S/W
ELEC' HARVEYConsolidated Elect Roll Aust Ward 19915ELE2167S/W
ELEC' HARVEYConsolidated Elect Roll Aust Ward 19935ELE2168S/W
ELEC' HARVEYConsolidated Elect Roll South Ward 19855ELE2169S/W
ELEC' HARVEYReferendum Proposed Shire of Leschenault5ELE2170S/W
ELEC' HARVEYHarvey Electoral Roll. Central Ward 19845ELE2462S/W
ELEC' HARVEYHarvey Electoral Roll. Coastal Ward 19945ELE2464S/W
ELEC' HARVEYHarvey Electoral Roll. Coastal Ward 19955ELE2465S/W
ELSEY CEM'Elsey Cemetery7CEM1696NT
ELSEY CEMETERYElsey Cemetery (We of the Never Never)7CEM1696
ELSINORE SCH'Elsinore School 1917-19466EDU1517
ENG/WALES BDM'SEngland & Wales BDM's from 18372GUIO242UK
ENGLANDEveryman's England2HISO281UK
ENGLANDS BELLSThe Bells of England2GUI2239UK
ENGLISH - OLDGuide to Old English2GUIO207UK
ERICILDOUNEEricildoune's Heritage7HIS1606
ESPERANCEEsperance: Yesterday & Today6HIS1289EG/E
ESPERANCEFaith Hope & Reality. Esperance 1895-19956HIS2368EG/E
ESPERANCEEsperance Yesterday & Today6HIS2370EG/E
ESPERANCEPioneers and Early Settlers of Scaddan6HIS E2486EG/E
ESP'NCE NEWSEsperance Bay Chronicle6HIS1293EG/E
ESSEX GAZETTEERFinding That Place in Essex8DIR2372ESS
EUCLA/EYRE HWYA Vital Link - Eucla/Eyre Highway6HIS1291EG/E
EUDUNDA HOSP'The Light on the Hill 1922-19867HIS1678
EUREKAEureka Stockade7HIS1639
EUREKAThe Eureka Stockade7HIS1640
EUROPEEurope & Beyond 1870-19763HIS O501
EUROPEThe Last of Old Europe3HIS 2300EUR
EUROPE ATLASLet's Go to Europe3ATLO626
EUROPE ATLASRoad Atlas of Europe3ATLO654
EVERYTHING B'KEnquire Within Upon Everything - 18902GEN2456
EXPEDITION G/SGreat Southern Expedition of 18356HIS 1258S/AG
EXPED'N 1835The Great Southern Expedition of 18356HIS1229S/W
EXPLORE/PACIFICExploring the Pacific4IMM1055
F FORCEHeroes of "F" Force5MIL1070
FAIRBRIDGEFairbridge Kid4IMM1347
FAITHFUL WMSpringfield . Story of a Sheep Station7HIS1552
FAM' HIST' RES'Tracing Your Family History1GUIOO21
FAM' HIST' RES'Tracing Family History in Australia1GUIOO26
FAM' HIST' RES'Tracking Ancestors - A Beginners Guide1GUIOO28
FAM' HIST' RES'Laying out a Pedigree2GUIOO31
FAM' HIST' RES'Trace Your Family History in 6 Easy Steps1GUIOO32
FAM' HIST' RES'Relations in Records1GUIOO44
FAM' HIST' RES'Roots & Branches1GUIO451
FAM' HIST' RES'Family History Comes to Life1GUI2348
FAM' HISTORY Compiling Your Family History2GUI2129
FAM' HISTORY Tracing Your Family History 3GUI2508
FAMOUS AUST'IANSDictionary of Famous Australians1DIROO89
FAWCETT WmSearching for William. Wm Fawcett of Yorkshire2HIS2454YKS
FEE'S DIARIESFEE's Dardanup Diaries: Vol 14BIOO704
FEE'S DIARIESFEE's Dardanup Diaries: Vol 24BIOO705
FEMALE ANCEST'sSearching For Mary Anne1GUIO455
FENIANSThe Escape of the Fenians4IMMO857
FENIANSVoices From The Tomb4IMM2148
FENIANSVoices From The Tomb2IMM2149IRI
FERGUSONMemories of the Ferguson6HIS 2466S/W
FERGUSON ISADearest Isabella. I FERGUSON 1819-19104BIO2220
FERGUSON ISA'Dearest Isabella FERGUSON 1819-19104BIOO708
FIFE MININGBehind the Diamond Panes2HISO420SCT
FIJIThe Ann and Hope Mutiny3BIOO665FJI
FINLANDFinland Around the World Program3GENO772FIN
FLEAYA Farming Family - FLEAYs of Western Australia4BIOO709
FLINDERSThe Flinders of South Australia7HIS1667
FLYING DOCTORLegend of the Kimberley. Lawson HOLMAN6HIS1889KIM
FLYING DOCTORThe Flying Doctor Story5HIS1045
FLYING DOCTORThe Flying Doctor Story5HIS1821
FLYNNFLYNN of the Ferguson4BIOO711
FLYNN HENRYHenry FLYNN - The Final Chapter4BIO2334
FONTANINIMemories - Ester Fontanini4BIO2312S/W
FORD WILL'MWilliam Ford & Coolgardie6HIS2187
FOREST CREEKThe Pennyweight Kids Forest Creek 1830-19307HIS1630
FORESTERSThe Foresters4BIOO712
FORRESTFORREST Family Pioneers of WA 1842-19824BIOO707
FORRESTFORREST 1847 - 1918 Vol 14BIO1096
FORREST INDEXFORREST Family - Descendant Index4BIO1794
FORREST LADYWA's Lady Forrest 1844-1929 A Memoir6HIS1481
FORSYTEThe World of the Forsytes2HISO323UK
FORSYTHTales Old & New of FORSYTHs in Australia4BIOO714
FORSYTHTales Old & New of FORSYTHEs in Australia - No 14BIOO715
FOSTER DRReminiscences of a Rural Practice - Dr Foster & Assoc 1947/996HIS1193S/W
FOULKESFOULKES and Connections4BIO2125
FRANCEThe City of Carcassonne - France3GENO493FRA
FRANCEFanfare for the Stalwart3HIS O494FRA
FRANCE ATLASRoad Atlas of France3ATLO655
FRANKLINFranklin - Settlement in the Huon7HIS1778
FRASERMrs FRASER on the Fatal Shore7HIS1656
FRE' MUSEUMFremantle Museum6HIS1940PER
FRE' ROTTNESTFremantle Rottnest Buildings-Classified N/Trust6HIS1303PER
FREM' HOSP'Medical Background History of Fremantle Hosp/Doctors6HIS1307PER
FREMAN' CEM'SFremantle Alma & Skinner Street - Burial Records7CEM1839
FREMAN' CEM'SFounders and Felons. Fremantle Cemetery Guide7CEM1840
FREMAN' CEM'SHeroes & Humanitarians. Fremantle Cemetery Guide 7CEM1842
FREMAN" CEM'SStatemen & Scholars. Fremantle Cemetery Guide7CEM1841
FREMANT' PORTPort of Fremantle6HIS2119PER
FREMANTLEFremantle Sketchbook6HIS1304PER
FREMANTLEWalking in Fremantle6HIS1829PER
FREMANTLE CEM'Fremantle - Alma & Skinner Street Records7CEM1839WA
FREMANTLE CEM'Founders & Felons7CEM1840WA
FREMANTLE CEM'Statesmen & Scholars7CEM1841WA
FREMANTLE CEM'Heroes & Humanitarians7CEM1842WA
FRYThe FRYs of Shenfield and Crendon4BIO2179
G/BUSHES PSFrom Slates to Silicon chips6BIO2019S/W
G/S 1st 1829-41Cattle Chosen. G/S 1829-18416HIS1435G/S
G/S GROUP 20A Tribute to the Group Settlers6HIS2397G/S
G/S LOCATIONSGroup Settlement Locations & Various6GUI2510G/S
G/S PIONEERSPioneers: Early History6HIS1434G/S
GABBEDY J BGroup Settlement Part 1. It's Origins by J.P.Gabbedy6HIS1437G/S
GABBEDY J BGroup Settlement Part 2. It's Origins by J.P Gabbedy6HIS1438G/S
GADSDENGadsden The First Hundred Years7HIS1608
GARDINER J & J150th Anniv Reunion 1992 Jesse and Jane GARDINER4BIOO745
GARDNER GGeorge GARDNER Portrait by a Friend6HIS2210S/W
GASCOYNEGascoyne Days6HIS1420N/W
GASCOYNEThe Long Road North, Gascoyne Trading6HIS2011N/W
G'BUSHES SCH'From Slates to Silicon Chips G/Bushes P/S 1893/19936BIO2019S/W
G'BUSHES SCH'From Slates to Silicon chips6EDU1825
GEE/TRUSLOVEThe "Caroline"150 Yrs in WA of GEE & TUSLOVE Fam'4BIO2018
GEELONG/CORN'Geelong Cornish Record of 19th Cen't Families2HISO464
GEELONG/CORN'The Geelong Cornish - Geelong F/Hist Group2JOUO464CON
GEELONG/CORN'The Geelong Cornish - Geelong F.H.G2JOUO464CON
GEELONG/CORN'The Geelong Cornish - Geelong Fam/Hist/Group2JOUO464CON
GEN' CON' RT'N 1937General Return of Convicts in NSW 18374IMMO845
GEN DEBRETT'SDebrett's Family Historian1GUIO442
GEN RESEARCHTrace Your Family Tree1GUIO450
GEN' RESEARCHWorldwide Family History3GUI2241
GENONIGrandmother & The Prince4BIO2207
GER' 1870-1970Europe & the Modern World3HIS 2299EUR
GER' RESEARCHIn Search of European Roots3GUI2297EUR
GERALDTONRoundabout Geraldton & Victoria District 6HIS1370N/AG
GERALDTONSaddle In the Kitchen6HIS1786N/AG
GERALDTON MIL'RAAF Historical Record - Training School Geraldton WA5MIL2274
GERALDTON MIL'World War II Geraldton 1941-19455MIL2278
GERALDTON RAAFRAAF Historical Record- Training School5MIL2274WA
GERALDTON RAAFWorld War 11 Geraldton 1941- 19455MIL2278WA
GERMANYGermany - Around the World Program3HIS O483GER
GERMANYGerman English - English German3DIRO484GER
GERMANYEnglish Deutsch - Deutsch English3DIRO485GER
GERMANYIn Search of Your German Roots3GUIO486GER
GERMANYTracing Your German Ancestors3GUIO487GER
GERMANYHow to Trace Your German Ancestors3GUIO488GER
GERMANYGuide for Germany3GUI2341GER
G'FIELDS CTRGoldfields Reflections6HIS1429CTRL
G'FIELDS WOM'Daughters of Midas6HIS1269EG/E
G'FLDS 1890-96Mates & Gold6HIS1276EG/E
G'F'LDS PICT'ALChook on Sundays6HIS1938EG/E
GHOST TOWNSGhost Towns of the North Country6HIS 1288EG/E
GIBLETTDingup House4BIO2310S/W
GIBLETTDingup House4BIO2310S/W
GILT DRAGONThe Gilt Dragon Incident4IMMO911
GINGINNeergabby History of Moore River6HIS 1375N/AG
GINGINGingin 1830-19606HIS 2081N/AG
GIPPSLAND CEM'Lonely Graves - G/Fields & Greater Gippsland7CEM1710VIC
GIPPSL'D LAKESThe Gippsland Lakes7HIS1601
GLENELGHistoric Glenelg - Birthplace of SA 1855-19797HIS1676
GLOUCESTORGloucestershire F/Hist Soc Journal2JOU2238GLS
GLOUCESTORGloucestershire F/Hist Soc Journal2JOU2238GLS
GLOUCESTOREdge of the Sword2HISO278GLS
GNOWANGERUPGnowangerup. The Town. My Story6HIS 1253S/AG
GNOWANGERUPThe Fruit of the Country6HIS 1256S/AG
GOLD FEVERThe Roaring Nineties6HIS1907EG/E
GOLD TOWNSWest Australian Gold Towns & Settlements Vol 16HIS2535
GOLD TOWNSWest Australian Gold Towns & Settlements Vol 26HIS 2536
GOLD/GASCOYNEGold in the Gascoyne6HIS 1425N/W
GOLD/TYPHOIDGold and Typhoid6HIS2351EG/E
GOLDEN WESTThe Golden West & How It Was Discovered6HIS1831EG/E
GOLDF'DS 1852/70Where they Lie - Early Burials in Goldfields7CEM1707VIC
GOLDINGA Proud Heritage. Hist of GOLDING & AUSTIN Families4BIO2501S/W
GOLDING/AUS'NA Proud Heritage. History of GOLDING & AUSTIN Fam'4BIO2501S/W
GOLD'N PI'LINEGolden Pipeline Heritage Trail6HIS2414
GOLDSMITHRitualist on a Tricycle 1880-1920 6HIS1808
GOOLWASouth Coast Story. Hist of Goolwa 7HIS2206
GORDON ADAM LColonial Poets - Adam Lindsay GORDON4BIO2133
GORMANNo Music by Request - Portrait of the GORMAN Family4BIOO717
GOSSThe GOSSes. An Anglo - Australian Family 4BIOO718
GOULBURNDescendants of Goulburn & Dist. Pioneers7REG2021
GOV'T GAZETTEWA Government Gazette 1836-18391CENSUS1352
GRANDMAWe Should Have Listened to Grandma1GUI2343
GRAVE HISTORYA Grave Look at History7CEM1713
GRAVE HUMOURA Small Book of Grave Humour2HIS1727UK
GRDGenealogical Research Directory -1981 Aus Ed 1DIRO119
GRDGenealogical Research Directory -1981 Aus Ed 1DIRO120
GRDGenealogical Research Directory -1982 1DIRO121
GRDGenealogical Research Directory - Mid 19841DIRO122
GRDGenealogical Research Directory - 19851DIRO124
GRDGenealogical Research Directory - 19861DIRO125
GRDNational Research Directory - 19871DIRO127
GRDGenealogical Research Directory - 19871DIRO128
GRDGenealogical Research Directory - 19881DIRO130
GRDGenealogical Research Directory - 19891DIRO131
GRDGenealogical Research Directory - 19901DIRO132
GRDGenealogical Research Directory - 19911DIRO133
GRDGenealogical Research Directory - 19921DIRO134
GRDGenealogical Research Directory - 19931DIRO135
GRDGenealogical Research Directory - 19941DIRO136
GRDGenealogical Research Directory - 19951DIRO137
GRDGenealogical Research Directory - 19961DIRO138
GRDGenealogical Research Directory - 19971DIRO139
GRDGenealogical Research Directory - 19981DIRO140
GRDGenealogical Research Directory - 19991DIRO141
GRDGenealogical Research Directory - 20001DIRO142
GRDGenealogical Research Directory - 20011DIRO143
GRDGenealogical Research Directory - 20021DIRO144
GRDGenealogical Research Directory - 20031DIRO145
GRDGenealogical Research Directory - 20041DIR1762
GRDGenealogical Research Directory - 20051DIR1904
GRDGenealogical Research Directory - 20061DIR2013
GRDGenealogical Research Directory - 20071DIR2172
GREECELet's Go Greece3GUIO502GRC
GREECEGreece- The Unclouded Eye3HIS O503GRC
GREECEA History of Greece3HIS O504GRC
GREECEThe Greeks & Their heritage3HIS O505GRC
GREECEThe Greeks & The Sea3HIS O506GRC
GREECEGreece - Guide to History & Mythology3HIS O507GRC
GREECEThe Isles of Greece3HIS O508GRC
GREECEThe Falsification of Macedonian History3HIS 2260GRC
GREENBUSHESFrom Slates to Silicon Chips Greenbushes P' Sch4BIO2019S/W
GULGONGWritten In Gold - Story of Gulgong7HIS2384
GWALIASons of Gwalia Goldmine6HIS1297EG/E
H.M.A.S. MK 111H.M.A.S. MK 111. The 3rd RAN Book5MIL1131
HAHNDORFAn Essentially German Village7HIS2242
HAHNDORFA College in the Wattles 7HIS2252
HALL BENBen HALL Country7HIS1534
HALL SARAH TSarah Theodosia & HALL Family4BIOO719
HALLETTWoolsheds & Railheads. Hallett Area 1GUI2222
HAMERSLEYAdventure in Iron. Hamersley's 1st Decade6HIS1358PIL
HAMERSLEYHamersley From the Old Iron Chest4BIOO721
HAMMONDRemembered With Pride Aust Gold Digger5HISO975
HANGINGSThe Hangman's Diary3HISO466
HARRIS VERAEvery Life A Picture4BIOO722
HARVEYThe Story of Harvey6HIS2143S/W
HARVEY CEM'Harvey and Districts Cemeteries7CEM1763
HARVEY CEM'Harvey and Districts Cemeteries7CEM1763WA
HARVEY CENT'RYShire of Harvey Centennial Book 1895-19956HIS2182S/W
HARVEY SHIREReflections Within The Harvey Shire.6HIS2460S/W
HARVEY SHIREHeritage Within the Harvey Shire.6HIS2461S/W
HASLUCK APortrait With Background. Alexander Hasluck6HIS1197S/W
HAWES MONSIG'Monsignor HAWES Heritage Trail 6HIS2193N/AG
HAWKESBURYMacQuarie Country7HIS2385
HAWKESBURYHawkesbury Journey7HIS2386
HAY SAMUEL Gathered Threads2HISO424SCT
HAY ST- KAL'On the Game6HIS1922EG/E
HEATHCOTEMcIvor - Hist of Shire & Township of Heathcote 7HIS1602
HELENAThe Helena Story6HIS1310PER
HEYFIELDHeyfield 1841-1991 A Pictorial History7HIS1616
HEYSENHEYSEN of Hahndorf7HIS1677
HILLISESHILLISES - Scattered Twice4BIO2358
HILLMANThe Hillman Diaries6HIS1877
HISTORY GRAVESA Grave Look at History7CEM1713NSW
HOBARTHobart Town7HIS1574
HOBART 1858 ROLL1858 Valuation Roll for the City of Hobart Town7CEN1814
HOLBROOKFriday Mount- 1st Settlement of Holbrook7HIS1538
HOLLANDCollins Dutch Phase Book3DIRO497 NLD
HOLMAN ADAMemoirs of a Premier's Wife6HIS1908
HOLMES A C'TUndaunted4BIO2422
HOME ' PEACELady Onslow's Legacy 6HIS2069
HOMESOur Beautiful Homes - Edwardian Age5HIS1583
HOSPITALS S/WNorthcliffe Karri Pigeon Special. District Hospitals6HIS2490S/W
HOSPITALS S/W Northcliffe Karri Pigeon Special. District Hospitals6HIS2490G/S
HOTELS HIST'"Time, Gentlemen" A History of the Hotel Industry in WA6HIS1260EG/E
HUNTER RIVERAustralia's Hunter River Valley7HIS1539
HYDENThe History of Hyden6HIS2209C/AG
HYDEN60 Years in Wave Rock Country6HIS2217C/AG
ICELANDLet's Visit Iceland3HIS O498ISL
IMM 4TH FLEETFourth Fleet Families4IMM2449
IMM ASIANAsian Immigrants in Western Australia 1829-19011IMMO947
IMM GERMAN The Germans in WA Innovaters, Immigrants, Internees4IMMO945
IMM REGISTERThe Pioneer Register4IMM2450
IMM UKEmigrants and Expats4IMMO948
INDEX-VOL 1 TO 25The Ancestral Searcher - Vol 1 to 25ArchiveDIR1790
INDIA OFFICEIndia Office Library and Records3GUIO481
INVERCLYDEInverclyde - Guide 1999-20002GUIO438SCT
IPSWICH 1904Citizens of Ipswich 19047ELE2189
IPSWICH REGISTERIpswich & District Pioneer Register pre 19507DIR1663
IRE HISTORYA Short History of Ireland2HISO396IRI
IRE RESEARCHTracing Your Ancestor in Northern Ireland2GUIO391IRI
IRE RESEARCHYour Family History2GUI O394IRI
IRE RESEARCHIrish Research Compendium2GUIO395IRI
IRI - CONARY HALLThrough The Clouds of Change Parish Records 12HIS2503IRI
IRI - CONARY HALLThrough The Clouds of Change Parish Records 22HIS2504IRI
IRI - GRIFFITHSPocket Guide to Griffiths Valuation/ & Sources8GUI1744IRI
IRI ATLASA New Genealogical Atlas of Ireland2ATLO356IRI
IRI ATLASLet's Go Ireland2ATL1849IRI
IRI CHUR' GRAVESGuide to Irish Churches & Graveyards2CEMO362IRI
IRI DICTIONARYA Topographical Dictionary of Ireland Vol 22DIRO360IRI
IRI DICTIONARYA Topographical Dictionary of Ireland Vol 12DIRO361IRI
IRI HERITAGEHeritage, A Visitors Guide2GUIO381IRI
IRI HERITAGEIreland - Heritage Trail2GUIO386IRI
IRI HIST' SOURCESIrish Records - Sources For Family & Local Hist2DIRO365IRI
IRI INDEX 1851Gen Alpha Index to Townlands/Towns/Parishes2DIRO364IRI
IRI LDS GUIDEGeneral Research Guide for Ireland : LDS2GUI2373IRI
IRI PARISH REG'SDirectory of Parish Registers: Indexed in Ireland2DIRO372IRI
IRI POETRYThe Tricolour Poems of the Irish Revolution2GEN2283IRI
IRI REGISTERSGuide to Irish Parish Registers2CEMO363IRI
IRI REPUBLIC OFTracing the past - Republic of Ireland2GUIO390IRI
IRI RESEARCHIreland Research File1RESOO71IRI
IRI RESEARCHDirectory of Irish Fam/Hist Research No 18 19962DIRO367IRI
IRI RESEARCHDirectory of Irish Fam/Hist Research 2DIRO368IRI
IRI RESEARCHDirectory of Irish Fam/Hist Research No 212DIRO369IRI
IRI RESEARCHThe Ancestor Trail in Ireland2GUIO377IRI
IRI RESEARCHIntro to Irish Research- Beginners Guide2GUIO378IRI
IRI RESEARCHHow to Trace your Irish Ancestors A-Z2GUIO382IRI
IRI RESEARCHBasic Facts About Irish Fam/Hist Research2GUIO385IRI
IRI RESEARCHIrish Genealogy - A Record Finder2GUIO387IRI
IRI RESEARCHIrish Genealogy - A Record Finder2GUIO388IRI
IRI RESEARCHIn Search of Ireland2HIS1999IRI
IRI RESEARCHTracing Your Irish Ancestors2GUI2062IRI
IRI RESEARCHHandbook of Irish Genealogy2GUI2192IRI
IRI RESEARCHBurkes Introduction to Irish Ancestry2GUI2226IRI
IRI RESEARCHTracing Your Irish Ancestors2GUI2433IRI
IRI RESEARCHIrish Genealogy - A Record Finder2GUI2434IRI
IRI SONGSSongs of the Irish Republic2GEN2286IRI
IRI SURNAMESSurnames in Ireland2DIRO359IRI
IRI SURNAMESIrish Surnames & Posssible Locations A-Mc2DIR2513IRI
IRI SURNAMESIrish Surnames & Posssible Locations M-Z2DIR2514IRI
IRI TO AUSTHarps in the Mulga2GUI1791IRI
IRI TO AUST'LIAFrom Shamrock to Wattle2GUIO380IRI
IRI WEB RESEARCHA Family History on the Web2GUIO384IRI
IRI/AUST/NZIrish Families in Aust & NZ 1788-1985 Vol 22DIRO357IRI
IRI/AUST/NZIrish Families in Aust & NZ 1788-1983 Vol 12DIRO358IRI
IRI/AUST/NZIrish Families in Aust/NZ Vol 4 R-Z 1788-19942DIRO366IRI
IRISH The Great Shame - Irish in the Old & New World4IMM1886
IRISH CONVICTSConvicts & Exiles From Ireland 1791 - 18204IMMO839
IRISH CONVICTSIrish Convicts - Origins Transported to Aus4IMMO840
IRISH IN AUSTThe Irish In Australia5HIS2025
IRISH IN WAHarps in the Mulga - Irish in WA2GUI1791
IRISH PROTracing Your Ancestors in the PRO2GUI2436IRI
IRISH STORIESVanishing Ireland2BIO2488IRI
IRISH/AUST & N.Z.Irish Families in Australia & N.Zealand M-Q2DIR1861
IRISH/AUST & N.Z.Irish Families in Australia & N.Zealand R-Z2DIR1862
ISLE OF MANThe Manx Family Tree8GUI2108IOM
ISLE OF WIGHTIsle of Wight Family History Society (& MAP)8JOU2361IOW
ISLE OF WIGHTIsle of Wight Family History Society (& MAP)8JOU2361IOW
ISLE OF WIGHTIsle of Wight Family History Society8JOU2361IOW
Ist FLEET MANIFESTIst Fleet Passenger Manifest4IMMO902
Ist FLEET RETURNThe Return of the First Fleet4IMMO927
ITALIAN POW'sItalian Farming Soldiers-POW's 1941/475MIL1089
ITALIANS AUS/NZHow to Trace Your Italian Ancestors in Aus/NZ3GUIO526
ITALYThe Land of Italy3HIS 2233ITA
ITALY Seaside Resorts in Italy3GUIO527ITA
ITALY/AUST/NZHow to Trace Your Italian Ancestors in Aus/NZ3GUIO526ITA
JACKSON E SErnest Sandford JACKSON Pioneer Surgeon Australian4BIOO723
JARDEEThe Mill That Cheated Time6HIS2350S/W
JARRAHDALEThe Mills of Jarrahdale 1872-19726HIS1227S/W
JEFFERY UUranie and Her Shoemaker4BIO2273
JEWISH ANCEST'My Ancestor Was Jewish2GUIO215UK
JEWISH JOU 1990/93Aust. Jewish Historical Society Vol11 1990/931JOU1973
JEWISH JOU 1993Aust. Jewish Historical Society Vol12 Part 11JOU1974
JEWISH JOU 1993Aust, Jewish Historical Society Vol11 Part 61JOU1975
JEWISH JOU 1994Aust. Jewish Historical Society Vol 12 Part 21JOU1976
JEWISH JOU 1994Aust. Jewish Historical Society Vol 12 Part 31JOU1977
JEWISH RESEARCHA Guide to Organising your Jewish F H Records3GUI2495
JEWISH RESEARCHGenealogical Res Within the Jewish Family3GUI2496
JINDERAJindera - A Town and its People7HIS1540
JITARNING SCHJitarning School 1913-19506EDU1519
JOADJAThe Story of Joadja. Mittagong.7HIS2277
JOADJA 1870-1911Joadja Creek Shale Oil Town & its People7HIS2276
JOHANNSENA Son of "The Red Centre"4BIOO724
JONES CLEMPioneers & Progress6HIS 1390C/AG
JONES W & TDescendants of Walter & Tabitha JONES4BIO2475
KADINAKadina. A Second Look7HIS1668
KAL' N'S/PAPERThe Voice of the Goldfields - Kalgoorlie Miner6HIS1271EG/E
KAL TWO-UPHeads & Tails. Kalgoorlie Two Up School6HIS1281EG/E
KAL' WATER Origins of the E/G Water Scheme6HIS1284EG/E
KALAMUNDAA Line On Kalamunda6HIS2076PER
KALBARRIKalbarri - Oral History 1951-20016HIS1837N/AG
KALG'-BOULD'The Glittering Years 1907-19286HIS2004EG/E
KALGOOR' CEM'Kalgoorlie Cemetery Heritage Walk Trail 20047CEM2197
KALGOORLIEThe Fabulous Golden Mile6HIS1261EG/E
KALGOORLIEThe Fields in Photos - Kal. - Coolg. 1892-19126HIS 1272EG/E
KALGOORLIE The Mile That Midas Touched6HIS1273EG/E
KALGOORLIEIn Old Kalgoorlie. Pictorial6HIS2483EG/E
KALGOORLIE CEM'Kalgoorlie Cemetery Heritage Walk Trail 20047CEM2197WA
KALUMBURUKalumburu-Benedictine Mission 1908/756AB/HIS1497WA
KAMBALDAGold Finds Near Kambalda6HIS1262EG/E
KAMMANNA KAMMANN Family 100 Years in Australia4BIO2118
KANGAROO ISL'Kangaroo Island 1800-18367HIS1680
KANOWNAThe White Feather6HIS1265EG/E
KATANNINGKatanning - A Century of Stories 6HIS 1248S/AG
KATANNINGA Place to Meet6HIS 1249S/AG
KATHERINE The Katherine Region7HIS2396
KATHERINE WOMENWomen of Katherine7HIS1559
KATIKATITales of Old Katikati3HISO523
KELLERBERRINA Man His Dog & A Dead Kangaroo6HIS2399C/AG
KELLY NEDNed Kelly (Large Book)5HISO969
KELLY NEDNed Kelly (Large Book)5HIS1053
KELSEY DUDLEYThe Shackle - Dudley Eban KELSEY7HIS1565
KENT SHIREHistory of the Shire of Kent6HIS 1245S/AG
KENTISHSocial History of Kentish Municipality 7HIS1995
KENWICK CEM'Kenwick Pioneer Cemetery7CEM1739
KENWICK CEM'Kenwick Pioneer Cemetery7CEM1739WA
KENWICK CEM'Kenwick Pioneer Cemetery7CEM1739VIC
KIANDRAHistoric Kiandra7HIS1541
KIDMAN SKIDMAN - The Forgotten King4BIOO725
KINGIA SCH'The Kingia - Bunbury Senior High School 19666EDU1516
KINGUSSIE/CAMENKingussie & the Camen2HISO429SCT
KIRKYARDSN/East Scotland Kirkyards (75 books)2CEM2448SCT
KITTOFam Hist of James & Jennifer KITTO4BIO2154
KITTOKITTO Family History 1996 Updated 20054BIO2155
KLEMThe KLEM Family in Australia 1856-19824BIOO726
KNAPWho'd Be a Farmer's Wife?4BIOO727
KOJONUPFirst the Spring6HIS 1250S/AG
KOND'N -HYD'NKondinin-Kalgarin-Hyden. Community Time & Place6HIS 1393C/AG
KOOKYNIEKookynie to Keysbrook6HIS1285EG/E
KOOKYNIENorth Eastern Goldfields From Kookynie to Laverton6HIS1294EG/E
KOOKYNIE/NIAGKookynie Niagra6HIS2415EG/E
KOORDAFrom Afar A People Drifted6HIS1898C/AG
KUKERINBeyond The Fence6HIS 1247S/AG
KULINKulin In the Making6HIS 1295C/AG
KULINA Bold Yeomanary 1949-19706HIS 1394C/AG
KULIN SCH'Kulin D.H. School Insignia 1916-19916EDU1520
KULIN SCHOOLKulin School Journal 1916-19496EDU1920
KUNDIPKundip 1901-20016HIS1286EG/E
KUNJINKunjin - It's Early History6HIS2084C/AG
KURANDA RAILWAYCairns Kuranda Railway 1882-18917HIS1657
KURANDA RAILWAYCairns Kuranda Railway 1882-18917HIS2254
KWINANAKwinana "Third Time Lucky"6HIS2110PER
KWINANAKwinana "Third Time Lucky"4BIO2406
KYNETONHistoric Kyneton7HIS1636
LADY JULIANAGenealogical Society of Tasmania 19917HIS1579
LAKE MAGENTAMemories of Lake Magenta6HIS 1255S/AG
LANDSDALELandsdale - The First 100 Years 4BIOO786
LAWRENCELAWRENCE (Laurence) from Scotland to Swan River Colony4BIOO729
L'DERRY MINELondonderry - The Golden Hole6HIS2327EG/E
LDS LIBRARYLibrary Guide to LDS Family History Library1GUIOO36
LEE ADAPioneer's Story4BIOO730
LEFROYFrom Ireland to Western Australia 1842 to 19604BIO1774N/AG
LEFROY G de CFrom Ireland to WA 1842-1960 LEFROY4BIO1774N/AG
LEFROY G de CThe Journal of Gerald De Courcy LEFROY4BIO2403
LEICESTORLeicestershire Marriage Index 1801-1837 A-E2DIRO187LEI
LEICESTORLeicestershire Marriage Index 1801-1837 F-KL2DIRO188LEI
LEICESTORLeicestershire Marriage Index 1801-1837 L-R2DIRO189LEI
LEICHARDT LThe Mystery of Ludwig Leichardt5HISO968
LEONORALeonora & Gwalia6HIS1888EG/E
LETTSOMLettsom ( John Coakley)2HISO294UK
LEWIS ESS'TONThe Steel Master - Essington LEWIS4BIOO703
LEXTON SHIREA Valley of the Finest Description 7HIS1622
LINCOLNSHIRELincolnshire Windmills : Old Picture Cards2GUIO212LIN
LINCOLNSHIREBoston - Lincolnshire2HISO271LIN
LINCOLNSHIRELincolnshire - the Kings England2HISO293LIN
LLOYDSLloyds Marine Collection at Guildhall Library4IMMO914
LOCKELOCKE Family History4BIOO731
LOG/LOGS 3 VOLSLog of Logs Vol 1.2 & 34IMM1933
LONDONLondon Encyclopedia2DIRO198LND
LONDONA History of London Life2HISO283LDN
LONDON Life In Victorian London2HISO295LDN
LONDON - BURKESBurkes Family Index2DIRO184LND
LONDON - KEWThe Story of Kew - London2GUIO211LND
LONDON ATLASNicholson London Streetfinder3ATLO662LDN
LONDON ATLASLondon A-Z Street Atlas & Index3ATL1809LDN
LONDON CHURCH'City of London Churches2HISO276LDN
LONDON DIRECT'SRoyal College of Physicians- London 1518-17002DIRO201LND
LONDON FREEMENMy Ancestors Were Freemen - City of London2DIR2288LND
LONDON GRAVESFamous London Graves2HIS1725UK
LONDON GUIDE Guide Book to London2ATLO620LDN
LONDON POLLPoll Book 1696-1872. London.2GUIO233UK
LONDON RECORDSLondon Record Office2GUIO232 UK
LONELY GRAVESMore Lonely Graves of Western Australia7CEM1717WA
LONELY GRAVESLonely Graves of WA7CEM1718WA
LONELY G'VESMore Lonely Graves of Western Australia7CEM1717
LONELY G'VESLonely Graves of WA7CEM1718
LOW COUNTRIESLow Countries- Holland,Belgium,Luxembourg3GENO496NLD
LUMPERS UNIONRecords of the Lumpers Union 1907 - 1970's4IMMO904
M' MAGNET SCH'Mt Magnet School6EDU1521
MACQUARIELachlan Macquarie4BIO2336
MAFFRAMaffra - Past and Present7HIS1629
MAFFRA AG' SHOWMaffra's First Agricultural Show 18887HIS1781
MAFFRA BOWLSThe Green Years - Maffra Bowls Club 1921-19837HIS1782
MAFFRA HIS' SOC'I Remember' Maffra & District Historical Society7HIS1783
MAFFRA SHIREMaffra Shire Council7HIS1780
MAIN ROADSBush Tracks to Bitumen6HIS2223S/W
MALACCA CEM'SChristian Cemeteries & Memorials in Malacca7CEM1722ASIA
MALDONThe Essential "Maldon"7HIS1610
MALLEE SCH'LSMallee Schoolday Memories6EDU2364EG/E
MALLEE SCH'SMallee School Day Memories6ED2364EG/E
MANJ' BRI'TOWNBattlers, Bushmen & Drovers. Manjimup/Bridgetown4BIO2485S/W
MANJ' TOBACCOManjimup Tobacco Industry6HIS2309S/W
MANJIMUP100 Years of Manjimup Shire4BIO2308S/W
MANJIMUPMemories of Manjimup4BIO2311S/W
MANJIMUPFrom the Horse & Cart to the Aeroplane. Jim MUIR.4BIO2487S/W
MANJIMUPHistory in the News. Manjimup and Districts6HIS2489S/W
MANJIMUP100 Years of Manjimup Shire4BIO2308S/W
MANJIMUPMemories of Manjimup4BIO2311S/W
MANJIMUP G/SMiddlesex Memories (Middlesex & Smith Brook)6HIS2199G/S
MANJIMUP RAILThe Manjimup-Northcliffe Railway Line6HIS2205S/W
MANJ'UP B'TWNBattlers, Bushmen & Drovers. Manj'up & Bridget'n4BIO2485S/W
MANNOCK MICKKing of Air Fighters.Bio of Major Mick Mannock5MIL1085
MANX RESEARCHThe Manx Family Tree8GUI2108UK
MAORI DICT'NARYConcise Maori Dictionary3DIRO516
MAPLE-BROWNAn Australian Country Life4BIOO732
MARBLE BARGold Dust & Iron Mountains6HIS2142PIL
MARBLE BARTo The Bar Bonded6HIS2296PIL
MARENGONews From Marengo7HIS2355
MARG' RIVERThey Came to the Margaret 6HIS1777S/W
MARINONIThe MARINONI Family. 100 Years in Australia4BIO2446S/W
MARINONIThe MARINONI Family 100 Years in Australia4BIO2446
MARITIME HISTA Maritime History of Australia 4IMMO779
MARLSTON HILLMarlston Hill & All That6HIS1178S/W
MARQUISMarquis Memories4BIOO734
MARTELLA GGiuseppe and Family4BIO2171
MARX BRUNOHow I Remember My Life3BIOO663
MASONIC L'DGERichmond Lodge-50th Anniv. Masonic Lodge6HIS1306PER
MAY JOHNJohn MAY Relates His Experiences4BIOO735
MCCASKILL DAll Things to All People - Life of Rev'd Don McCASKILL4BIO2404
McCOURTJames McCOURT & Connections4BIO1929
McMAHONA Remarkable Convict Woman4BIO2528
MECKERING PSMeckering Primary School 1896-19966HIS2515C/AG
MECKERING PSMeckering Primary School 1896-19966EDU2515C/AG
MEDICAL DICT'RYBalliere's Medical Dictionary2GEN2455
MEEKATHARRAMeekatharra - End of the Earth6HIS1838CTRL
MELB OLD CEM'The Old Melbourne Cemetery 1837-19227CEM1704
MELB'NE ATLASMelbourne Street Directory3ATLO629
MELB'NE ATLASBlair's Guide to Melbourne & Victoria3ATLO644
MELVILLE CITYA City For All Seasons6HIS2012PER
MENTAL PATIENTSBurials & Mental Patients Estates7CEM1703SA
MENZIESNo Sign of the Times6BIO2326EG/E
MENZIES R G Sir R MENZIES - The Measure of the Years4BIO2218
MERCY SCHChannels of Mercy-Mercy Schools in SW of Australia6EDU1514
MERCY SCH'Pathfinders in Education-Sisters of Mercy Bunb 1883-19836EDU1515
MERCY SISTERSA Good News - Mercies Sesqui Centenary 1831-19816HIS1466
MERCY SISTERSValiant Women-Sisters of Mercy in 1845-18496HIS1477
MERREDINHistory of the Merredin District6HIS 1395C/AG
METEOROLOGYThe Origins of Autralian Meteorology5HIS1024
METHODIST ANCES'My Ancestor Was Methodist2GUIO216UK
METHODIST ANCES'My Ancestor Was Methodist2GUIO217UK
MID' RAIL' WORKMidland Railway Workshops6HIS2407PER
MIDLANDCentenary of Midland6HIS1308PER
MIDLAND R'WAYRailway History of Midland Junction6HIS1309PER
MIL' 1946As You Were. 19465MIL1147
MIL' 1949As You Were. Services at Home & O/seas 19495MIL1149
MIL' 1950As You Were. 19505MIL1148
MIL' AFTER 1945Stand Easy. After the Defeat of Japan 19455MIL1146
MIL' ARMY OVERS'SSoldiering On. Aust Army & O/seas5MIL1144
MIL' ARMY OVERS'SSoldiering On. Aust Army & O/seas 19425MIL2264
MIL' ARMY RES'Tracing Your Family History: Army5MIL1101
MIL' AUS MEDALSMedals to Australia - with valuations5MIL2430
MIL' AUS/NZ REC'DSTrace Your Military Ancestors in Aust/NZ5MIL1094
MIL' BATTYE LIBR'YOur Military Ancestors 5MIL1107
MIL' BLITZBoy in the Blitz5MIL1086
MIL' BOANS WWIBoans to the Battlefields 5MIL1058
MIL' COMMEM'Australia Remembers5MIL1117
MIL' CORVETTESCorvettes: Defending Aust in her darkest hour5MIL 2491
MIL' DESERTERSThe Deserters5MIL1081
MIL' DESERTERSArmy Deserters from H.M.Service Vol 1 1853/585MIL1122
MIL' DIGGERSDiggers- Army, Navy, Air Force in 11 years5MIL1142
MIL' DISPATCHESFrontline Dispatches Aus at War 1845-19725MIL1120
MIL' DISPATCHESMentioned in Dispatches - WW15MIL1121
MIL' DISPATCHESHappy Dispatches5MIL1140
MIL' DISPATCHESFront Line Dispatches5MIL1992
MIL' ENGINEERSCorps of Royal Aust Engineers 1939-19455MIL1143
MIL' FEMALE DOC'TMatilda Waltzes with the Tommies5MIL1079
MIL' H.M.A.S.H.M.A.S.5MIL1125
MIL' H.M.A.S. MK 11H.M.A.S. MK 11 The 2nd RAN Book5MIL1145
MIL' H.M.A.S. MK 1VH.M.A.S. MK 1V5MIL1139
MIL' HISTORYAustralia at Arms5MIL1157
MIL' HISTORYOfficial History of Aust in the War 1914/18 Vol 45Mil1159
MIL' HISTORYOfficial History of Aust in the War 1914/18 Vol 55MIL1160
MIL' HISTORYOfficial History of Aust in the War 1914/18 Vol 65MIL1161
MIL' HON'RS/AW'DSAust Roll of Honor, Nat Honors & Aw'ds1975/96 5MIL2072
MIL' ILLUSTRATIONSArmy Australia - Illustrated History5MIL1116
MIL' KHAKI & GREENKhaki & Green. Army at Home & O/seas5MIL1135
MIL' LAND ARMYUntil The Boys Return. Women's Land Army5MIL2431
MIL' LIGHT HORSELight Horse - Australia's Mounted Troops5MIL1123
MIL' M/NAVY RES'Tracing Your Family History: Merchant Navy5MIL1103
MIL' MEDALSFor Distinguished Conduct & Notorious Service5MIL2195
MIL' MEDICAL OFF'RRecollections of a Regimental Medical Officer5MIL1082
MIL' MUSEUMSGuide to Military Museums5MIL1097
MIL' NAVAL HISTNaval Records for Genealogists5MIL1847
MIL' NEW GUINEAWar in New Guinea and Yanks & Aussies in Battle5 (Box)MILO776
MIL' NURSES While History Passed. Aus Nurses (Prisoners)5MIL 2432
MIL' NURSES WW1Nightingales in the Mud of Gt War 1914/155MIL1072
MIL' NZ CON' PARTYSing As We Do. Kiwi Concert Party 1941/435MILO525NZ
MIL PICTORIALAustralia at War Pictorial History 1939/45 Vol 55MIL1155
MIL' PICTORIALAustralia at War Pictorial History 1939/45 Vol 15MIL1151
MIL' PICTORIALAustralia at War Pictorial History 1939/45 Vol 25MIL1152
MIL' PICTORIALAustralia at War Pictorial History 1939/45 Vol 35MIL1153
MIL' PICTORIALAustralia at War Pictorial History 1939/45 Vol 45MIL1154
MIL' POW'sPOW Prisoners of War 5MIL1063
MIL' POW'sPrisoners of War from Gallipoli to Korea5MIL1093
MIL' R/NAVY RES'Tracing Your Family History: Royal Navy5MIL1102
MIL' RAAFThe Eagles. Story of the RAAF at War5MIL1133
MIL' RAF RES'Tracing Your Family History: Royal Air Force5MIL1104
MIL' RES' FILEMilitary Research File5MILO774 WA
MIL' RESEARCHMilitary Research File5MILO774
MIL' RESEARCHArmy Records for Family Historians5MIL1095
MIL' RESEARCHGeneral Guide to Collections & Archives5MIL1109
MIL' ROLLS.MEDALSAustralian Commonwealth Horse5MIL1119
MIL' S.A. VOLUN'South Australian Military Volunteers 18555MIL1105S.A.
MIL' SA CASUALT'S S.A.Casualties of WW15MIL1106S.A.
MIL' SERVICE 1941Active Service 19415MIL1132
MIL' SERVICES 1947As You Were/ Aus Services at Home & O's 19475MIL1128
MIL' SERVICES 1948As You Were/ Aus Services at Home & O's 19485MIL1129
MIL' SIGNALSSignals. Australian Corps of Signals5MIL1130
MIL' SOUTH AFRICAAust Mil Contingents-War in South Africa5MIL2421
MIL' SOUTH PACIFICJungle Warfare. Aust in the South Pacific5MIL1134
MIL' STORIES WW1The Australian People & The Great War5MIL2063
MIL' TRIUMPHAustralasia Triumphant5MIL1066
MIL' UNIFORMSUniforms of the Australian Colonies5MIL1118
MIL' VETERANS BIO'Diggers & Mates-WW1 Veterans Bio's5MIL2423WA
MIL' VOLUNT'R DEF'On Guard. Volunteer Defence Corps5MIL1138
MIL' WAR MEMOR'LAustralian War Memorial5MIL1100
MIL' WHO's WHO Who Was Who in WW25MIL1124
MIL' WW1Complete Illustrated History of WW15MIL2509
MIL WW11The Marshall Cavendish Encyclopedia Vol 25MIL2263
MIL' WW11The Marshall Cavendish Encyclopedia Vol 15MIL2262
MIL' WW2 RESCUELucky 73- USS Pampanito Rescue of POW's5MIL2493
MILLIGANEarly Days of MILLIGAN Family 1859-19774BIO2290S/W
MILLIGANEarly Days of MILLIGAN Family 1859-19774BIO2290S/W
MINGENEWMingenew 1846-19866HIS1773N/AG
MISSING PERSONSearching for Tony3GUI2253
MISSING SHIPSVanished Fleet-Aus C'st Pas Ships 1910-19604IMMO932
MISSIONARIESThe Rock and the Sand6HIS1479
MITTAGONGMittagong's Picturesque History7HIS2261
MOIGNARDMOIGNARD Family & The Church of Christ4BIO2389
MOIR SAGAThe Continuing MOIR Saga6HIS 1884S/AG
MOONTAAustralia's Little Cornwall 7HIS2230
MOONTA/KADINAMoonta Wallaroo Kadina Sketchbook7HIS1675
MOORATracks Through the Midlands6HIS2183N/AG
MOORE RIVERSort Of A Place Like Home6AB/HIS1503WA
MOR'HAMSTEADMemories of Moretonhamstead2HIS2438DEV
MORN'TON MILLSMemories of Mornington Mills6HIS 1224S/W
MOTOR HISTORYFour Wheeled Pioneers6HIS2408
MT BARKERWhat We Were/Church Parish of Mt Barker6HIS 1246S/AG
MT BARKERThe Way to St Werburgh's 6HIS1890S/W
MT GAMBIERMount Gambier - The City Around a Cave7HIS1682
MT GAMBIER CEM'Mount Gambier Cemetery Indexes7CEM1700
MT GAMBIER CEM'Mount Gambier Cemetery Indexes7CEM1700SA
MT MAGNETDrawn to Mt Magnet6HIS 1431CTRL
MT MAGNETGateway to Gold6HIS1278EG/E
MT MARGARETMt Margaret & Districts6HIS1296EG/E
MT MORGANBlack Gold & Intrigue - Story Of Mt Morgan7HIS1644
MT NEWMANThe First 500 Million - Mt Newman Story6HIS1359PIL
MT NEWMANThe First 500 Million6HIS1365PIL
MT ROYAL HOSP'Mount Royal Hospital - A Social History7HIS1604
MUIR A & ESettlers Footprints from Star. MUIR Family4BIO2124
MUIR JIMFrom The Horse & Cart To The Aeroplane4BIO2487S/W
MUIR JOCKSettlers, Fishers & All Sorts4BIO2506S/W
MUIR JOCKSettlers. Fishers and All Sorts4BIO2506S/W
MUJA COALHebe - The Black Jewel6HIS1205S/W
MUKINBUDINMukinbudin Memories6HIS1404C/AG
MULGOA CHURCHSt Thomas' Church Mulgoa 1838-19887HIS1548
MULGRAVE SHIREPictorial History of Mulgrave Shire 1880-19807HIS1653
MULLERThe MULLER Family in Australia4BIO2271
MULLEWAWildflower Country6HIS2177N/AG
MUMBA' NOGG'Timber & Two Up6HIS1223S/W
MUNDARING WEIRMundaring Weir Among The Hill6HIS1311PER
MURCHISONRoad to the Murchison6HIS1430CTRL
MURRAY DIST'Murray District of WA6HIS1220S/W
MUSGROVEA Short History of Somerset Family of MUSGROVE4BIOO739
MYOLA SCH'Myola-Perth College-Schools of the Sisters of the Church6EDU1522
N.T. 1838 - 1839Forsaken Settlement of Victoria,Pt Essington 7HIS 1874
N.T. FAR NORTHThe Territory. Classic Saga of Aust. Far North7HIS1566
N.T. HISTORYThere's Nowhere Like our own Territory7HIS2395
N.T. RESEARCHNorthern Territory Research File1RESOO74
N.T. SHORT HIST'Far Country - Short History of the N.T.7HIS1562
N.T.CEM' BOOKNorthern Territory Cemetery Book No 17CEM1697
N.T.FLYING DOC'The Flying Doctor Story7HIS1909
N.T.POLICE FORCEPatrol Indefinite - The N.T.Police Force7HIS1563
N.Z BEGIN' GUIDEFam Hist Res in N.Z. A Beginners Guide3GUIO520
N.Z. ATLASShell Road Maps of New Zealand3ATLO650
N.Z. CONCERT Sing As We Do - Concert Party 1941-433MILO525
N.Z. EVENTSGreat Events In New Zealand History3HISO521
N.Z. GENEALOGISTThe N.Z. Genealogist - 14 Book3HIS 2196
N.Z. HANDBOOKNew Zealand Handbook3GUIO519
N.Z. PIONEERNew Zealand3HIS1906
N.Z.CEMETERIES .New Zealand Cemetery Records. Holdings List3CEM1723
N.Z.GUIDEThe New Zealand Guide3GUIO518
N.Z.RESEARCHTracing Family History in New Zealand3GUIO517
N.Z.SHORT HIST'A Short History of New Zealand3HISO524
N/AG HOMES'DSHomesteads of the Mid-West6HIS1373N/AG
N/CLIFFE-PEMBNorthcliffe & Pemberton6HIS1442G/S
N/W DIOCESESpinifex Saints The Diocese Of North WA 1910-19856HIS1280EG/E
N/W SETT'MENTThe Challenge & The Chance6HIS1850N/W
NAMESNames for the Australian Baby1GUIOO90
NAMESThe Guinness Book of Names1GUIO458
NAMESThe Great Aus & NZ Book of Baby Names1GUIO459
NAMES BOOKThe Guiness Book of Names1GUIO458
NANNUPPass the Jam Please. HUTCHINS6HIS1216S/W
NAREMBEENNarembeen - Golden Jubilee 1924-19746HIS 1397C/AG
NAREMBEENNarembeen District History6HIS 1408C/AG
NAREMBEENSeed Time & Harvest6HIS2086C/AG
NARINGAN'LOOKNaringaningalook 'meeting of many waters'7HIS1617
NARROGINEarly Day of Narrogin & Districts 6HIS 1396C/AG
NARROGINThe Way Through - Story of Narrogin6HIS 1399C/AG
NARROGINWolwolling Reflections - Highbury Early Days6HIS1405C/AG
NARROGINDescendants of GRAHAM- Eyre to Narrogin 1877-20076BIO2270C/AG
NARROGINMemorial 11. Narrogin & WW 115MIL1059WA
NARROGINMemorial 1. Narrogin & WW 115MIL1060WA
NARROGIN BIO'Rushy Pool Ramblings (Dorothy Borthwick)4BIOO752C/AG
NARROGIN MIL'Memorial II Narrogin and WWII5MIL1059
NARROGIN MIL'Memorial I Narrogin and WWII5MIL1060
NARROGIN SCH'Narrogin Primary School 80th Year Celebrations 6EDU1523
NAT' ARCHIVESFinding Families - Guide to National Archives1GUIOO45
NAT DIRECTORYNational Research Directory - 19851DIRO123
NAVAL RECORDSNaval Records for Genealogists5GUI1847
NEDLANDSNedlands - From Campsite to City6HIS1312PER
NEDLANDSAsteroids on the Swan. Early Development of Nedlands6HIS1313PER
NEW GUINEAWar in New Guinea. Yanks & Aussies in Battle5MILO776
NEW NORCIAThe Story of New Norcia6HIS1377N/AG
NEW NORCIAThe Story of New Norcia6HIS2144N/AG
NEW NORCIAA Town Like No Other6HIS2332N/AG
NEWCASTLE Pioneers of Newcastle NSW7HIS1546
NEWCASTLE 1901Index to Names from Fed Dir/Newcastle & Dist7DIRO101
NEWDEGATENewdegate 1922-19726HIS2494S/AG
NFK COLONIAL CEMColonial Era Cemetery7CEM1694NFK
N'FOLK TO TAS'Nfk Isl Embark to Van Diemans Lnd 1807/134IMMO926NFK
NIAGRAAn Historical Study - Niagra6HIS1264EG/E
NICKEL/GOLDNickel Country - Gold Country6HIS 1277EG/E
NON-CONFORMISTMy Ancestor Was Non-Conformist2GUIO218UK
NON-CONFORMISTMy Ancestor Was Non-Conformist2GUIO220UK
NOONGAR WOMENSouthwest Noongar Women6AB/HIS1504WA
NOR' TERRITORYNorthern Territory7HIS1561
NORFOLKThe Parish Registers of Diss 1551-18372DIRO194NFK
NORFOLKBibliography - Norfolk2DIR2294NFK
NORFOLKThe Howards of Norfolk2HISO286NFK
NORFOLK Norfolk Record Office2GUIO239NFK
NORFOLK CEM'Colonial Era Cemetery - Norfolk Island7CEM1694NFK
NORFOLK CEM'Colonial Era Cemetery of Norfolk Island7CEM1694
NORFOLK HISTORYRamblers Guide to Norfolk Island7GUI1543
NORFOLK HISTORYBuilding Norfolk Island7HIS1544
NORFOLK ISLEBuilding Norfolk Island7HIS1544NFK
NORFOLK TO TAS'NFK Emb to Van Dieman's Land 1807-18137IMMO926
NORFOLK TO TAS'Nfk Embark to Van Deimans Lnd 1807/134IMMO926
NORMANS LAKENormans Lake - A Collection of Memories6HIS 1252S/AG
NORMANTONNormanton Centenary 1868-19687HIS1654
NORSEMANA Western Gold Rush 1936-19516HIS2202EG/E
NORTH WESTThe New Frontier - Australia's Rising North West6HIS1367PIL
NORTHAM/KAT'NNortham - Katrine Heritage Trail6HIS 1398C/AG
NORTHAMPTONEvery Year the Christmas Bush6HIS1378N/AG
NORTHAMPTONNorthampton 1848-20006HIS2251N/AG
NORTHCLIFFENorthcliffe Remembers6HIS1827G/S
NORTHCLIFFENorthcliffe Remembers6HIS1827S/W
NORTHCLIFFEThe Northcliffe Experience4BIOO682
NORWEGIAN S/WThe Norwegian Connection6HIS1174S/W
NORWICHIndex to Norwich City Officers 1453-18352DIRO195NFK
NSW 1814 CENSUSCensus of NSW 18147CENO353
NSW 1814 MUSTERGeneral Muster of NSW 18147CENO346
NSW 4th FLEETFourth Fleet Families4IMM2449
NSW ARCH' OFFICEThe Archives Office of NSW Research Kit1GUIOO60
NSW ASS'TED IMMIndex to Asstd Imm Arr Moreton Bay 1848-18594IMMO937
NSW ASS'TED IMMIndex to Asstd Imm Arr Port Phillip 1839-18514IMMO938
NSW ASS'TED IMMIndex to Asstd Imm Arr Sydney 1844-1859 A-F4IMMO939
NSW ASS'TED IMMIndex to Asstd Imm Arr Sydney/Newcastle G-M4IMMO940
NSW ASS'TED IMMIndex to Asstd Imm Arr Sydney/Newcastle N-Z4IMMO941
NSW ASS'TED IMMIndex to Asstd Imm Arr Sydney 1860-18794IMMO942
NSW ASS'TED IMMIndex to Asstd Imm Arr Sydney 1880-18964IMMO943
NSW B.D.M'sBorn in the English Coloney of New South Wales7HIS2538
NSW CHILD MIGR'SThe Children's Friend Society4IMMO944
NSW COL' SEC'Y Ind Papers of NSW Colonial Sec'y 1788-18257CENO352
NSW COLON'L LIFEColonial Life in NSW7HIS1536
NSW COLONYThis Peculiar Colony7HIS1915
NSW CONVICTSConvicts Arriving in Australia 1794-18004IMMO847
NSW CONVICTSConvicts Arriving in Australia 1801-18054IMMO848
NSW C'T REC'DSC't Rec's Ind pre 1900 Picton Vol 5 1863-18657DIRO109
NSW C'T RECORDSCourt Records Index pre 1900 Vol 3 1840-18577DIRO104
NSW CWA HIST' Serving the Country - History of CWA in NSW7HIS1550
NSW FEM' CON'SThe Women of Botany Bay4IMM1532
NSW GAOL INMAT'STracing Gaol Inmates4IMMO878
NSW MUSTERMusters & Lists NSW & Nfk Isl 1800-18024CENO347
NSW MUSTERMusters & Lists NSW & Nfk Isl 1805-18064CENO348
NSW MUSTERGeneral Musters NSW/Nfk/Van Deimans4CENO349
NSW MUSTER 1822Gen' Must's & Land Stock Must's NSW 18227CENO350
NSW PARISH REG'RParish Register in Australia7HIS1686
NSW PASS' LISTSIs Yours an "SS" Gt Britain Family 1852-18754IMMO929
NSW PICTONC't Rec's Ind pre 1900 Picton Vol 7 1880-18837DIRO102
NSW PICTONC't Rec's Ind pre 1900 Picton Vol 6 1866-18747DIRO103
NSW PICTONC't Rec's Ind pre 1900 Picton Vol 4 1858-18627DIRO105
NSW PICTONC't Rec's Ind pre 1900 Picton Vol 2 1833-18397DIRO106
NSW PICTONC't Rec's Ind pre 1900 Picton Vol 1 1829-18327DIR O107
NSW PIONEERS INDNSW Pioneers Index 1788-1918 a GuideM/FICHEGUI1761
NSW RC REC'DSThe Catholic Records Index 2nd Edition7DIRO108
NSW RESEARCHNew South Wales Research File1RESOO77
NSW SCONEMoving Images and The Theatre7HIS2539
NSW STATE LIB'Pathfinder No 2 1GUIOO59
NSW/NFK ISLANDMusters & Lists NSW & Nfk Island 1800-18027CENO347NFK
NSW/NFK ISLANDMusters of NSW & Norfolk Island 1805-18067CENO348NFK
NSW/NFK/VAN DGen' Must of NSW, Nfk & Van Die's Land 18117CENO349NFK
NSW/TAS MUSTERSMusters - NSW, NFK Van Dieman's Land 18114CENO349NSW
NSW1985 DIREC'YUBD Sydney Street Directory 19853ATLO642
NULLARBORThe Nullarbor Plain6HIS2367EG/E
NULLARBORVerse From the Nullarbor6HIS2369EG/E
NURSES AUST'Scarlet Pillows6HIS1787
NURSES ENRO'The Enrolled Nurse 6HISO865
NURSING ARMYReminiscences of an Australian Army Nurse4BIOO793
NYUNGARNyungar Tradition of S/W 1829-19146AB/HIS1499WA
OCCUPATIONSHow to Find Occupational Records in Aust1GUIOO50
OFFER C & DBrookside - The Life & Family of C & D OFFER4BIOO741
O'KEEKERailways & Pastures 4BIOO743
OLD ERNIEBy Bread Alone5HISO970
OLD MELB' CEM'The Old Melbourne Cemetery 1837 - 19227CEM1704VIC
OLD MELB' GAOLThe Old Melbourne Gaol7HIS1993
ONE NAME STUDIESRegister of One Name Studies - 19901DIRO439
ONSLOWA Walk Around Old Onslow6HIS1423N/W
OPERA (LYSTER)The Golden Age of Aust. Opera 1861-18805HIS1047
O'REILLY BGreen Mountains7HIS1658
O'RIELLYWA's Great Escape 4BIOO742
O'SEAS RES' FILEOverseas Research File1RESOO70
OTWAYNotes on the Otway7HIS1632
OUTBACK HEROESOutback Heroes5HIS1852
OUTBACK PIL'Call of the Outback6HIS1362PIL
OUTBACK ST'NSSome Ghosts, Some Not6HIS1364PIL
OVERLANDERSThe Overlanders5HIS1042
OXFORD LIT' GUIDEOxford Literary Guide to The British Isles2DIRO191UK
OXFORDSHIREOxfordshire & Buckingham Lt Inf 1917/185MIL2281
PAKISTANPakistan Around the World Program3GENO499PAK
PALGARUPReflections of Yesteryear6HIS2211S/W
PALGARUP SCH'Palgarup School - In Retrospect6HIS2212S/W
PALMERSTON CEMPalmerston Pioneer Cemetery7CEM1698NT
PALMERSTON CEM'Palmerston Pioneer Cemetery7CEM1698
PAR' H'NDBOOKParliamentary Handbook - WA 19841INDEX1461
PARISHES - BOYD'SA List of Parishes in Boyd's Marriage Index2DIR2289UK
PARKER The House of Northbourne PARKERs4BIO2005
PARKFIELDShipping - Parkfield4IMMO951
PARKHURST CONRegister of Parkhurst Convicts Apprenticed in WA 1842-18514IMMO853
PARSONSRockingham' Rock-Bottom Rock-Solid4BIO2402
PAYNEBrave Hearts4BIO2017
PAYNE GEOThe History of the Descendants of George PAYNE4BIOO746
PEACH BILLAustralia Wide With Bill Peach5HIS2115
PEDLERPEDLERs of Australia4BIO2477
PEEL REGIONMandurah & The Murray 1829-19006HIS1217S/W
PEMBERTONPhoebe Remembers 6HIS1440G/S
PEMBERTONTale of a Groupies Son. Group 896HIS1441G/S
PEMBERTONTall Trees & Tall Tales. Stories of Old Pemberton6HIS1222S/W
PEMBERTON"Rosevale" - Pemberton. The Early Years6HIS2175S/W
PER' FRE' 1955Plan For Metro Region Perth & Fremantle 19556HIS1321PER
PER' FRE' HIST'A Concise History of Perth & Fremantle6HIS1320PER
PER SKETCHB'KPerth Sketchbook6HIS1317PER
PERENJORIGolden Opportunities6HIS 1380N/AG
PERTHVictorian & Edwardian Perth6GUI2306PER
PERTHMetropolitan Road Guide Perth3ATLASO630
PERTHPerth & All This6HIS1454
PERTH - 1956Visitors Guide to Perth - 19566HIS1319PER
PERTH 1976Metropolitan Street Directory Perth 19763ATLASO631
PERTH 1976UBD Street Directory Perth 19763ATLASO633
PERTH 1978Metropolitan Street Directory Perth 19783ATLASO632
PERTH 1998UBD Street Directory Perth 19983ATLASO634
PERTH ARC'VESGuide to Australian Archives :: Perth Collection1GUIOO47
PERTH CITYPerth & All This - Story About A City6HIS1454PER
PERTH CITYA City & It's Setting6HIS1876PER
PERTH PEOPLEThe People of Perth6HIS1315PER
PERTH STREETSThe Streets of Old Perth6HIS1316PER
PERTH to W/WAYThe Old North Road6HIS1981N/AG
PETERBOROUGHPeterborough Profile7HIS2180
PHILLIMORE'SPhillimore Atlas & Index of Parish Registers3ATLO613UK
PICTON P'SCH'Picton Primary School 1891-19916HIS2476S/W
PICTON SCH'Picton Primary School :: 1891-19916EDU1524
PIGGOTTAustralian PIGGOTT Family Tree6BIO2346S/W
PIGGOTTPIGGOTT History 1844-19794BIOO747
PIGGOTTAustralian PIGGOTT Family Tree4BIO2346
PIGGOTT BENTicket of Leave Men - Ben Piggott - Springhill4IMMO864
PIGOT DIRECTORYPigot Directory - Kent. Surrey. Sussex.2DIRO193UK
PILBARAPearl Shells & Pastures6HIS1416KIM
PILBARANor'Westers of the Pilbara Breed6HIS1424N/W
PILBARACyclone Coasts - Australia's NW Frontier6HIS1356PIL
PILBARAPilbara Journey. Through the 20th Century6HIS1360PIL
PILBARAPearl Shell & Pastures6HIS2008PIL
PINGARINGHistory of Pingaring 1923-19736HIS 1254S/AG
PINGELLYPingelly - Our People & Progress6HIS 1400C/AG
PINGELLYA Fortunate Life. A B FACEY6HIS 1401C/AG
PINJARRARails to Pinjarra - 100th Anniversary6HIS1218S/W
PINNACLE SCHOOLFrom The Pinnacle7HIS1643
PINSET HOTELThe Pinsent Hotel Since 18517HIS1634
PIONEER REG'RThe Pioneer Register4IMM2450
PIONEERSPioneers Country7HIS 1662
PIONEERS EG/EThe Forgotten Pioneers of the Eastern Goldfields7CEM2023EG/E
PIONEERS EG/EThe Forgotten Pioneers of the Eastern Goldfields7CEM2147EG/E
PIONEERS EG/EThe Forgotten Pioneers of the Eastern Goldfields7HIS2529EG/E
PODGERPODGER 1898 - 19984BIO2203
POLICE AUST'Police in Australia4IMMO874
POLICE TIM'R CKHistory of Policing in Timber Creek4IMMO879
POOLE G TGeorge Temple Poole Architect 1885-18976HIS2469
POPANYINNINGPopanyinning School Reunion 19896EDU2547C/AG
PORT ARTHURGhosts of Port Arthur7IMM2102
PORT DALRYMPLEThe Story of Port Dalrymple7HIS1575
PORT FAIRYA Holiday and Fishing Town - Port Fairy Vic7HIS1638
PORT HEDLANDTown of Port Hedland6HIS1361PIL
PORT PHILLIP GENTPort Phillip Gentlemen7HIS1609
PORTLANDPortlands Volunteer Rifle Corps 1859-18637MIL1625
PORTLANDPortland Now & Then 7HIS1641
PORTL'ND BATTERYPortland's Historic Battery7MIL1728
PORTUGALFodor's Portugal 19723GUI2237PRT
POW LOST AT SEAHeroes at Sea - Index Aus POWs lost at Sea5MIL1065
PRIMROSE BOBTall Timber, Brown Paper and Porridge6HIS2457S/W
PRINCESS ROYA Cargo of Women4IMM1531
PROSPECTINGWay to the Gold in WA6HIS1275EG/E
QLD AGRICULTUREHarvest & Headaches7BIO1650
QLD ATLASBrisbane Street Directory3ATLO641
QLD CANEThe Cordonnier7HIS1655
QLD GOLD TOWNSOld Gold Towns of Queensland7HIS1647
QLD HERITAGEBuilding Queensland Heritage7HIS1649
QLD MINING TOWNSOld Mining Towns of North Queensland7HIS1648
QLD NORTHMemories of Golden Gate, North QLD7HIS1779
QLD OUTBACK REGOutback QLD Pioneer Register Pre 19507DIR1664
QLD POSTAL HIST'Postal Pioneers7HIS1661
QLD RESEARCHQueensland Research File1RESOO76
QLD SOURCE B'KThe Queensland Source Book1GUI1355
QLD SQUATTERUp Rode the Squatter7HIS1659
QLD STATE LIBR'Unlocking the Past - State Library Resources1GUI1345
QLD SUGARPioneer Sugar Mill - 100 Years7HIS1651
QLD TO KIMB/LYTales of the Overland. Qld to Kimberley 18856HIS2116KIM
RAAFThese Eagles - RAAF at War5MIL1126
RAAFVictory Roll - The RAAF at War5MIL1127
RAILW'S M'BARMarble Bar to Mandurah6HIS2298PIL
RANGIATEA STORYThe Rangiatea Story3HISO522
RAVENSTHORPERavensthorpe Then & Now6HIS1287EG/E
RAVENSTHORPERavensthorpe - Then and Now6HIS1802S/AG
R'BOURNE GOALOld Roebourne Gaol6AB/HIS1511WA
RC CHURCH AUSOfficial Direct of Catholic Church of Aust 1981/21DIRO479
RENFREWSHIRERenfrewshire Mon Inscriptions Pre 18552CEMO405SCT
RESEARCH Sources in the ACT1GUIO52
RESOURCE LISTGenealogy Centre Resource List: Australasia1GUIOO64
REWELLThe REWELL Family History4BIOO748
RICE FAMILYThe Life & Times of the RICE Family4BIO2305S/W
RICE FAMILYThe Life & Times of the RICE Family4BIO2305S/W
RICHARDSON HA Pleasant Passage (the convict ship Sultana )4BIOO749
RIDDELLRiddells Village - Riddells Creek7HIS1603
ROBERTSRoberts - of Cornwall, England and Capel4BIOO744
ROCKINGHAMRockingham Looks Back 1829-19826HIS1322PER
ROELANDS AB"Seven Hills" Roelands Our Home6HIS2526S/W
ROGUES & MISFITSAustralians from Everywhere5HIS1008
ROOKWOODThe Sleeping City - Rookwood Necropolis7CEM1712NSW
ROOKWOOD CEM'The Sleeping City- Story Rookwood Necropolis7CEM1712
ROSEDALEThe Rosedale Story Vol 17HIS1611
ROSERIn Search of Elizabeth4BIOO751
ROTTNESTRottnest Island - History & Architecture6HIS1323PER
ROTTNESTRottnest: Links in History6HIS1324PER
ROTTNESTRottnest Island in History & Legend6HIS2194PER
ROYALTYThe Decades of Royalty6HIS2412
RSA 1820 SETTLERSThe Settlers Handbook List of 1820 Settlers3DIRO509RSA
RSA GUIDEThe Companion Guide to South Africa3GUIO514RSA
RSA GUIDE 1971Guide To South Africa 19713GUI2232RSA
RSA HISTORYSouth Africa, Past, Present & Future3HISO512RSA
RSA IMM 1857-67Aided Immigration from Britain to Sth Africa3IMMO946RSA
RSA KIMBERLEYHistory of the Kimberley Club - South Africa3HISO510RSA
RSA PICTORIALThe Pictorial History of South Africa3HISO513RSA
RSA RANDLORDSThe Randlords - The Men Who Made Sth Africa3HISO511RSA
RUSHTON GERT'The Clock of Time4BIOO753
S' RIVER COL'NYSwan River Colony6HIS1329PER
S' RIVER COL'NYMore A Symbol Than A Success6HIS1331PER
S/AG STORIESEchoes of the Past6HIS 1237S/AG
S/W AB' WOMENPortraits of the S/W-Aborigines, Women & Environment6HIS1215S/W
SA 1866 DIRECT'YWoods Pt & Gipp's General Directory 18661DIROO99
SA AB STUDIESIntroduction to Aboriginal Studies6HIS2394AB
SA BIO' INDEXBiographical Index of SA 1836-1885 No 11DIRO110
SA BIO' INDEXBiographical Index of SA 1836-1885 No 21DIRO111
SA BIO' INDEXBiographical Index of SA 1836-1885 No 31DIRO112
SA BIO' INDEXBiographical Index of SA 1836-1885 No 41DIRO113
SA BIO' INDEXBiographical Index of SA 1836-1885 No 51DIRO114
SA BIO' INDEXBiographical Index of SA 1836-1885 No 61DIRO115
SA BIO' INDEXBiographical Index of SA 1836-1885 No 71DIRO116
SA BIO' INDEXBiographical Index of SA 1836-1885 No 81DIRO117
SA BOOK 1 A-LSA 1836-18851DIROO92
SA BOOK 2 M-ZSA 1836-18851DIROO91
SA CHILD MIG'TSChild Migrants4IMM2345
SA COPPERArticles on Copper History & Towns7HIS2400
SA CORONERSCoroners Reports 1879-1899 No 11HIS1672
SA ELECTORALYorke Peninsula Vol 1 1878 Electoral Roll7ELE2265
SA FREE PASSAGEA Free Passage to Paradise7IMMO916
SA GEN' RES in WA SA Genealogical Sources in WA1GUI1926
SA HISTORYA Taste of History7HIS1681
SA INSTITUTIONSDeath in Public Institutions No 41HIS1673
SA LAND RETURNSSA Land Returns for 18431DIROO96
SA MARIT' MUSEUMSouth Australian Maritime Museum4IMM1997
SA MENTAL EST'SMental Patients Estates1HIS1671
SA MENTAL P'TSBurials & Mental Patients Estates 7CEM1703
SA MIL'VOL'S 1855South Australian Military Volunteers for 18557MIL2531
SA NOTICESRegister Personal Notices 1866-1870 Vol 3 1DIROO93
SA NOTICESRegister Personal Notices 1836-1859 Vol 11DIROO94
SA NOTICESRegister Personal Notices 1860-1865 Vol 21DIROO95
SA NOTICESRegister Personal Notices Amended Index Vol 31DIROO98
SA OBIT'SYorke Peninsula Obit & Death Notices 1872/74 7CEM2266
SA OBIT'SYorke Peninsula Obit & Death Notices 18757CEM2267
SA OBIT'SYorke Peninsula Obit & Death Notices 18767CEM2268
SA OBIT'SYorke Peninsula Obit & Death Notices 1877 7CEM2269
SA PASS'ER LISTSPioneers & Settlers. Passenger Lists 18364IMM2441
SA PASS'ER LISTSPioneers & Settlers. Passenger Lists 18374IMM2442
SA PASS'ER LISTSPioneers & Settlers. Passenger Lists 18384IMM2443
SA PASS'ER LISTSPioneers & Settlers. Passenger Lists 18394IMM2474
SA PASS'ER LISTSPioneers & Settlers. Passenger Lists 18404IMM2499
SA PICTORIALAustralia's Little Cornwall7HIS1674
SA PLACE NAMES The Place Names of South Australia1GUI2304
SA RESEARCH FH Sources in Official Records of SA1GUIOO61
SA RESEARCH Ancestors in Archives/State Records of SA1GUIOO62
SA RESEARCH Sources for SA History1GUIOO63
SA ROAD GUIDEBailliere's SA Gazetteer & Road Guide1ATL1792
SA S.E CEM' INDSouth East Cemetery Indexes7CEM1701
SA SCH' OF MINESSA School of Mines Annual Report 19437HIS1684
SA SHIPPINGSouth Australian Shipping4IMMO898
SA SHIPS 1836-50Migrant Ships for South Australia 1836-18504IMMO923
SA SHIPS 1836-60Migrant Ships for South Australia 1836-18604IMMO922
SA WEEKLY TIMESThe Bible of the Bush 7HIS1584
SALE CEMETERYMonumental - Sale Cemetery Memories7CEM1735
SALVADOLord Abbott of the Wilderness 4BIOO754
SALVADOThe Salvado Memoirs6HIS1878
SANDAKAN"Sandakan" - The Last March5MIL1061
SANDSTONESandstone - As I Remember It6HIS1775CTRL
S'BUN' F'BALLThe South Saga. Hist of Sth Bunbury Football Club6HIS2497S/W
S'BUN' F'BALLThe South Saga- Sth Bunbury Football Club 1897-19766HIS2497S/W
SCARB' SH SCH'Scarborough Senior High School6EDU1525
SCH' OF THE AIRKimberley School Of The Air6EDU2257KIM
SCHINNICKSchinnick. From Cork to Australind & Beyond4BIO2482S/W
SCHNAARSThe Fire In Their Hearts - Schnaars (Snars) Fam4BIO2478
SCHOOL CENT'YAustralian School Centenary 6EDU2330AUS
SCHOOL FILELever Arch Files -Various Schools6EDU1921
SCHOOL OF AIRKimberley School of the Air - 1988 Annual Magazine6HIS2257KIM
SCOTT J & HA Brief History of John & Helen SCOTT4BIOO756
SCOTT J & HBunbury's First Settlers. John & Helen SCOTT4BIO2541S/W
SCT - SROTracing Your Scottish Ancestors in the SRO2GUIO417SCT
SCT 1696 CENSUSN/East Scotland 1696 (57 books)2CEN2447SCT
SCT CLANSTales of the Scottish Clans2HISO435SCT
SCT CON'S IMM'Hist & Guide to Tracing Convicts & Immigrants2GUIO428SCT
SCT DEBRETTDebrett's Family Historian1GUIO442SCT
SCT DICTIONARYScots-English/English-Scots Dictionary1DIROO88SCT
SCT DICTIONARYDictionary of Scottish History2HIS2032SCT
SCT GAZETTEERA Genealogical Gazetteer of Scotland8ATL1788SCT
SCT HARDSHIPSThe Highland Clearances2HISO427SCT
SCT HERALDRYThe Art of Heraldry1GUIO446SCT
SCT HERALDRYA Guide to Heraldry1GUIO488SCT
SCT HERALDRYLearning About Heraldry1GUIO449SCT
SCT HISTORYExploring Scottish History2DIRO423SCT
SCT HISTORYScotland - History of a Nation2HISO432SCT
SCT HISTORYScotlands Glory2HIS1770SCT
SCT HISTORYA Little History of Scotland2HIS2255SCT
SCT IMMIGRATIONFarewell to the Heather2IMM2507SCT
SCT ISLANDSScottish Islands2GUIO433SCT
SCT LOCAL HIST'Tracing Scottish Local History2HIS2030SCT
SCT MIL RES' SROA Military Source List - Guide to SRO Records2GUIO410SCT
SCT PARISH REG'SThe Parish Registers & Registrars2REG2037SCT
SCT PERTHGuide to Perth2HISO775SCT
SCT PHIL'MORE AT'Phillimore Atlas & Index to Parish Registers GENATL2173SCT
SCT PHIL'MORE AT'Phillimore Atlas & Index to Parish Registers 8ATL2291SCT
SCT REFERENCEA Semblance of Scotland2REF2014SCT
SCT RESEARCHScottish Research File1RESOO72SCT
SCT RESEARCHHow to Trace Scot/Ances- Aust Approach2GUIO408SCT
SCT RESEARCHMacRoots- How to Trace Scottish Roots2GUIO409SCT
SCT RESEARCHSources for Scottish Genealogy in Soc of Gen2GUIO411SCT
SCT RESEARCHIn Search of Scottish Ancestry2GUIO412SCT
SCT RESEARCHTracing Your Scottish Ancestors 2GUI2061SCT
SCT RESEARCHTracing Your Scottish Ancestry2GUI2138SCT
SCT SROTracing Your Scottish Ancestors in the SRO2GUI2031SCT
SCT SURNAMESThe Surnames of Scotland2DIRO406SCT
SCT VIDEOHow to Trace the Family Tree Scot/Ireland2GUIO179SCT
SEAFARERS ANCES'Trying to Find a Seafaring Ancestor4IMMO928
SELLENGER W CBig White Chief - William Charles Sellenger 1863-19454IMMO877
SERP' JA'DALEThe Serpentine. A History of Serpentine & Jarrahdale6HIS1800S/W
SHANNONShannon Times. History of a timber town.6HIS2429S/W
SHARD FAMILYConvict Beginnings. SHARD Family Tree 19964BIOO757
SHARK BAYThe Shark Bay Story6HIS1426N/W
SHARK BAYShark Bay Days6HIS1428N/W
SHARK BAYShark Bay Days6HIS 1895N/W
SHARK BAYShark Bay Legends6HIS2352N/W
SHAW ELIZASwan River Saga - Life of Eliza SHAW4BIOO783
SHEPHERDSONThe SHEPHERDSONS. Timber Milling 1849-1984 6HIS1228S/W
SHINNICKSHINNICK. From Cork to Australind & Beyond4BIO2482S/W
SHIP' RECORDSHow to Find Australian Shipping & Immigration Records 4IMMO887
SHIP WRECKSTreasure Lies Buried Here4IMMO912
SHIPPING 1803/33Shipping Arr & Dep Tas 1803-1833 Vol 14IMMO919
SHIPPING 1834/42Ship Arr & Dep Tas Gazetteer 1834-18424IMMO920
SHIPPING AUS/N.Z.Nat Register Shipping Arrivals Aust/N.Z. Vol 34IMMO931
SHIPPING AUS/N.Z. Nat Register Shipping Arrivals Aust/N.Z.4IMMO930
SHIPPING EG/EFirst There Came the Ships6HIS2371EG/E
SHIPS NAT' MUSE'MShips - National Museum4IMMO903
SHIPS PICTURESSailing Ships - Pictures4IMM2103
SHIPS RESEAR'Ships - Ships, Research, Types, Pictures etc4IMMO885
SHOALHAVENShoalhaven - History of the Shire7HIS1551
SHOALHAVENIndex to Deaths - Shoalhaven pre 19007CEM1693
SHOALHAVEN CEM'Index to Deaths Shoalhaven pre 19007CEM1693NSW
SIMONS J JThe Life Story of J J SIMONS - Founder of Y.A.L.4BIOO758
SLATTERY DANDan's Diary - Journey from Dardanup to S/Cross4BIO2505S/W
SLATTERY DANDan's Diary. From Dardanup to Southern Cross4BIO2505S/W
SNELL WThe Glassy Goanna6HIS1279EG/E
SNELL W AThe Glassy Goanna - Life of William Albert SNELL6HIS1357PIL
SOUTH EAST CEM'South East Cemetery Indexes7CEM1701SA
SOUTH PERTHHistory of South Perth6HIS1325PER
S'PERTH SCH'South Perth Primary School 1898-19986EDU1526
SPEYSIDESpeyside Monumental Inscriptions Pre 18552CEMO404 SCT
SPEYSIDESpeyside Monumental Inscriptions Pre 18553CEMO647SCT
SPICEFrom Sussex to the South Land4BIOO782
SQUATTERSThe Squatting Age in Australia 1835-18475HISO981
SS' CORWALLIn Time for Lunch 18984IMM1991
ST ARNAUDHistory of St Arnaud7HIS1613
ST GEO'S FRE'St George's Cathedral Fremantle6HIS1987PER
St JAME'S BDM'sSt James Blackiston 1847-19977JOU2428
ST JAMES CHURCHSt James Church7HIS1547
ST JOHN'S FRE'St John's Church, Fremantle6HIS1983PER
St MARY'S CONC'DThey Passed This Way7HIS1554
STAFF' CHOLERAChlolera - Staffordshire2GUI2316UK
STAFFORDSHIREStaffordshire Estate Maps Before 18402GUI2314STS
STAFFORDSHIREStaffordshire Estate Maps - Supplement2GUI2315STS
STAFFORDSHIREChildren in the Mines2GUI2317UK
STAFFORDSHIREStaffordshire Record Office2DIR2101STS
STAGE/SCREENStage Screen and Stars6HIS2413
STEVENSSTEVENS - Victoria to Western Australia4BIOO780
STEWART LTurning Back the Years - A True Story4BIOO781
S'THN CROSSHistory of Southern Cross6HIS1832EG/E
STIRLINGStirling , The Royal Burgh2HISO434SCT
STIRLING GR'NTSOriginal Crown Grants - 1833/446HIS1327PER
STRATHCLYDEStrathclyde Sources2GUIO416SCT
STRATHGORDONHydro-Electric Town - Strathgordon7HIS1578
STUART AGELives of the Stuart Age2HISO296UK
SUFFOLKThe Suffolk Landscape2HISO314SFK
SUFFOLKBury Street - Edmunds2HIS1768SFK
SULTANA'A Pleasant Passage (The convict ship Sultana)4IMMO869
SUNSET HOSP'The History of Sunset Hospital 6HIS1314PER
SURGEON'S LOGThe Surgeon's Log- Impressions of the Far East3BIOO664
SUTHERLAND H CHC Sutherland. An Early Swan River Official1HIS2405
SWA' RIV' BOOKSwan River Booklets 1 - 124IMM1345
SWAN DISTRICTShire of Swan Directory 1978/806HIS1338PER
SWAN DISTRICTThe History of Swan District 1843-19386HIS1339PER
SWAN RIVERSwan River Mania6HIS1333PER
SWAN RIVERSwan River - (Guide to Points of Interest) 1GUIOO65
SWAN RIVERWestern Australia in the Making4IMM1346
SWAN SKET' B'KSwan River Sketchbook6HIS1978PER
SYDNEYNo Survivors6HIS2418
SYDNEYSeeking The Sydney5HIS2338
SYDNEYNo Survivors. HMAS Sydney. 50 Year Mystery5MIL1141
SYDNEY 1819-1901Sydney Burial Ground 1819-19017CEM 1692
SYDNEY BURIALSSydney Burial Ground 1819 - 19017CEM1692NSW
SYDNEY COVELandmark of Old Sydney Cove 1810-18207HIS1542
SYDNEY WOMENWild Women of Sydney7HIS1820
TALGARNODoomed Talgarno7HIS1633
TAMMINWheat, Wool & Wodjil6HIS 2003C/AG
TAMMIN RC CH'A Journey in Faith - Tammin R.C. 1910/916HIS 1402C/AG
TANNER LETT'RSThe Tanner Letters 6HIS1332PER
TARTANS CLANSThe Scottish Clans and Their Tartans1GUIO413SCT
TARTANS/CLANSThe Tartans of the Clans & Families of Scotland2GENO436SCT
TAS CONVICTS Shadow Over Tasmania7HIS1577
TAS CONVICTSPort Arthur - The Convict Era Book 27HIS2249
TAS CONVICTSTranscribing Tasmanian Convict Records 4IMM2301
TAS CONVICTS Isle of the Dead4IMMO850
TAS EXPLORE Explore Tasmania7HIS1572
TAS FEMALE CON'SAnd Wretches Hang4IMM1885
TAS JOURNEY Tasmania Journey7HIS1581
TAS RESEARCHHistory Resources in Tasmania1GUIOO57
TAS RESEARCHTasmanian Research File1RESOO75
TAS RESEARCHHistory Sources in Tasmania 7HIS2353
TAS SHIPPINGShipping Arr & Dep Tasmania 1834-18427IMM1342
TAS SHIPPINGShipping Arr & Dep Tasmania 1834-18507IMM1343
TAS SKETCHBOOKHistorical Tasmania Sketchbook7HIS1573
TAS STORIESTasmania - Paradise and Beyond 7HIS1582
TAS WEST COASTTasmania's West coast - Then and Now7HIS1580
TATIARATatiara : The First 140 Years 1845-19857HIS1665
TAUNTONTaunton of Today2HISO316UK
TEA PLANTATIONSThe Trails of a Planter3HISO465
TENNANT CREEKOpened With A Crowbar7HIS1570
TENNANT CREEKTennant Creek Yesterday & Today7HIS2022
THE FIFTIESThe Fifties6HIS2409
THE ITALIANSThe Italians6HIS2417
THE SIXTIESThe Sixties6HIS2411
THEBARTONThebarton Cottage7HIS1669
THOMPSONChanging Fortunes4BIOO980
THREE SPRINGSCarridena. A History of the Three Springs Shire Area6HIS2080N/AG
THREE SPRINGSChildhood in Three Springs 6HIS 2191N/AG
TIMBER CREEKTimber Creek7HIS1567
TIMBER MILLERA Life of Contentment6HIS1801S/W
TIMBER MILL'RSPioneering in the Karri Country6HIS1211S/W
TIMBER MILLSSteam in the Forests6HIS1231S/W
TOLPUDDLE The Tolpuddle Martyrs5HISO988
TOM PRICEThe Man Who Matched A Mountain6HIS1363PIL
TOODYAYOld Toodyay & Newcastle6HIS 1403C/AG
TOOMEYThe Best of Both Worlds4BIO1795
TRADERS AUS/N.Z.Sail Traders - Australia & New Zealand4IMMO935
TREASURE SHIP'In Australia Treasure Is Not For The Finder4IMM2114
TRITTON H PTime Means Tucker7HIS1555
TROTTTROTT - WA's Anniversary Year 1829-19794BIOO787
TRUSTYShipping - Trusty4IMMO956
TUMUT PLAINSMemories of Tumut Plains7HIS1557
TUMUT SHIREPeople & Progress - Tumut Shire 1887-19877HIS1556
TURKEYAll of Turkey3GENO500TUR
TWIGG J HJames Hamilton TWIGG Exploits in Australia 1891-19074BIO2122
TWIGG J HJames Hamilton TWIGG Exploits in Africa 1907-19474BIO2123
TYNESIDECatherine Cookson Country2HISO277UK
UK 2014 BRIT ATLAS2014 Big Road Atlas of Britain3ATL2546UK
UK ALMANACKBolton Directory/Almanack 18492GUI2045UK
UK ANCES' HOMESAncestral Houses2HISO269UK
UK ARCHIVESIntroduction to Archives2GUIO235UK
UK ATLASAtlas of Great britain3ATLO610UK
UK ATLAS Atlas of Our Homelands3ATLO612UK
UK AUS' NZ RES'Tracing Your Family Tree1GUIOO42UK
UK BIOG' 1900 Concise Dictionary of Nat Bio Pt 1 19003BIOO835 UK
UK BIOG' 1901/50Concise Dictionary of Nat Bio Pt 2 1901/503BIOO836UK
UK BRIT/IRE ATLASAn Australian's Britain & Ireland3ATLO622UK
UK BRIT/IRE ATLASAn Australian's Britain & Ireland3ATLO651UK
UK BRIT/IRE ATLASRoad Atlas - Britain & Ireland8ATLO652UK
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UK BRITISH HISTGroundwork of British History2HISO302UK
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UK CHURCHYARDIn A Country Churchyard2HISO287UK
UK CLARK & PARKINIn Our Grandmother's Footsteps2HISO290UK
UK CLERICAL DIR'Crockfords Clerical Directory - 19303BIOO813UK
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UK CLERICAL DIR'Crockfords Clerical Directory - 1955/563BIOO815UK
UK CLERICAL DIR'Crockfords Clerical Directory - 1963/643BIOO816UK
UK CORONERSCoroners' Reports2GUIO249UK
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UK GAZETTEERGenealogical Gazetteer of England8DIR2213UK
UK GAZETTEERGenealogical Gazetteer of EnglandGENDIR2292UK
UK GAZETTEERBartholemew Gazetteer of Places in Britain3ATLO611UK
UK GAZETTEERGenealogical Gazetteer of England3ATLO617 UK
UK GT BRIT ATLASMotoring Atlas of Great britain3ATLO653UK
UK HEARTH TAXNorfolk & Norwich Hearth Tax Assessment2DIRO196NFK
UK HIGH SOCIETYIn Pursuit of Pleasure2HISO308UK
UK HIST' 1914-45English History 1914-19452HISO280UK
UK HISTORYSurvey of British History2HISO272UK
UK HISTORYMarten & Carter's History 32HISO297UK
UK HISTORYIn Search of England2HIS1998UK
UK HOTEL LICEN'SVictuallers Licences2GUIO260UK
UK HOTELSBritish History Through the Ages2HISO273UK
UK IMMIGRATIONImmigration to England 1100-19452HISO313UK
UK INDEXESSpecialist Indexes2GUIO234UK
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UK MARITIMEHull Maritime2GUI2043UK
UK MARRIAGESMarriage Records2GUIO244UK
UK MARRIAGESClandestine Marriages 1680-1754 Vol 12DIRO181UK
UK MARRIAGESClandestine Marriages 1680-1754 Vol 22DIRO182UK
UK MARRIAGESClandestine Marriages 1680-1754 Vol 32DIRO183UK
UK MATERNAL LINEResearching the Maternal Line2GUI2057UK
UK NATIONAL BIOG'Dictionary of National Biography 1951/603BIOO833UK
UK O/S RESEARCHSearching Overseas Guide to F/Hist Aus & NZ2GUIO176UK
UK OCCUPATIONSLondoners' Occupations2GUIO253LND
UK PARISH FINDERA Parish Finder for England3ATLO618UK
UK PARISH REC'DSParish Records2GUI2034UK
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UK PICTORIALStory of the British People2HISO312UK
UK POORAnnals of the Poor2GUIO246UK
UK PRIME MIN'SPrime Ministers2HISO306UK
UK PRIME MIN'SPrime Ministers2HISO307UK
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UK REG' DISTRICTSRegistration Districts8GUI1748UK
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UK RESEARCHFamily & Local History Handbook2GUIO168UK
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UK RESEARCHEngland & Wales Research File1RESOO73UK
UK RESEARCH PROTracing Your family History in the PRO2GUIO170UK
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UK SHOPPING HIST'History of Shopping2HISO284UK
UK SMUGGLINGSmuggling 1700-19702HISO310UK
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UK ST CATHERINE'SSt Catherine's House2GUIO240UK
UK SURNAMESThe Surname Detective2GUIO177UK
UK SURNAMESSurname Origins2GUI2042UK
UK SURNAMESA History of British Surnames3GUI2319UK
UK SURNAMESDictionary of Surnames3GUI2320UK
UK SURNAMESDictionary of Surnames3ATLO616UK
UK SURNAMESA Dictionary of English Surnames3ATLO619UK
UK TAX REC'S PROTudor Taxation Records - PRO2GUIO178UK
UK TOWNSBook of British Towns2HIS1913UK
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UK TRANSCRIPTSBishops Transcripts - Marriage Licences2GUIO245UK
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UK VILLAGESBook of British Villages2HISO270UK
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UK VILLAGESBritish Villages2HIS1911UK
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UK WILLS PRE 1858Wills before 18582GUIO236UK
ULSTER Book From the Ulster Historical Foundation2GUIO393IRI
ULSTER FAMILIAFamilia No 13. 1997 Ulster Genealog/Review2DIRO374IRI
ULSTER FAMILIAFamilia No 12. 1997 Ulster Genealog/Review2DIRO375IRI
ULSTER LIBRARIESUlster Libraries (Archives, Museums & Heritage)2GUI2435IRI
UNDERTAKERSThe Dismal Traders 1860 19397CEM1473WA
UNDERWOODThe UNDERWOOD's Lock, Stock & Barrel7HIS1558
UNDERWOODThe UNDERWOOD's Lock, Stock & Barrel4BIO2459
USA ATLASBig Road Atlas - USA, Canada, Mexico3ATLO656USA
USA GHOST TOWNSGhost Towns of the West3GUIO470USA
USA RESEARCHAncestry's Guide to Research3GUI2229USA
VIC 1883-1889The Rush to be Rich7HIS1598
VIC ASSISTED IMM'The Somerset Years - Assisted Emigrants4IMM1903
VIC BUSHRANGERSBushrangers of the North East7HIS1628
VIC CEM' TRUST Vic Cemetery Trust Secretaries7CEM1706
VIC CEM'SCemeteries - Victoria7CEM1705
VIC CEN' G'FIELDSGrave Reflections. Central Goldfields7CEM1709
VIC G'FIELDS BUR'SWhere They Lie. Burials Goldfields 1852-18707CEM1707
VIC GOLDDigging for Gold7HIS1585
VIC GOLD TOWNSMore Gold Towns of Victoria7HIS1586
VIC GOLDFIELDSVictorian Goldfields7HIS1589
VIC HISTORYLiving History of Victoria7HIS1605
VIC LA TROBE PROList of Holdings La Trobe & PRO 19851GUIOO53
VIC LONELY GRAV'Lonely Graves of Gippsland Goldfields7CEM1710
VIC MARINE BIRTHSMarine Births in Victoria from 1855-18694IMMO900
VIC PIONEER IND'The Victorians Pioneers Index 1837-1888 GuideM/FICHEGUIOO51
VIC POLICEPolice in Victoria 1836-19804IMMO868
VIC POLICE REC'SCops & Robbers - Guide To Police Records4IMMO872
VIC RESEARCHFamily & Local History Indexes in Victoria1GUIOO54
VIC RESEARCHFamily & Local History Indexes in Victoria 19907GUIOO55
VIC RESEARCHFamily & Local History Sources in Victoria 1GUIOO56
VIC RESEARCHVictorian Research File1RESOO78
VIC RESEARCHGenealogy Research in Victoria1GUIO777
VIC RESEARCHWAGS S.Aust Interest Group 7GUI1927
VIC SHIPWRECKSShipwrecks Along the Great Ocean Road4IMMO924
VICTORIA DISTAncient Landmarks6HIS1383N/AG
VICTORIA IMMIG'Shipping Arrivals & Departures VOL1 1778-18454IMM2512
VICTORIAN AGELife in the Country/ Victorian Age5HIS1009
VIETNAMDesperate Praise5MIL1080
W' TERRACE CEM'The Hist & Records of West Terr Cem Adelaide 7CEM1702
W.A.G.RailwaysStation Masters of Western Australia6HIS2542
WA - 19TH CEN' MAITLAND BROWN - View of 19th Century WA6HIS1382N/AG
WA C'NTRY DIR'UBD West Australian Country Towns 1973-1974 3ATLASO635
WA 1829-1979Western Australia 1829-19793ATLASO657
WA 1906Western Australia as it is Today - 19066HIS1803
WA 1992/93 DIR'The WA Municipal Directory 1992-19933ATLASO637
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WA AUTHORSWest Coast Stories6HIS1484
WA BURIAL INDEXWest Australian Burial Location Index7CEM1720
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WA CEM' LISTINGSWA Cemetery Listings7CEM2053WA
WA CEM' LIST'SWA Cemetery Listings7CEM2053
WA CEN' 18321st Census of Western Australia 18321CENO354
WA CEN' 1837Western Australia Census - 18371CENSUSO355
WA CEN' 18371837 Census WA1CENSUS2104
WA CIVIL SERV'The History of the Civil Service Assn of WA 1902-19796HIS1472
WA C'NTRY DIR'UBD WA Street Directory 2nd Ed (Country) 19923ATLASO640
WA COLONIALWestern Images6HIS`1451
WA CON' REC'S Convict Records of WA4IMM1931
WA CONVICTS Convicts in WA 1850-1857 Vol IX4IMMO855
WA CONVICTS Unwilling Emigrants4IMMO860
WA CONVICTS Convict Records of WA4IMMO861
WA CONVICTS Convict Fremantle 4IMM1930
WA COUNTRYCountry Images6HIS1458
WA CWAHer Name is Women - CWA6HIS1459
WA EARLYWestern Australian Readings 6HIS1485
WA EARLYWe Discovered an Island4IMMO909
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WA EDUCATIONCommemorative Album WA 1829-19796HIS1881
WA EDUCATIONThe Western State - Its People and Its Ports6HIS1917
WA EXECUT'NSLegal Executions in WA4IMMO873
WA FARMINGOn Farmers' Service6HIS2007
WA GENIE RES'Dead Reckoning1GUIOO66
WA GOLD STOR'Westward Gold6HIS 1274EG/E
WA GOVT' GAZ'Government Gazette - WA 19096HIS1113
WA GRAIN POOLThe Grain Journey6HIS2216
WA HIST SOURC'Sources For History of South Western Australia1GUI1789
WA HIST' SOURC'Sources For History of South Western Australia1GUI2489
WA HISTORYWA's Tempestuous History Vol 1 & 2 Omnibus6HIS1445
WA HISTORYWestern Australia6HIS1446
WA HISTORYWestern Australia 1829-19006HIS1453
WA HISTORYWestralian Voices6HIS1455
WA HISTORYA New History of WA6HIS1805
WA IMAGESWA - Images of the 20th Century6HIS1487
WA IMPRES'NSTwentieth Century Impressions of WA1GUIOO38
WA LANDM'KSWestern Landmarks6HIS1334PER
WA LOCAL HIST'Welcome to Local History1GUI1460
WA LOCALITIESWestern Australia Localities/Gazetteer3ATLASO639
WA MAIN R'DSServant of the State-History Main Roads Dept 1926-766HIS1471
WA MED' HIST'A History of Medicine in WA6HIS1462
WA MEDIC' SCH'The First Quarter Century. Faculty of Medicine WA6HIS2440
WA MUSEUMMemories of a Museum 1891-19916HIS1468
WA MUSEUMChallenge - A Story of 150 Years6HIS1469
WA MUSTERSAust Joint Copying Project - WA Musters, Returns, Pay Lists4IMMO875
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WA NEWSP'ERSThe Years of News - West Aust & Perth Daily News6HIS1475
WA PBSA Superior Kind of Savings Bank - Perth Building Society 6HIS1465
WA PHARMACYA History of Pharmacy in WA6HIS1464
WA PICT'N LOCK'Index to Entrance Book Picton Lock Up 1845-18614IMMO870
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ZUYTDORPThe Wreck of the Zuytdorp4IMMO913

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