!st FLEET PEOPLE 1788 - The People of the First Fleet 4 BIO O934
1000 AUSTRALIANS 1000 Famous Australians 4 BIO O808
11th A/ASIAN CONG' 11th A/Asian Congress on Genealogy 1 JOU 2099
13 STORIES Victorian Murderesses (French & English) 3 BIO O667
1788-1820 REGISTER 1788-1820 Association's Pioneer Register Vol 1 7 HIS 2548
17th INF' BRIGADE The 17th Australian Infantry Brigade 5 MIL 1067
18th CENTURY Everyday Life in the 18th Century 3 HIS O300
1929-1940 Who Was Who Vol 3 4 BIO O834
1992 REFERENCE The 1992 Genealogical Contact Reference 1 GUI OO19
1992 REFERENCE The 1992 Genealogical Contact Reference 1 GUI OO19
1st FLEET CRIMES The Crimes of the First Fleet Convicts 4 IMM O842
1st FLEET PEOPLE The People of the First Fleet -1788 4 IMM O841
2/16th BATTALION 1,000 Men at War 5 MIL 1084
2/28th The 2/28th 5 MIL 1076
2/28th The Second 28th. Famous of the 9th Aust Div 5 MIL 1077
2/40th BATTALION Doomed Battalion Aust 2/40th Batt 1940/45 5 MIL 1075
2/6th BATTLION Nothing Over Us - 2/6th Infantry Battalion 5 MIL 1110
2194 DAYS OF WAR 2194 Days of War 5 MIL 2151
21st REGIMENT Conquest and Settlement 5 MIL 1069
26TH North of the 26th 6 HIS 2227 PIL
26th NORTH North of the 26th 6 HIS 1422 N/W
2nd FLEET Second Fleet Families of Australia 4 IMM O843
2nd FLEET The Second Fleet 1790 4 IMM O844
3 STATE CORNER Aust Geographic Corner - Qld NSW & SA 5 HIS 2113
3rd FLEET The Third Fleet Convicts 4 IMM O846
5 VARIOUS CEM'S Cemeteries - Victoria 7 CEM 1705 VIC
AB 1788-1939 Aborigines & Settlers 1788-1939 6 AB/HIS 1872
AB 1788-1980 Aboriginal Australians 1788-1980 6 AB/HIS 2393 AUS
AB ALBANY Aborigines of the Albany District 1821/98 6 AB/HIS 1491 WA
AB DICTIONARY Australian Aboriginal Words in English. Origin & Meanings 1 AB/DIR OO86 AUS
AB FABLES Aboriginal Fables 6 AB/HIS 1488
AB HISTORY European-Aboriginal Relations in WA History 6 AB/HIS 1873 WA
AB INFORMAT'N AB - General Information 6 AB/HIS 1510
AB MISSION Aboriginal Mission - John Smithers 1840/55 6 AB/HIS 1501 WA
AB MISSIONS A Drop in the Bucket 6 AB/HIS 1492 WA
AB MUSEUM Patterns of Life 6 AB/HIS 1500 WA
AB NEW NORCIA Aborigines of New Norcia 1 AB/DIR O156 WA
AB OF AUST' Aborigines of Australia 6 AB/HIS 1490
AB PLACE NAMES Aboriginal Place Names & Their Meanings 6 AB/GUI 1489
AB RES' & MORE AB - Research, Tribes, Languages 6 AB/HIS 1509
AB RESEARCH Lookin' For Your Mob. Guide to Tracing Family History 6 AB/GUI 2135
AB ROTTNEST Far From Home. Aboriginal Prisoners of Rottnest Island 6 AB/HIS 1496 WA
AB SHARPE What An Experience 6 AB/HIS 1507
AB SITES Notes on the Recognition of Aboriginal Sites 6 AB/G 2391 WA
AB SOUTH WEST Aborigines of the SW Region 1829-1840 1 AB/DIR O157 WA
AB SOUTH WEST Portraits of the South West 6 AB/HIS 1502 WA
AB STUDIES Aboriginal Studies 6 AB/HI 2392 WA
AB STUDIES Intro to Aboriginal Studies 6 AB/HIS 2394 SA
AB TORRES Telling It Like It Is 6 AB/HIS 1505
AB TRACKERS Back Trackers - Video 6 AB/HIS O778
AB TRAGEDY Trials & Tragedy In The North Vol 7 6 AB/HIS 1493
AB TRAGEDY Dark Deeds In A Sunny Land 6 AB/HIS 1495
AB YORK Aboriginies of the York Area 6 AB/HIS 2066 WA
ABC RADIO On Air - Catherine King & the ABC Women 6 HIS 1823
ABOR'NAL PRE 1810 The First Australians - Pre History 1810 5 HIS 1010
ACT & JERVIS BAY Mon.Inscrip Aus.Cap Territory/ Jervis Bay 7 CEM 1691
ACT & JERVIS BAY Mon.Inscr.Aust Cap Territory & Jervis Bay 7 CEM 1691 NSW
ACT HOMES Our Beautiful Homes - Edwardian Age 5 HIS 1583 ACT
ACT RESEARCH The Ancestral Searcher 1976-2002 1 DIR 1790 ACT
ACT SOURCES Sources in the ACT 1 GUI OO52 ACT
ACT STATE LIB' Pathfinder No 1 1 GUI OO58
ADAMS J & S A Tribute to John William & Susanna ADAMS 4 BIO O669
ADAMS JW & S A Tribute to John William & Susanna ADAMS 4 BIO O669
ADAMS W & E William & Elizabeth ADAMS 4 BIO O668
ADELAIDE CEM' Hist & Records of West Terrace Adelaide 7 CEM 1702 SA
ADELAIDE RIVER Early Days in Adelaide River 7 HIS 1569
AFRICAINE The Voyage of the "Africaine" 4 IMM 1932
AGNES (MAID) A Girl at Government House 5 HIS 1866
AHEARN I Remember - Stony Hill - Central Greenough 4 BIO O670
AIF-MALAYA Grim Story - The AIF in Malaya 5 MIL 1091
ALBANY Aspects of Old Albany 6 HIS 1232 S/AG
ALBANY Albany - A Panorama of the Sound 6 HIS 1233 S/AG
ALBANY The Settlement of the Sound 6 HIS 1235 S/AG
ALBANY The Old Farm Strawberry Hill 6 HIS 1238 S/AG
ALBANY A Taste of History in Albany 6 HIS 1239 S/AG
ALBANY More Than A House - Strawberry Farm 6 HIS 1240 S/AG
ALBANY First Settlement Heritage Trail 6 HIS 1241 S/AG
ALBANY The Last Coach 6 HIS 1242 S/AG
ALBANY Albany - 1st WA Settlement 6 HIS 1243 S/AG
ALBANY Wollaston's Albany Journal 6 HIS 1923 S/AG
ALBANY Maritime Albany Remembered 6 HIS 2145 S/AG
ALBANY 1969/70 The Albany Guide 1969-1970 3 ATLAS O636
ALBANY CONVICTS The Military Estab & Penal Settlement King George Sound 4 IMM O858
ALBANY EUCLA Journal to the Eastward 6 HIS 1236 S/AG
ALBANY FARM The Old Farm Strawberry Hill 6 HIS 1986 S/AG
ALBANY FORT The Guns of George's Sound - The Albany Forts 5 MIL 2256
ALBANY FORTS The Guns of George's Sound. Albany Forts 5 MIL 2256 WA
ALEX' BRIDGE Over the Bridge - Alexander Bridge/Karridale 6 HIS 1436 G/S
ALGAKIRK Algakirk - Fenland 2 GUI O268 UK
ALICE SPRINGS History of Alice Springs/ Landmarks/Streets 7 HIS 1568
AMELIA Amelia 4 BIO O689
ANAKIE Anakie-Sapphire Fields of Central Qld 7 HIS 1646
ANGUS The Monikie Story: Angus 2 HIS O430 SCT
ANZACS to AMIENS Anzacs to Amiens 5 MIL 1158
APEX Apex - The First 25 Years 5 HIS O976
APEX The Golden Years of Apex 1956-1981 5 HIS 1843
APEX Apex - The First Twenty Five Years 5 HIS 1844
ARAMINTA Araminta. Emigrant Ship 1852 4 IMM O901
ARARAT Green Pastures & Gold History of Ararat Vic 7 HIS 1600
ARKANSAS Arkansas Confederate Applications 3 DIR O469 USA
ASIAN WHO'S WHO Who's Who Australasian 1987 4 BIO O803
ATHLETE Aboard the "ATHLETE" 1854, 1855 Diary of T Dickson 4 IMM O915
AUG'-KARRI' RC Through The Darkness'. Aug'-Karri' RC History 6 HIS 2530 S/W
AUG'TA RATHMI' A Village on the River - Augusta & Rathmines 6 HIS 2484 S/W
AUGUSTA M/RIVER Through the Darkness 6 HIS 1166 S/W
AUGUSTA M/RIVER The Light of the Leeuwin 6 HIS 1200 S/W
AUS 150 WOMEN Reflections 4 BIO O810
AUS' 1688 - 1980 Inventing Australia 5 HIS 1868
AUS' 1788 - 1850 Such Was Life 5 HIS 1864
AUS' 1830 No Beat of Drum 5 HIS O966
AUS 1851-1913 Such Was Life-Select Document in Aust Social History 6 HIS 1476
AUS 1860 - 1893 Boom & Depression 1860 - 1893 5 HIS 1023
AUS' 1990'S Reinventing Australia 5 HIS 1870
AUS' 1st 100 YEARS The First Hundred Years 5 HIS 1037
AUS' 20th CENTURY Twentieth Century Australia 1900 - 1960 5 HIS O997
AUS' AXEMEN Racing Axemen 5 HIS 1027
AUS' BATTLERS Aussie Battlers 5 HIS O994
AUS BIBLIOGRAPHY Bibliography of Australian Family History 1 DIR O100
AUS BIO' DICT'ARY Aust Dictionary of Biography 1891-1939 Gil-Las 1 BIO O146
AUS' BLUE BOOK The Australian Blue Book 5 HIS O992
AUS' BREWERIES The Breweries of Australia 5 HIS O998
AUS' BREWERIES The Breweries of Australia 5 HIS 1819
AUS BUSH VOICES No Place for a Nervous Lady 5 HIS 1822
AUS BUSHMEN If Only I'd Listened to Grandpa 4 BIO O806
AUS' BUSHRANGERS History Of Australian Bushrangers Vol 1 5 HIS O977
AUS' BUSHRANGERS History Of Australian Bushrangers Vol 2 5 HIS O978
AUS CEMETERIES Cemeteries In Australia 7 CEM 1687
AUS CEMETERIES Cemeteries In Australia 7 CEM 1689
AUS' COAST' SHIPS Australian Coastal Passenger Ships 4 IMM O925
AUS' COLONIALS The Colonial Australians 5 HIS 1012
AUS' CON' FAMILIES Convict Families That Made Australia 4 IMM 2452
AUS' CONVICT LIFE Convict Life in Australia 4 IMM O838
AUS' CONVICTS Convict Australia 1788 -1868 4 IMM O972
AUS' DISCOVERIES Discovering Historic Australia 5 HIS O999
AUS' EARLY DAYS The Exiles 5 HIS 1031
AUS' EARLY HIST' This Was Australia 5 HIS O996
AUS' EARLY HIST' Australia: as we once were 5 HIS 1014
AUS' EMIGRANTS Bound for Australia 4 IMM 1818
AUS ENTERTAINERS Australia's Entertainers 4 BIO O804
AUS' ENVIRONMENT Spoils & Spoilers 5 HIS 1869
AUS' EXPLORERS The Explorers Vol IV 5 HIS 1032
AUS' FARMING Digging Stick to Rotary Hoe 5 HIS O964
AUS' FEDERATION Lion & Kangaroo 1901 -1919 5 HIS 1044
AUS' GOLD Gold Diggers & Digging Gold 1854-1920 5 HIS 1056
AUS' GOLD MINING Gold Mining 5 HIS O982
AUS' GOLD RUSH The Gold Rush in Australia 5 HIS 1026
AUS' GOLDF'DS Gold Gambler & Sly Grog 1851 -1900 5 HIS 1017
AUS' GOLDFIELDS Life on the Australian Goldfields 5 HIS 1038
AUS' GOVERNORS Early Governors of Australia 5 HIS 1040
AUS' HIST' BUILD'S Historic Buildings of Australia Vol 2 5 HIS O995
AUS' HIST' NOTES Notes on Australian History 5 HIS 2039
AUS' HIST' NOTES A Short History of Australia 5 HIS 2040
AUS' HIST' TOWNS Book of Historic Australian Towns 5 HIS 1853
AUS' HIST' T'WNS Book of Historic Australian Towns 5 HIS 2416
AUS' HISTORIC Historic Australia in Colour 5 HIS 1899
AUS' HOMESTEADS Historic Homesteads of Australia 5 HIS 2471
AUS' HOTELS The Australian Pub 5 HIS O963
AUS' INDUSTRIES The Story of Australian Industries 5 HIS O986
AUS JEWISH SOC' Blashkiana 4 BIO 2140
AUS' JOURNALISM The Vagabond Papers 5 HIS 1043
AUS' JUBILEE BOOK The Great Jubilee Book 5 HIS 1019
AUS' JUBILEE BOOK The Great Jubilee Book - Aus in Pictures 5 HIS 2451
AUS' MASONS The Masonic Grand Masters of Australia 5 HIS 1934
AUS' MIGRANTS A Nation of Migrants 4 IMM O993
AUS' MINING The Rush That Never Ended 5 HIS 1865
AUS' NAT' ASSETS National Assets 1901 - 1997 5 HIS 1797
AUS NAT' LIBRARY Genealogy & Heraldry in the National Library 1 GUI O456
AUS' NAT'RAL DIS'R Disaster Strikes 5 HIS O983
AUS NAVAL HIST' Of Nautilus & Eagles 5 MIL 1073
AUS' OLD TALES Tales of Old Times 5 HIS 1029
AUS' ORAL HIST' Oral History Handbook 1 HIS OO18
AUS' ORAL HIST' Speaking of History 5 HIS 1016
AUS PARISH REG' Parish Register in Australia 7 CEM 1686 NSW
AUS' PHOTO HIST' Australia - A History in Photographs 5 HIS 1003
AUS PHOTOS Australian Family Album 1860-1980 4 BIO 2100
AUS' PICTORIAL A Pictorial History of Australia 5 HIS 1006
AUS' PICTORIAL The Australian Countryside in Pictures 5 HIS 1018
AUS' PICTORIAL Wonderful Australia in Pictures 5 HIS 1051
AUS' PICTORIAL Illustrated History of Australia 5 HIS 1052
AUS' PION' WOMEN Pioneer Women of the Bush & Outback 5 HIS 1039
AUS' PIONEER SCH' Pioneer Schools in Australia 6 HIS 1020
AUS' PION'R WOM'N Australian Pioneer Women 5 HIS 1011
AUS PLACE NAMES Australian Place Names 1 GUI OO39
AUS PLACE NAMES Place Names of Australia 1 GUI OO40
AUS PORTRAITS Australian Colonial Portraits 4 BIO O805
AUS' PORTRAITS National Portraits - 25 Australian Lives 4 BIO O800
AUS' POSTAL HIST' Australian Postal History 5 HIS 1004
AUS' POSTAL UNION Postal Unions & Politics 5 HIS O967
AUS' POSTCARDS Picture Postcards in Australia 1898 - 1920 5 HIS 1015
AUS' POVERTY Poverty Australia 5 HIS 1025
AUS' PRINTERS Printers & Politics - Printers Union 1850-1950 5 HIS O965
AUS' RED CENTRE Aust Geographic Book of the Red Centre 5 HIS 2112
AUS' REG'R SHIPS National Register of Ships Arrivals Aus & NZ 4 IMM O921
AUS' REG'R SHIPS National Register of Ships Arrivals Aus & NZ 4 IMM 2059
AUS' RIVER SHIPS Ships of the Inland Rivers 4 HIS 2387
AUS RIVER TRADE The River Trade - Wool & Steamer 5 HIS 1036
AUS' RIVERBOATS The River Men 5 HIS 1021
AUS' RURAL LIFE Rural Life 1860 - 1890 5 HIS 1022
AUS' SCENIC WON' Scenic Wonders of Australia 5 HIS 1924
AUS' SETTLERS The Settlers Guide - Old Time Skills & Lore 5 HIS 2470
AUS SHIELAS Shielas : A Tribute to Australian Women 4 BIO O807
AUS' SHIP OWNERS Aust Shipowners & Their Fleets Book 12 4 IMM 1340
AUS' SHIP OWNERS Aust Shipowners & Their Fleets Book 13 4 IMM 1341
AUS' SHIP WRECKS Wrecks & Reputations (Schomberg & Lochard) 4 IMM O906
AUS' SHIP'NG REC'S Find Shipping & Immigration Records in Aust 4 IMM O905
AUS SHORT HIST Short History of Australia 5 HIS O985
AUS' SOCIAL ORIG'S A New Brittania 5 HIS 1880
AUS' STORIES Heads And Tales: Stories of Australia 5 HIS 1013
AUS' SYMBOLS Symbols of Australia 5 HIS 1050
AUS' THEATRE The Australian Theatre 5 HIS O974
AUS' WARTIME HIST' Wartime Territory 5 HIS 1057
AUS WHO'S WHO Who's Who in Australia 1933/34 4 BIO O831
AUS WHO'S WHO Who's Who of Australian Women 4 BIO O812
AUS WHO'S WHO Who's Who in Australia 1992 4 BIO O826
AUS WOMEN The Women Were There 4 BIO O811
AUS WOMEN/ARMY In Which We Served 5 MIL 1112
AUS/NZ - ITALIANS How to Trace Your Italian Ancestors. Aus/N.Z. 3 GUI O526
AUS/NZ RESEARCH Tracing Your Family History 1 GUI OO42
AUS'LD WOMEN Pioneer Women Of Australind (P'fld,Diadem,Trusty) 4 IMM 2468 S/W
AUS'LIND CEM' Australind Cemetery 1967 7 CEM 1719
AUS'ND WOMEN Pioneer Women Of Australind (P'Fld,Diadem,Trusty) 4 IMM 2468
AUST 1901< Australia Since Federation 5 HIS O989
AUST' ALBUM Aust Album - The Way We Were (Large Book) 5 HIS 1054
AUST CEMETERIES Cemeteries in Australia 7 CEM 1687 NSW
AUST CEMETERIES Cemeteries in Australia 7 CEM 1689 NSW
AUST ENCYCLOP'A Australian Encyclopedia 4 DIR O325
AUST' HISTORY An Emerging Identity 5 HIS 1894
AUST' LEGEND The Australian Legend 5 HIS 1028
AUST LIBRARIANS Biographical Dictionary of Aust Librarians 1 DIR O150
AUST/CHINA Sojourners - China's Relationship with Aust 5 HIS O971
AUST1788< What happened Next- Australia from 1788 5 HIS 1848
AUSTRALIA Beneath The Southern Cross 5 HIS 1030
AUSTRALIA HIST' A History of Australia 5 HIS 1046
AUSTRALIA STORY Australia - Her Story 5 HIS 1034
AUSTRALIND Australind Recalled 6 HIS 1163 S/W
AUSTRALIND A Study of Australind 1841-1967 6 HIS 1164 S/W
AUSTRALIND Old Australind Recalled 6 HIS 2127 S/W
AUSTRALIND CEM' Australind Cemetery 1967 7 CEM 1719 WA
AUSTRIA VIENNA Schonbrunn- Palace & Park-Austria & Vienna 3 GEN O495 AUT
AVON SKETCHES Avon Valley Sketchbook 1977 6 HIS 1387 C/AG
AXEMEN The Forgotten Pioneers 6 HIS 1226 S/W
AXEMEN Old Growth Foresters 6 HIS 2093 S/W
AYRSHIRE Ayreshire Heritage 2 HIS O419 SCT
A-Z HANDBOOK The A to Z Genealogical Handbook 1 GUI OO23
A-Z HANDBOOK A-Z Genealogical Handbook 1 GUI OO23
B.H.P. What's Good For Australia 5 HIS 1048
BACH ELIZABETH Ancestors of "Elizabeth Dorothy BACH" 4 BIO 2523 S/W
BACH JOHN Ancestors of John Victor Lawson BACH 4 BIO 2522 S/W
BACH JOHN Ancestors of "John Victor Lawson BACH" 4 BIO 2522 S/W
BADENOCH Romantic Badenoch 2 GUI O407 SCT
BAIRNSDALE Bairnsdale. Portrait of an Aust Country Town 7 HIS 1621
BALINGUP Bayla-Balinga 6 HIS 1209 S/W
BALINGUP SCH' Balingup School - One Hundred Years 6 EDU 1826
BALLARAT Sovereign Hill - Historic Ballarat 7 HIS 1587
BALLARAT Lucky City. Ballarat 1851-1901 7 HIS 1590
BALLARAT History of Ballarat 7 HIS 1591
BALLARAT Victoria 1834-1900 7 HIS 1592
BALLARAT Voters Roll Ballarat 1917-1918 7 ELEC 2105
BALLARAT Voters Roll Ballarat 1918-1919 7 ELEC 2146
BALLARAT OLD CEM Burials with Cornish Loc'ns in Ballarat Old Cem 7 CEM 1708
BALLA'T OLD CEM' Burials with Cornish Locations in Ballarat 7 CEM 1708 VIC
BANKING BENDIGO Banking on the Bendigo 7 HIS 1595
BANNISTER Frowning Fortunes 4 BIO O671
BAPTIST ANCES' My Ancestors Were Baptists 2 GUI 1624 UK
BARBATTI The BARBETTI Family of Waterloo 4 BIO 2517 S/W
BARBETTI The BARBETTI Family of Waterloo 4 BIO 2517 S/W
BARCALDINE Barcaldine 1846-1986 7 HIS 2388
BARMERA The Barmera Story 7 HIS 2354
BARNARD Times and Tides 2 HIS O320 UK
BAROSSA Barossa Valley Sketchbook 7 HIS 2065
BARRY KEVIN Kevin Barry 2 BIO O400 IRI
BARRY KEVIN The Story of Kevin Barry 2 BIO 2285 IRI
BASS' GUILDF'D Bassendean & Guildford Sketchbook 6 HIS 1299 PER
BASS STRAIT Mysteries of the Bass Strait Triangle 7 HIS 1576
BATTYE Convict Research Battye Library 4 IMM O851
BATTYE J S WA Map Bibliography 1 DIR 1980 PER
BATTYE J S Worth Tell Worth Keeping (Guide to Battye Library) 1 GUI OO67
BATTYE J S Tracing Your Ancestors - JS Battye Library 1 GUI OO68
BAXTER No Place for a Nervous Lady 4 BIO O672
BAXTER SCH' Baxter and its Primary School 1890-1990 7 HIS 1623
BEAN Pioneers and Their Better Halves 4 BIO O673
BECKENHAM Beckenham 2 GUI O209 UK
BEDFORDSHIRE Portrait of Bedfordshire 2 HIS O304 BDF
BEECHWORTH Background to Beechworth 7 HIS 1615
BEECK/BECK Beeck to Beck:: and Expecting More 4 BIO O674
BEER & BREWING The Amber Nectar 5 HIS 1041
BEGIN FAM' HIS' Tracking Ancestors 1 GUI OO28
BELLINGER Champagne and Tingle Trees 4 BIO O675
BENDIGO The Gold Mines - Bendigo 7 HIS 1588
BENDIGO Bendigo - The Golden Age Retraced 7 HIS 1594
BENDIGO Bendigo - A History 7 HIS 1596
BENDIGO/GERMAN Bendigo the German Chapter 7 HIS 1593
BENEDICTINE Benedictine Pioneers in Australia Vol 1 5 HIS 2054
BENEDICTINE Benedictine Pioneers in Australia Vol 2 5 HIS 2055
BENGHAZI To Benghazi - Aust in the Wae 1939 - 1945 5 MIL 1071
BERKSHIRE Buckfast Abbey - A History - Berkshire 2 HIS O274 BRK
BERRIMA Wingecarribee. Its Early History 7 HIS 2248
BERRIMA CEM' Cemetery Transcrip. Berrima District 7 CEM 1715
BERRIMA CEM' Cem. Trans.of the Berrima District 7 CEM 1715 NSW
BERWGER R It's Better to Laugh Than Cry - Rosina BERWGER 4 BIO 2234
BEST G & S Not in Name Alone. Pioneers George & Sally BEST 4 BIO 1349
BEVERLEY The Story of Avondale 6 HIS 1835 C/AG
BEVERLEY Tracking the Dale 6 HIS 1836 C/AG
BIMBI CEMETERY Burials In Bimbi Cemetery 7 CEM 2424
BIMBI CEMETERY Burials In Bimbi Cemetery 7 CEM 2424 NSW
BINDOON FILE The Bindoon File - Boystown 1947-1954 4 HIS 1368 N/AG
BINDOON FILE Bindoon File - Boys Town 1947-1954 4 IMM 1368
BINNINGUP Binningup - The History 6 HIS 1172 S/W
BIO REGISTER A-K Biographical Register 1788-1939 Vol 1 A-K 1 DIR O148
BIO REGISTER L-Z Biographical Register 1788-1939 Vol 2 L-Z 1 DIR O149
BIRCH The BIRCH Family in WA 4 BIO O676
BLACKBURNS ISLE Blackburns Isle 7 HIS 1533
BLACKWOOD History of the Upper Blackwood 6 HIS 1214 S/W
BLACKWOOD The Blackwood: A Valley in Transition 6 HIS 1985 S/W
BLAINEY G The Tyranny of Distance 5 HIS 1007
BLAINEY G The Tyranny of Distance 5 HIS 1035
BLAINEY G Black Kettle & Full Moon 5 HIS 2010
BLECHYNDEN Bridgedale - BLECHYNDEN Homestead 6 HIS 1210 S/W
BLUE MOUNTAINS Blue Mountains - Tourist Newspaper 2003 3 ATL O659
BOANS 1914-1918 Boans to the Battlefield. Staff 1914 - 1918 5 MIL 1058 WA
BOARD/WOLFE Echoes of the Past 4 BIO O700
BODDINGTON Becoming Boddington 6 HIS 2275 S/W
BOER WAR The Boer War 5 MIL 1062
BONSON DOLLY The Girl Who Talked To The Stars 6 AB/HIS 1506 NT
BONTHARAMBO Aunt SPENCER's Diary - 1854 7 HIS 1599
BOOROLOOLA Booroloola & Gulf District Deaths 7 CEM 1699
BORDER REIVERS Border Reivers 2 HIS 2545 SCT
BORROLOOLA CEM Borroloola and Gulf District Deaths 7 CEM 1699 SA
BOSTOCK H.P. The Great Ride - Henry Phillip Bostock 5 MIL 2331
BOUL'NE-SUR-MER British Military Cem in Boulogne-Sur-Mer 5 MIL 1087
BOURKE Bourke A Pictorial History Vol 1 - Pictorial 7 GUI 2318
BOWDEN TIM The Way My Father Tells It 5 HIS 2006
BOWRAL Beautiful Bowral - A Pictorial Celebration 7 HIS 2250
BOWRAL HOSP' Blessed are They-Bowral Dist Hosp 1889-1989 7 HIS 2247
BOYANUP P' SC' Back to Boyanup Primary School 1895-2011 6 HIS 2492 S/W
BOYANUP SCH' Back to Boyanup Primary School 1895-2011 6 EDU 2492 S/W
BOYUP BROOK A Flax Mill By the River - Boyup Brook 1941/65 6 HIS 1213 S/W
BRENNAN BRENNAN - 9 various. TYRELL 4 BIO 2520 S/W
BRIDE SHIPS The Bride Ships 4 IMM 1092
BRIDGETOWN The Lean Years 6 HIS 1439 G/S
BRISBANE 1890's Brisbane in the 1890's 7 HIS 1645
BRISBANE HOSPITAL Brisbane Hospital Patients Index 1887-1902 7 HIS 2188
BROOKTON History of Aldersyde 1846-1946 6 HIS 1386 C/AG
BROOME Broome 6 HIS 1413 KIM
BROOME Broome - 1986 Pearl Festival 6 HIS 1414 KIM
BROOME Port of Pearls 6 HIS 1415 KIM
BROWN E & T A Faithful Picture. Letters of Eliza & Thomas BROWN 4 BIO 2064
BROWN E &T A Faithful Picture-Letters of E&T BROWN 1841-1852 4 BIO O680
BROWN HILL Where is Brown Hill 6 HIS 2349 EG/E
BROWNING The BROWNING Family 1851-1985 4 BIO O681
BRUCE ROCK Bruce Rock - A Revised History 6 HIS 2085 C/AG
BRUNSWICK When Blue Was True 6 HIS 1173 S/W
BUDGE The Sky Pilot of the Nullarbor 4 BIO 1816
BULLOCKIES Bullockies 5 HIS O987
BUN'AUST'HARV' Bunbury, Australind & Harvey 6 HIS 1221 S/W
BUNB' ANG' DIO' Journey - A Hist Ang Diocese of Bunbury 1904-2004 6 HIS 2098 S/W
BUNB' AUS'LIND Bunbury & Australind Visitors Guide 1980 6 GUI 1183 S/W
BUNB' BUSS' Bunbury & Busselton Sketchbook 6 HIS 1180 S/W
BUNB' ELE' ROLL Municipality of Bunbury Elect Roll 1981 5 ELE 2280 S/W
BUNB' H'TAGE Bunbury Heritage Trail 6 HIS 1184 S/W
BUNB' PRI' SCH' Bunbury Primary School 100 Yrs 1895-1995 6 HIS 2228 S/W
BUNB' RC CH' A Journey in Faith to Jubilee 2000 6 HIS 1470
BUNB' R'LWAY Bunbury-Boyanup Railway 100 Yrs 1891-1991 6 HIS 1181 S/W
BUNB' WATER Liquid Gold - Bunbury Water Board 6 HIS 2259 S/W
BUNBURY Excellent Connections Bunbury 1836-1990 6 HIS 1175 S/W
BUNBURY Bunbury 6 HIS 1176 S/W
BUNBURY Our Past 6 HIS 1177 S/W
BUNBURY Bunbury Civilians in Wartime 6 HIS 1179 S/W
BUNBURY Bunbury Since 1803 - A Bunch of Dates 6 HIS 1182 S/W
BUNBURY Bunbury Images - People & Places 6 HIS 1776 S/W
BUNBURY BK 1 Bunbury - I Remember When - Book 1 6 HIS 1186 S/W
BUNBURY BK 2 Bunbury - I Remember When - Book 2 6 HIS 1187 S/W
BUNBURY BK 3 Bunbury - I Remember When - Book 3 6 HIS 1188 S/W
BUNBURY BK 4 Bunbury - I Remember When - Book 4 6 HIS 1190 S/W
BUNBURY BK 5 Bunbury - I Remember When - Book 6 6 HIS 1191 S/W
BUNBURY BK 6 Bunbury - I Remember When - Book 5 6 HIS 1192 S/W
BUNBURY CEM' Bunbury Cemeteries 7 CEM 1764
BUNBURY CEM' Bunbury Cemeteries - Transcriptions 7 CEM 1765
BUNBURY CEM' Bunbury Cemeteries 7 CEM 1764 WA
BUNBURY CEM' Bunbury Cemeteries - Transcriptions 7 CEM 1765 WA
BUNBURY PORT Full Steam Ahead - Bunbury Port Authority 6 HIS 1168 S/W
BUNBURY PORT Full Steam Ahead 6 GUI 2342 S/W
BUND' TO MARLAY From Bundalaguah to Marlay Point 7 HIS 1785
BUNDALAGUAH Back to Bundalaguah - Easter 1972 7 HIS 1784
BUNNINGS The Timber People 6 HIS 1799 S/W
BUSH BALLADS Reflections & Bush Ballads 6 HIS 2219
BUSHER The BUSHER Pioneers Reflections 150 Yrs at Dardanup 4 BIO 2126
BUSHRANGERS Australian Bushrangers 5 HIS 1000
BUSHRANGERS Bushrangers - A Pictorial History 5 HIS 1001
BUSHRANGERS Pictorial History of Bushrangers 5 HIS 1002
BUSHRANGERS Stand & Deliver. 100 Bushrangers 1787-1901 5 HIS 1005
BUSHRANGERS History of Aust Bushranging Vol 4 5 HIS 2215
BUSS' ST MARY'S St Mary's, Busselton 6 HIS 1988 S/W
BUSSELTON To Call our Own Group 124 Sth of Busselton 6 HIS 2107 G/S
BUSSELTON Historic Busselton 6 HIS 1194 S/W
BUSSELTON Busselton - Outstation on the Vasse 1830/50 6 HIS 1196 S/W
BUSSELTON JET' Reflections of the Jetty. Story of Busselton Jetty 6 HIS 2419 S/W
BUSS'N JETTY Reflections of the Jetty. Busselton. 6 HIS 2419
B'WORTH MAR' REG 1st Marriage Reg of St Joseph's, Beechworth 7 HIS 1614
C/AG VOL' DEF' Wheatbelt Warriors (15th WA Battalion) 6 HIS 1407 C/AG
CADMAN CADMAN's Cottage 4 BIO O683
CAIRNS HISTORY Trinity Phoenix - History of Cairns 7 HIS 1660
CALVERT A F My Fourth Tour in Western Australia 6 HIS 1447
CAMDEN The Town of Camden 7 HIS 2357
CANADA The Fur Fort 3 HIS O473 CAN
CANADA Colonists at Fort Royal 3 HIS O474 CAN
CANADA In Search of your Canadian Roots 3 GUI O475 CAN
CANADA Boss Whistle- Coalminers of Vancouver 3 HIS O476 CAN
CANADA The North West Passage 3 HIS O477 CAN
CANADA Thoughts of the Past 3 HIS O478 CAN
CANADA Canada 3 ATL O623 CAN
CANADA Introduction to Canada 3 ATL O624 CAN
CANADA The Story of Canada 3 HIS 2240 CAN
CANNING RIVER Along the Canning 6 HIS 1300 PER
CAPEL Capel & Districts 6 HIS 1936 S/W
CAPEL Just a Horse Ride Away. (History of Capel) 6 HIS 2016 S/W
CAP'N COOK IN N.Z. Captain COOK in New Zealand 3 HIS 1871
CARNARVON Carnarvon - Reflections of a Country Town 6 HIS 1421 N/W
CARNARVON CEM' Carnarvon Pioneer Cemetery 7 CEM 1721 WA
CARN'VON CEM' Carnarvon Pioneer Cemetery 7 CEM 1721
CARRICK AYRSHIR' Carrick, Ayrshire Monumental Inscript Pre 1855 2 CEM 1726 SCT
CARRICK/AYRSHIRE Monumental Inscriptions-Carrick,Ayrshire 1855 2 CEM O403 SCT
CARSON JIM Battling Around 6 HIS 1448
CASINO Burials - West Street Cemetery Casino 1989 7 CEM 1695
CASINO CEM' Burials - West St Cemetery - Casino 1989 7 CEM 1695 NSW
CASTLEDENE The Castledene Journey - Six Generations 1856-2001 4 BIO O720
CASTLEMAINE Castlemaine Pioneer 1930 Jubilee Book 7 HIS 1637
CASTLEMAINE Castlemaine - From Camp to City 7 HIS 2356
CATALPA Race for the Catalpa (The Fenian Escape Story) 4 IMM O859
CATHOLIC My Ancestor Was Catholic 2 GUI O219 UK
CATHOLIC ANCEST' My Ancestor Was Catholic 2 GUI O214 UK
CEMETERY BOOK 1 Northern Territory Cemetery Book No 1 7 CEM 1697 NT
CEMETERY TRUST Names/Addresses of Vic Cem Trust Secretaries 7 CEM 1706 VIC
CENSUS Making Use of The Census 2 GUI O221 UK
CENSUS Census 2 GUI O229 UK
CENSUS 1801 1801 Census - Ticehurst Sussex 2 GUI O223 SSX
CENSUS 1821/31 1821/31 Census Sussex 2 GUI O224 SSX
CENSUS 1831 1831 Census - St Clements Hastings 2 GUI O225 UK
CENSUS 1841/81 Census Returns 1841-1881 2 GUI O230 UK
CENSUS 1841/91 Census Returns 1841-1891 2 GUI O231 UK
CENSUS 1851 Lancashire Census 1851 2 GUI O227 LAN
CENSUS 1851 Lancashire Census 1851 2 GUI O228 LAN
CENSUS 1901 1901 Census 2 GUI 2036 UK
CENSUS PRE 1841 Pre 1841 Census 2 GUI O226 UK
CENSUS PRE 1841 Pre 1841 Censuses & Population Listings 2 CEN 2511 UK
CENTRAL G/FIELDS Grave Reflections. Central Goldfields 7 CEM 1709 VIC
CHANGI PHOTO'S Changi Photographer 5 MIL 1074
CHAPMAN T History of Thomas CHAPMAN & His Desc. 1835-1971 4 BIO 2121
CHAPMAN T & S Pioneers of the Preston.Thos CHAPMAN Selina GARD' 4 BIO 2444 S/W
CHAPMAN T& S Pioneers of the Preston. T CHAPMAN & S GARDINER 4 BIO 2444 S/W
CHAPMAN VALL'Y Chapman Valley Pioneers 4 BIO O685
CHARLES 1st Charles 1 2 HIS 2225 UK
CHILD MIGRANTS Barefoot & Pregnant 4 IMM O990
CHILD MIGRANTS Barefoot & Pregnant Vol 2 4 IMM O991
CHILD MIGRANTS Empty Gradles 4 IMM 1817
CHILD MIGR'NTS Child Migrants 4 IMM O961
CHINA China Around the World Program 3 GEN O491 CHN
CHITTERING Chittering - Exploration to Shire 6 HIS 2078 N/AG
CHRISTIAN BRO' The Scheme - Christian Brothers & Childcare in WA 4 IMM 1348
CHRON'CLE MELB The Chronicles of Early Melb. 7 HIS 1626
CLARENDON Clarendon & Its People 7 HIS 2243
CLIFTON Alverstoke 6 HIS 1165 S/W
CLIFTON WA Company - Letter Book No.1 of Chief Commiss. 6 HIS 1266 S/W
CLIFTON CLIFTONs of Australind 4 BIO O687
CLIFTON LOUISA A Friend Indeed Lousia CLIFTON of Australind WA 4 BIO O691
CLIFTON M W Journals of Marshall Waller CLIFTON 1840-1861 4 BIO 2425 S/W
CLIFTON M W Journals of Marshall Waller CLIFTON 1840-1861 4 BIO 2425 S/W
CLIFTON R C Gathered Fragments - Biography of Robt Cecil CLIFTON 4 BIO O688
CLIFTON R H The CLIFTON Family - Richard Henry 1872-1939 4 BIO 2516 S/W
CLIFTON R H The CLIFTON Family - Richard Henry 1872-1939 4 BIO 2516 S/W
CLUNE FRANK The Isles of Spice 3 BIO O666
COBB & CO Cobb & Co. In the Golden West 6 HIS 2365 EG/E
COCKBURN Cockburn The Making of a Community 6 HIS 2075 PER
COLE TOM Hell West And Crooked 7 HIS 1571
COLLIE Pioneers of Collie District 1880-1930 6 HIS 1203 S/W
COLLIE One Day In Collie 6 HIS 1204 S/W
COLLIE 100 Years Collie Coal 6 HIS 1201 S/W
COLLIE A Rich & Diverse Heritage. Collie 1898-2010 6 HIS 2427 S/W
COLLIE STRIKE Blacklegs - Scottish Colliery Strike of 1911 6 HIS 1796 S/W
COLLIE STRIKE Blacklegs - Scottish Colliery Strike 1911 - Collie WA 4 IMM O773
CON BIOGRAPHIES Cornish Australian Heritage 1788-1988 2 HIS O762 CON
CON HISTORY A History of Cornwall 2 HIS O761 CON
CON RESEARCH Cornwall Record Office 2 DIR O763 CON
CON VILLAGES Cornish Villages 2 HIS O760 CON
CON'CT WOMEN Notorious Strumpets & Dangerous Girls 4 IMM 849
CONGUPNA SCH' The Centenary of Congupna Schools & District 7 HIS 1627
CONNAUGHT Connaught Provence-Churches, County Maps 2 GUI 2224 IRI
CONVICT MAIDS Convict Maids 4 IMM 2453
CONVICT RES' How to Trace Your Convict Ancestors 4 IMM O862
CONVICT RES' A Short Guide to Tracing Your Convict Ancestory 4 IMM O863
CONVICT SHIPS Convicts Ships and Lists 4 IMM O852
CONVICT WOMEN Convict Women 4 IMM 2344
CONVICTS The Brand of his Coat 4 IMM O854
COOK JAMES Captain James COOK 4 IMM O936
COOK JAMES Captain Cook in Australia 5 HIS 1863
COOKERNUP History of Cookernup 6 HIS 1219 S/W
COOKTOWN Introduction to Cooktown & its Museum 7 HIS 1652
COOKTOWN SCH' "Nothing Special" Edu in Cooktown 1875-2000 7 EDU 2426
COOLG' KALG' Back to the Goldfields 1892-1940 6 HIS 1900 EG/E
COOLGARDIE Early Days Around Coolgardie 6 HIS 1263 EG/E
COOLGARDIE Early Days Around Coolgardie 6 HIS 1282 EG/E
COOLGARDIE Warden FINNERTY's House Coolgardie "The Residency" 6 HIS 1292 EG/E
COOLGARDIE Coolgardie 6 HIS 1298 EG/E
COOPERS CREEK Coopers Creek 5 HIS O979
COOPER'S CREEK Cooper's Creek 7 HIS 1918
CORNWALL Cornish Villages 2 HIS O760 CON
CORNWALL A History of Cornwall 2 HIS O761 CON
CORNWALL Cornish Australian Heritage 1788-1998 2 HIS O762 CON
CORNWALL REC'S Cornwall Record Office 2 DIR O763 CON
CORRIGIN Corrigin - Pioneering Days & Beyond 6 HIS 2094 C/AG
CORRIGIN Pioneers & Early Settlers of Corrigin 6 HIS 2095 C/AG
CORVETTES A Small War. Corvettes: The 39 Through Fremantle 6 HIS 2410
COTTESLOE Heritage of the Pines 6 HIS 1301 PER
COUNTRY LIFE Country Life in Pioneer South Australia 7 HIS 1679
COUNTY DOWN Memoirs of Ireland: Parishes of County Down 2 DIR O376 IRI
COWARAMUP The Cowaramup Disrict 1900-1988 (see also S/W) 6 HIS 1198 G/S
COWARAMUP The Cowaramup District 1900-1998 (G/S section ) 6 HIS 1198 S/W
COWARAMUP Harwood's Cottage 6 HIS 1199 S/W
COWCHER Account of COWCHER Family (also brief story of Hydes) 4 BIO O693
COX Life at Clarendon - Cox Family 7 HIS 2245
CRAMER Pioneers Politics & People - Political Memoir 4 BIO O690
CREATON/CAMB' From Ceaton to Camballup 4 BIO 2521 S/W
CRIDDLE W The Descendants of William CRIDDLE 4 BIO O692
CROCODILE LAND In Crocodile Land 7 HIS 1925
CROSS JACK When I Was a Lad 2 HIS 2473 STS
CUBALLING A Cuballing Keepsake Renunion 1990 6 HIS 1389 C/AG
CUE Just a Century Ago 6 HIS 1392 CTRL
CUE Gold at Peak Hill 6 HIS 1432 CTRL
CUE The Old Coach Road to Cue & Beyond 6 HIS 1891 CTRL
CUE. DAY DAWN Gold on the Murchison 6 HIS 2329 CTRL
CULLODEN Culloden 2 HIS O422 SCT
CUTTRISS Try Australia First 4 BIO O694
C'VON/N'AMPT Carnarvon-Northampton 6 HIS 2293 N/AG
CWLTH WAR DEAD War Dead of the British C'wlth 1914/18 5 MIL 1115 NSW
DAINTREE Daintree's Early Years 7 HIS 1738
DALLAS 1860 Census - Dallas County Arkansas 3 CEN O468 USA
DALY WATERS Two At Daly Waters 7 HIS 1564
DARLING GRACE Australia's Grace DARLING 4 BIO O695
DARWIN ATLAS Darwin Directory 2001/2002 3 ATL O643
DARWIN DRAMA Darwin Drama 5 MIL 1088 N.T.
DARWIN MILITARY Darwin Drama 5 MIL 1088
DATING PHOTOS Dating Family Photos 1850-1920 1 GUI OO17
DATING PHOTOS Dating Old Photos 1850 - 1920 1 GUI OO17
DAVIES York - Its Horse and Hey Days 4 BIO O696
de BURGH The Breakaways - William & Margaret de BURGH 4 BIO 2337 S/W
de BURGH W & M The Breakaways - William & Margaret de BURGH 4 BIO 2337
DEATH CAUSES Deadly Details 7 CEM 1690
DEATH CAUSES Deadly Details 7 CEM 1690 NSW
DEBRETT'S AUS DeBrett's Handbook of Australia 4 BIO 2480
DEBRETT'S AUS /NZ DeBrett's Handbook of Australia & New Zealand 4 BIO O817
DEBRETT'S F' HIST' Debrett's Family Historian 1 GUI O442 UK
DEBRETT'S UK Debrett's Handbook - 1982 3 BIO O818 UK
DEBRETT'S UK DeBrett's Peerage and Baronetage 2000 2 BIO 2479 UK
DELAND A Lost Glitter. Letters of 1895-1897 4 BIO 2532
DENILIQUIN A Trail of Years:100 Shows & Deniliquin Dist 7 HIS 1537
DENILIQUIN Saltbush Country - History of Deniliquin 7 HIS 1549
DENILIQUIN Deniliquin Lawn Cemetery 1977-1997 7 CEM 1711
DENILIQUIN CEM' Deniliquin Lawn Cemetery 1977-1997 7 CEM 1711 NSW
DENMARK Denmark - An Outline History 6 HIS 1892 S/AG
DENMARK Denmark - Around the World Program 3 GEN O492 DNK
DENMARK CEM' Denmark Cemetery 1910-2001 7 CEM 1807
DENMARK CEM' Denmark Cemetery 1910 - 2001 7 CEM 1807 WA
DEPIAZZI A Long Way From Turano 4 BIO O697
DESERTERS Ships Deserters 1852-1900 4 IMM O918
DEVLIN ANNE Anne Devlin - An Outline of Her Story 2 BIO 2284 IRI
DIADEM Shipping - Diadem 4 IMM O957
DICTIONARY Chambers New School Dictionary 1 DIR OO87
DICTIONARY WA Dict of Western Australians 1829-1914 Vol2 1850-1868 Bond 4 IMM O856
DINGUP CHURCH St Thomas Dingup Church 100th Anniversary 1895-1995 6 HIS 2176 S/W
DIVIDING RANGE The Great Dividing Range 7 HIS O962
DOMESDAY BOOK The Domesday Book 2 DIR O199 UK
DONGARA Dongara 6 HIS 1369 N/AG
DONNELLY Donnelly - Men & Mill 6 HIS 2091 S/W
DONNYBROOK Green Gold - History of Donnybrook 1842-1974 6 HIS 1206 S/W
DONNYBROOK Tales From the Old Oak Tree 6 HIS 1207 S/W
DONNYBROOK Pin Hi 'N' Jack Hi - Mumbalup-Noggerup 6 HIS 1208 S/W
DOUBTFUL LADIES Damned Whores & God's Police 5 HIS 1867
DOUGLAS Wool to Stolen Gold-Life on the Land & In the Law in WA 4 BIO O698
DOWLING LUCY My Teaching Career by Lucy Dowling 6 EDU 2534 WA
DOWSETT S & E Descs of Samuel & Eliza DOWSETT - Wandering 4 BIO 1793
DRAGE Beyond Envy 4 BIO 2363
DRAKE BROCKMAN The Turning Wheel 5 HIS 1049
DRUMFYVIE We Lived in Drumfyvie 2 HIS O437 SCT
DRUMMOND The DRUMMONDS of Hawthornden 6 HIS 1391 C/AG
DRUMMOND The Drummonds of Hawthornden 6 HIS 1879
DUBLIN Guide to Dublin & Ireland 1983-1984 2 GUI O379 IRI
DUBLIN Me Jewel and Darlin' Dublin 2 HIS O397 IRI
DUBLIN Dublin 2 HIS O398 IRI
DUNACH Dunach in the Shadow of the Mount 7 HIS 1620
DUNSBOROUGH All and About Dunsborough 6 HIS 2190 S/W
DUNSBOROUGH From Quedjinup to Dunsborough 6 BIO 2204 S/W
DURACK The Durack Legacy 6 HIS 1419 KIM
DURACK Kings in Grass Castles 4 BIO O699
DURACK MARY To Be Heirs Forever 6 HIS 1480
DURHAM Washington County Durham 2 GUI O210 DUR
DURHAM The Kings England 2 HIS O292 DUR
DUYFKEN Duyfken - Story of a Brave Ship & Replica 6 HIS 1896 PER
E P FORCE The Veterans. History of Enrolled Pensioner Force WA 4 IMM O867
E P FORCE Enrolled Pensioner Force - Vol 2 (incomplete) 4 IMM O884
EAGLEHAWK Sts of the Borough of Eaglehawk 1863-1993 7 HIS 1618
EARLY SWAN R' Early Swan River Colony 6 HIS 1875 PER
EDINBURGH Welcome to Edinburgh 2 GUI 1813 SCT
EDU' GENERAL Education Information File 6 EDU 1529
EDU' HISTORY The History of the Development of Education in WA 1829- 6 EDU 1512
EDU' HISTORY Local History in Schools 6 EDU 1513
EDWARDS C E "Wandoo" The Story of C E EDWARDS 4 BIO O701
EDWARDS C E "Wandoo" The Story of Charles E EDWARDS 4 BIO 1984
EDWARDS R A Troopers Story 5 MIL 2502
EDWARDS ROGER A Troopers Story 5 MIL 2502 WA
EDWIN FOX The Story of The Edwin Fox 4 IMM O907
ELEC' HARVEY Elect Roll S/Ward Harvey 1963 6 ELE 2156 S/W
ELEC' HARVEY Consolidated Elect Roll Aust Ward 1997 5 ELE 2157 S/W
ELEC' HARVEY Consolidated Elect Roll Coastal Ward 1997 5 ELE 2158 S/W
ELEC' HARVEY Consolidated Elect Roll South Ward 1996 5 ELE 2159 S/W
ELEC' HARVEY Consolidated Elect Roll Coastal Ward 1989 5 ELE 2160 S/W
ELEC' HARVEY Consolidated Elect Roll South Ward 1987 5 ELE 2161 S/W
ELEC' HARVEY Consolidated Elect Roll North Ward 1984 5 ELE 2163 S/W
ELEC' HARVEY Consolidated Elect Roll Aust Ward 1993 5 ELE 2164 S/W
ELEC' HARVEY Consolidated Elect Roll Aust Ward 1984 5 ELE 2165 S/W
ELEC' HARVEY Consolidated Elect Roll Aust Ward 1991 5 ELE 2166 S/W
ELEC' HARVEY Consolidated Elect Roll Aust Ward 1991 5 ELE 2167 S/W
ELEC' HARVEY Consolidated Elect Roll Aust Ward 1993 5 ELE 2168 S/W
ELEC' HARVEY Consolidated Elect Roll South Ward 1985 5 ELE 2169 S/W
ELEC' HARVEY Referendum Proposed Shire of Leschenault 5 ELE 2170 S/W
ELEC' HARVEY Harvey Electoral Roll. Central Ward 1984 5 ELE 2462 S/W
ELEC' HARVEY Harvey Electoral Roll. Coastal Ward 1994 5 ELE 2464 S/W
ELEC' HARVEY Harvey Electoral Roll. Coastal Ward 1995 5 ELE 2465 S/W
ELSEY CEM' Elsey Cemetery 7 CEM 1696 NT
ELSEY CEMETERY Elsey Cemetery (We of the Never Never) 7 CEM 1696
ELSINORE SCH' Elsinore School 1917-1946 6 EDU 1517
ENG/WALES BDM'S England & Wales BDM's from 1837 2 GUI O242 UK
ENGLAND Everyman's England 2 HIS O281 UK
ENGLANDS BELLS The Bells of England 2 GUI 2239 UK
ENGLISH - OLD Guide to Old English 2 GUI O207 UK
ERICILDOUNE Ericildoune's Heritage 7 HIS 1606
ESPERANCE Esperance: Yesterday & Today 6 HIS 1289 EG/E
ESPERANCE Faith Hope & Reality. Esperance 1895-1995 6 HIS 2368 EG/E
ESPERANCE Esperance Yesterday & Today 6 HIS 2370 EG/E
ESPERANCE Pioneers and Early Settlers of Scaddan 6 HIS E 2486 EG/E
ESP'NCE NEWS Esperance Bay Chronicle 6 HIS 1293 EG/E
ESSEX GAZETTEER Finding That Place in Essex 8 DIR 2372 ESS
EUCLA/EYRE HWY A Vital Link - Eucla/Eyre Highway 6 HIS 1291 EG/E
EUDUNDA HOSP' The Light on the Hill 1922-1986 7 HIS 1678
EUREKA Eureka Stockade 7 HIS 1639
EUREKA The Eureka Stockade 7 HIS 1640
EUROPE Europe & Beyond 1870-1976 3 HIS O501
EUROPE The Last of Old Europe 3 HIS 2300 EUR
EUROPE ATLAS Let's Go to Europe 3 ATL O626
EUROPE ATLAS Road Atlas of Europe 3 ATL O654
EVERYTHING B'K Enquire Within Upon Everything - 1890 2 GEN 2456
EXPEDITION G/S Great Southern Expedition of 1835 6 HIS 1258 S/AG
EXPED'N 1835 The Great Southern Expedition of 1835 6 HIS 1229 S/W
EXPLORE/PACIFIC Exploring the Pacific 4 IMM 1055
F FORCE Heroes of "F" Force 5 MIL 1070
FAIRBRIDGE Fairbridge Kid 4 IMM 1347
FAITHFUL WM Springfield . Story of a Sheep Station 7 HIS 1552
FAM' HIST' RES' Tracing Your Family History 1 GUI OO21
FAM' HIST' RES' Tracing Family History in Australia 1 GUI OO26
FAM' HIST' RES' Tracking Ancestors - A Beginners Guide 1 GUI OO28
FAM' HIST' RES' Laying out a Pedigree 2 GUI OO31
FAM' HIST' RES' Trace Your Family History in 6 Easy Steps 1 GUI OO32
FAM' HIST' RES' Relations in Records 1 GUI OO44
FAM' HIST' RES' Roots & Branches 1 GUI O451
FAM' HIST' RES' Family History Comes to Life 1 GUI 2348
FAM' HISTORY Compiling Your Family History 2 GUI 2129
FAM' HISTORY Tracing Your Family History 3 GUI 2508
FAMOUS AUST'IANS Dictionary of Famous Australians 1 DIR OO89
FAWCETT Wm Searching for William. Wm Fawcett of Yorkshire 2 HIS 2454 YKS
FEE'S DIARIES FEE's Dardanup Diaries: Vol 1 4 BIO O704
FEE'S DIARIES FEE's Dardanup Diaries: Vol 2 4 BIO O705
FEMALE ANCEST's Searching For Mary Anne 1 GUI O455
FENIANS The Escape of the Fenians 4 IMM O857
FENIANS Voices From The Tomb 4 IMM 2148
FENIANS Voices From The Tomb 2 IMM 2149 IRI
FERGUSON Memories of the Ferguson 6 HIS 2466 S/W
FERGUSON ISA Dearest Isabella. I FERGUSON 1819-1910 4 BIO 2220
FERGUSON ISA' Dearest Isabella FERGUSON 1819-1910 4 BIO O708
FIFE MINING Behind the Diamond Panes 2 HIS O420 SCT
FIJI The Ann and Hope Mutiny 3 BIO O665 FJI
FINLAND Finland Around the World Program 3 GEN O772 FIN
FLEAY A Farming Family - FLEAYs of Western Australia 4 BIO O709
FLINDERS The Flinders of South Australia 7 HIS 1667
FLOWER FLOWER Family History 4 BIO O706
FLYING DOCTOR Legend of the Kimberley. Lawson HOLMAN 6 HIS 1889 KIM
FLYING DOCTOR The Flying Doctor Story 5 HIS 1045
FLYING DOCTOR The Flying Doctor Story 5 HIS 1821
FLYNN FLYNN of the Ferguson 4 BIO O711
FLYNN HENRY Henry FLYNN - The Final Chapter 4 BIO 2334
FONTANINI Memories - Ester Fontanini 4 BIO 2312 S/W
FONTANINI E Memories - Ester FONTANINI 4 BIO 2312 S/W
FORD WILL'M William Ford & Coolgardie 6 HIS 2187
FOREST CREEK The Pennyweight Kids Forest Creek 1830-1930 7 HIS 1630
FORESTERS The Foresters 4 BIO O712
FORREST FORREST Family Pioneers of WA 1842-1982 4 BIO O707
FORREST FORREST 1847 - 1918 Vol 1 4 BIO 1096
FORREST INDEX FORREST Family - Descendant Index 4 BIO 1794
FORREST LADY WA's Lady Forrest 1844-1929 A Memoir 6 HIS 1481
FORSYTE The World of the Forsytes 2 HIS O323 UK
FORSYTH Tales Old & New of FORSYTHs in Australia 4 BIO O714
FORSYTH Tales Old & New of FORSYTHEs in Australia - No 1 4 BIO O715
FOSTER DR Reminiscences of a Rural Practice - Dr Foster & Assoc 1947/99 6 HIS 1193 S/W
FOULKES FOULKES and Connections 4 BIO 2125
FRANCE The City of Carcassonne - France 3 GEN O493 FRA
FRANCE Fanfare for the Stalwart 3 HIS O494 FRA
FRANCE ATLAS Road Atlas of France 3 ATL O655
FRANKLIN Franklin - Settlement in the Huon 7 HIS 1778
FRASER Mrs FRASER on the Fatal Shore 7 HIS 1656
FRE' MUSEUM Fremantle Museum 6 HIS 1940 PER
FRE' ROTTNEST Fremantle Rottnest Buildings-Classified N/Trust 6 HIS 1303 PER
FREM' HOSP' Medical Background History of Fremantle Hosp/Doctors 6 HIS 1307 PER
FREMAN' CEM'S Fremantle Alma & Skinner Street - Burial Records 7 CEM 1839
FREMAN' CEM'S Founders and Felons. Fremantle Cemetery Guide 7 CEM 1840
FREMAN' CEM'S Heroes & Humanitarians. Fremantle Cemetery Guide 7 CEM 1842
FREMAN" CEM'S Statemen & Scholars. Fremantle Cemetery Guide 7 CEM 1841
FREMANT' PORT Port of Fremantle 6 HIS 2119 PER
FREMANTLE Fremantle Sketchbook 6 HIS 1304 PER
FREMANTLE Walking in Fremantle 6 HIS 1829 PER
FREMANTLE CEM' Fremantle - Alma & Skinner Street Records 7 CEM 1839 WA
FREMANTLE CEM' Founders & Felons 7 CEM 1840 WA
FREMANTLE CEM' Statesmen & Scholars 7 CEM 1841 WA
FREMANTLE CEM' Heroes & Humanitarians 7 CEM 1842 WA
FRY The FRYs of Shenfield and Crendon 4 BIO 2179
FRYERSTOWN Fryerstown 7 HIS 1635
G/BUSHES PS From Slates to Silicon chips 6 BIO 2019 S/W
G/S 1st 1829-41 Cattle Chosen. G/S 1829-1841 6 HIS 1435 G/S
G/S GROUP 20 A Tribute to the Group Settlers 6 HIS 2397 G/S
G/S LOCATIONS Group Settlement Locations & Various 6 GUI 2510 G/S
G/S PIONEERS Pioneers: Early History 6 HIS 1434 G/S
GABBEDY J B Group Settlement Part 1. It's Origins by J.P.Gabbedy 6 HIS 1437 G/S
GABBEDY J B Group Settlement Part 2. It's Origins by J.P Gabbedy 6 HIS 1438 G/S
GADSDEN Gadsden The First Hundred Years 7 HIS 1608
GALLIPOLI Gallipoli 5 MIL 1083
GARDINER J & J 150th Anniv Reunion 1992 Jesse and Jane GARDINER 4 BIO O745
GARDNER G George GARDNER Portrait by a Friend 6 HIS 2210 S/W
GASCOYNE Gascoyne Days 6 HIS 1420 N/W
GASCOYNE The Long Road North, Gascoyne Trading 6 HIS 2011 N/W
G'BUSHES SCH' From Slates to Silicon Chips G/Bushes P/S 1893/1993 6 BIO 2019 S/W
G'BUSHES SCH' From Slates to Silicon chips 6 EDU 1825
GEE/TRUSLOVE The "Caroline"150 Yrs in WA of GEE & TUSLOVE Fam' 4 BIO 2018
GEELONG/CORN' Geelong Cornish Record of 19th Cen't Families 2 HIS O464
GEELONG/CORN' The Geelong Cornish - Geelong F/Hist Group 2 JOU O464 CON
GEELONG/CORN' The Geelong Cornish - Geelong F.H.G 2 JOU O464 CON
GEELONG/CORN' The Geelong Cornish - Geelong Fam/Hist/Group 2 JOU O464 CON
GEN' CON' RT'N 1937 General Return of Convicts in NSW 1837 4 IMM O845
GEN DEBRETT'S Debrett's Family Historian 1 GUI O442
GEN RESEARCH Trace Your Family Tree 1 GUI O450
GEN' RESEARCH Worldwide Family History 3 GUI 2241
GENONI Grandmother & The Prince 4 BIO 2207
GER' 1870-1970 Europe & the Modern World 3 HIS 2299 EUR
GER' RESEARCH In Search of European Roots 3 GUI 2297 EUR
GERALDTON Roundabout Geraldton & Victoria District 6 HIS 1370 N/AG
GERALDTON Geraldton 6 HIS 1371 N/AG
GERALDTON Saddle In the Kitchen 6 HIS 1786 N/AG
GERALDTON Geraldton 3 ATLAS O638
GERALDTON MIL' RAAF Historical Record - Training School Geraldton WA 5 MIL 2274
GERALDTON MIL' World War II Geraldton 1941-1945 5 MIL 2278
GERALDTON RAAF RAAF Historical Record- Training School 5 MIL 2274 WA
GERALDTON RAAF World War 11 Geraldton 1941- 1945 5 MIL 2278 WA
GERMANY Germany - Around the World Program 3 HIS O483 GER
GERMANY German English - English German 3 DIR O484 GER
GERMANY English Deutsch - Deutsch English 3 DIR O485 GER
GERMANY In Search of Your German Roots 3 GUI O486 GER
GERMANY Tracing Your German Ancestors 3 GUI O487 GER
GERMANY How to Trace Your German Ancestors 3 GUI O488 GER
GERMANY Guide for Germany 3 GUI 2341 GER
G'FIELDS CTR Goldfields Reflections 6 HIS 1429 CTRL
G'FIELDS WOM' Daughters of Midas 6 HIS 1269 EG/E
G'FLDS 1890-96 Mates & Gold 6 HIS 1276 EG/E
G'F'LDS PICT'AL Chook on Sundays 6 HIS 1938 EG/E
GHOST TOWNS Ghost Towns of the North Country 6 HIS 1288 EG/E
GIBLETT Dingup House 4 BIO 2310 S/W
GIBLETT Dingup House 4 BIO 2310 S/W
GIBNEY A New Life 4 BIO O716
GILT DRAGON The Gilt Dragon Incident 4 IMM O911
GINGIN Neergabby History of Moore River 6 HIS 1375 N/AG
GINGIN Gingin 1830-1960 6 HIS 2081 N/AG
GIPPSLAND CEM' Lonely Graves - G/Fields & Greater Gippsland 7 CEM 1710 VIC
GIPPSL'D LAKES The Gippsland Lakes 7 HIS 1601
GLASGOW Glasgow 2 HIS O425 SCT
GLENCOE Glencoe 2 HIS O426 SCT
GLENELG Historic Glenelg - Birthplace of SA 1855-1979 7 HIS 1676
GLOUCESTOR Gloucestershire F/Hist Soc Journal 2 JOU 2238 GLS
GLOUCESTOR Gloucestershire F/Hist Soc Journal 2 JOU 2238 GLS
GLOUCESTOR Edge of the Sword 2 HIS O278 GLS
GNOWANGERUP Gnowangerup. The Town. My Story 6 HIS 1253 S/AG
GNOWANGERUP The Fruit of the Country 6 HIS 1256 S/AG
GOLD FEVER The Roaring Nineties 6 HIS 1907 EG/E
GOLD TOWNS West Australian Gold Towns & Settlements Vol 1 6 HIS 2535
GOLD TOWNS West Australian Gold Towns & Settlements Vol 2 6 HIS 2536
GOLD/GASCOYNE Gold in the Gascoyne 6 HIS 1425 N/W
GOLD/TYPHOID Gold and Typhoid 6 HIS 2351 EG/E
GOLDEN WEST The Golden West & How It Was Discovered 6 HIS 1831 EG/E
GOLDF'DS 1852/70 Where they Lie - Early Burials in Goldfields 7 CEM 1707 VIC
GOLDING A Proud Heritage. Hist of GOLDING & AUSTIN Families 4 BIO 2501 S/W
GOLDING/AUS'N A Proud Heritage. History of GOLDING & AUSTIN Fam' 4 BIO 2501 S/W
GOLD'N PI'LINE Golden Pipeline Heritage Trail 6 HIS 2414
GOLDSMITH Ritualist on a Tricycle 1880-1920 6 HIS 1808
GOOLWA South Coast Story. Hist of Goolwa 7 HIS 2206
GORDON ADAM L Colonial Poets - Adam Lindsay GORDON 4 BIO 2133
GORMAN No Music by Request - Portrait of the GORMAN Family 4 BIO O717
GOSS The GOSSes. An Anglo - Australian Family 4 BIO O718
GOULBURN Descendants of Goulburn & Dist. Pioneers 7 REG 2021
GOV'T GAZETTE WA Government Gazette 1836-1839 1 CENSUS 1352
GRANDMA We Should Have Listened to Grandma 1 GUI 2343
GRAVE HISTORY A Grave Look at History 7 CEM 1713
GRAVE HUMOUR A Small Book of Grave Humour 2 HIS 1727 UK
GRD Genealogical Research Directory -1981 Aus Ed 1 DIR O119
GRD Genealogical Research Directory -1981 Aus Ed 1 DIR O120
GRD Genealogical Research Directory -1982 1 DIR O121
GRD Genealogical Research Directory - Mid 1984 1 DIR O122
GRD Genealogical Research Directory - 1985 1 DIR O124
GRD Genealogical Research Directory - 1986 1 DIR O125
GRD National Research Directory - 1987 1 DIR O127
GRD Genealogical Research Directory - 1987 1 DIR O128
GRD Genealogical Research Directory - 1988 1 DIR O130
GRD Genealogical Research Directory - 1989 1 DIR O131
GRD Genealogical Research Directory - 1990 1 DIR O132
GRD Genealogical Research Directory - 1991 1 DIR O133
GRD Genealogical Research Directory - 1992 1 DIR O134
GRD Genealogical Research Directory - 1993 1 DIR O135
GRD Genealogical Research Directory - 1994 1 DIR O136
GRD Genealogical Research Directory - 1995 1 DIR O137
GRD Genealogical Research Directory - 1996 1 DIR O138
GRD Genealogical Research Directory - 1997 1 DIR O139
GRD Genealogical Research Directory - 1998 1 DIR O140
GRD Genealogical Research Directory - 1999 1 DIR O141
GRD Genealogical Research Directory - 2000 1 DIR O142
GRD Genealogical Research Directory - 2001 1 DIR O143
GRD Genealogical Research Directory - 2002 1 DIR O144
GRD Genealogical Research Directory - 2003 1 DIR O145
GRD Genealogical Research Directory - 2004 1 DIR 1762
GRD Genealogical Research Directory - 2005 1 DIR 1904
GRD Genealogical Research Directory - 2006 1 DIR 2013
GRD Genealogical Research Directory - 2007 1 DIR 2172
GREECE Let's Go Greece 3 GUI O502 GRC
GREECE Greece- The Unclouded Eye 3 HIS O503 GRC
GREECE A History of Greece 3 HIS O504 GRC
GREECE The Greeks & Their heritage 3 HIS O505 GRC
GREECE The Greeks & The Sea 3 HIS O506 GRC
GREECE Greece - Guide to History & Mythology 3 HIS O507 GRC
GREECE The Isles of Greece 3 HIS O508 GRC
GREECE The Falsification of Macedonian History 3 HIS 2260 GRC
GREENBUSHES Greenbushes 6 HIS 1225 S/W
GREENBUSHES From Slates to Silicon Chips Greenbushes P' Sch 4 BIO 2019 S/W
GULGONG Written In Gold - Story of Gulgong 7 HIS 2384
GWALIA Sons of Gwalia Goldmine 6 HIS 1297 EG/E
H.M.A.S. MK 111 H.M.A.S. MK 111. The 3rd RAN Book 5 MIL 1131
HAHNDORF Hahndorf 7 HIS 1683
HAHNDORF An Essentially German Village 7 HIS 2242
HAHNDORF A College in the Wattles 7 HIS 2252
HALL BEN Ben HALL Country 7 HIS 1534
HALL SARAH T Sarah Theodosia & HALL Family 4 BIO O719
HALLETT Woolsheds & Railheads. Hallett Area 1 GUI 2222
HAMERSLEY Adventure in Iron. Hamersley's 1st Decade 6 HIS 1358 PIL
HAMERSLEY Hamersley From the Old Iron Chest 4 BIO O721
HAMMOND Remembered With Pride Aust Gold Digger 5 HIS O975
HANDWRITING OLD Old Handwriting 2 GUI O205 UK
HANGINGS The Hangman's Diary 3 HIS O466
HARRIS VERA Every Life A Picture 4 BIO O722
HARVEY The Story of Harvey 6 HIS 2143 S/W
HARVEY CEM' Harvey and Districts Cemeteries 7 CEM 1763
HARVEY CEM' Harvey and Districts Cemeteries 7 CEM 1763 WA
HARVEY CENT'RY Shire of Harvey Centennial Book 1895-1995 6 HIS 2182 S/W
HARVEY SHIRE Reflections Within The Harvey Shire. 6 HIS 2460 S/W
HARVEY SHIRE Heritage Within the Harvey Shire. 6 HIS 2461 S/W
HASLUCK A Portrait With Background. Alexander Hasluck 6 HIS 1197 S/W
HAWES MONSIG' Monsignor HAWES Heritage Trail 6 HIS 2193 N/AG
HAWKESBURY MacQuarie Country 7 HIS 2385
HAWKESBURY Hawkesbury Journey 7 HIS 2386
HAY SAMUEL Gathered Threads 2 HIS O424 SCT
HAY ST- KAL' On the Game 6 HIS 1922 EG/E
HEADSTONES Living Stones 7 CEM 1716 TAS
HEADSTONES Living Stones 7 CEM 1716 NSW
HEATHCOTE McIvor - Hist of Shire & Township of Heathcote 7 HIS 1602
HELENA The Helena Story 6 HIS 1310 PER
HEYFIELD Heyfield 1841-1991 A Pictorial History 7 HIS 1616
HEYSEN HEYSEN of Hahndorf 7 HIS 1677
HILLISES HILLISES - Scattered Twice 4 BIO 2358
HILLMAN The Hillman Diaries 6 HIS 1877
HISTORY GRAVES A Grave Look at History 7 CEM 1713 NSW
HOBART Hobart Town 7 HIS 1574
HOBART 1858 ROLL 1858 Valuation Roll for the City of Hobart Town 7 CEN 1814
HOLBROOK Friday Mount- 1st Settlement of Holbrook 7 HIS 1538
HOLLAND Collins Dutch Phase Book 3 DIR O497 NLD
HOLMAN ADA Memoirs of a Premier's Wife 6 HIS 1908
HOLMES A C'T Undaunted 4 BIO 2422
HOME ' PEACE Lady Onslow's Legacy 6 HIS 2069
HOMES Our Beautiful Homes - Edwardian Age 5 HIS 1583
HOSPITALS S/W Northcliffe Karri Pigeon Special. District Hospitals 6 HIS 2490 S/W
HOSPITALS S/W Northcliffe Karri Pigeon Special. District Hospitals 6 HIS 2490 G/S
HOTELS HIST' "Time, Gentlemen" A History of the Hotel Industry in WA 6 HIS 1260 EG/E
HUNTER RIVER Australia's Hunter River Valley 7 HIS 1539
HYDEN The History of Hyden 6 HIS 2209 C/AG
HYDEN 60 Years in Wave Rock Country 6 HIS 2217 C/AG
ICELAND Let's Visit Iceland 3 HIS O498 ISL
IMM 4TH FLEET Fourth Fleet Families 4 IMM 2449
IMM ASIAN Asian Immigrants in Western Australia 1829-1901 1 IMM O947
IMM GERMAN The Germans in WA Innovaters, Immigrants, Internees 4 IMM O945
IMM ITALIAN The Italians 4 IMM O949
IMM REGISTER The Pioneer Register 4 IMM 2450
IMM UK Emigrants and Expats 4 IMM O948
INDEX-VOL 1 TO 25 The Ancestral Searcher - Vol 1 to 25 Archive DIR 1790
INDIA OFFICE India Office Library and Records 3 GUI O481
INNAMINCKA Innamincka 7 HIS 1685
INNAMINCKA Innamincka 5 HIS 1033
INVERCLYDE Inverclyde - Guide 1999-2000 2 GUI O438 SCT
IPSWICH 1904 Citizens of Ipswich 1904 7 ELE 2189
IPSWICH REGISTER Ipswich & District Pioneer Register pre 1950 7 DIR 1663
IRE HISTORY A Short History of Ireland 2 HIS O396 IRI
IRE RESEARCH Tracing Your Ancestor in Northern Ireland 2 GUI O391 IRI
IRE RESEARCH Your Family History 2 GUI O394 IRI
IRE RESEARCH Irish Research Compendium 2 GUI O395 IRI
IRI - CONARY HALL Through The Clouds of Change Parish Records 1 2 HIS 2503 IRI
IRI - CONARY HALL Through The Clouds of Change Parish Records 2 2 HIS 2504 IRI
IRI - GRIFFITHS Pocket Guide to Griffiths Valuation/ & Sources 8 GUI 1744 IRI
IRI ATLAS A New Genealogical Atlas of Ireland 2 ATL O356 IRI
IRI ATLAS Let's Go Ireland 2 ATL 1849 IRI
IRI CHUR' GRAVES Guide to Irish Churches & Graveyards 2 CEM O362 IRI
IRI DICTIONARY A Topographical Dictionary of Ireland Vol 2 2 DIR O360 IRI
IRI DICTIONARY A Topographical Dictionary of Ireland Vol 1 2 DIR O361 IRI
IRI HERITAGE Heritage, A Visitors Guide 2 GUI O381 IRI
IRI HERITAGE Ireland - Heritage Trail 2 GUI O386 IRI
IRI HIST' SOURCES Irish Records - Sources For Family & Local Hist 2 DIR O365 IRI
IRI HISTORY Ireland's Story 2 HIS O399 IRI
IRI INDEX 1851 Gen Alpha Index to Townlands/Towns/Parishes 2 DIR O364 IRI
IRI LDS GUIDE General Research Guide for Ireland : LDS 2 GUI 2373 IRI
IRI PARISH REG'S Directory of Parish Registers: Indexed in Ireland 2 DIR O372 IRI
IRI PLACE NAMES Irish Place Names 2 DIR O371 IRI
IRI POETRY The Tricolour Poems of the Irish Revolution 2 GEN 2283 IRI
IRI REGISTERS Guide to Irish Parish Registers 2 CEM O363 IRI
IRI REPUBLIC OF Tracing the past - Republic of Ireland 2 GUI O390 IRI
IRI RESEARCH Ireland Research File 1 RES OO71 IRI
IRI RESEARCH Directory of Irish Fam/Hist Research No 18 1996 2 DIR O367 IRI
IRI RESEARCH Directory of Irish Fam/Hist Research 2 DIR O368 IRI
IRI RESEARCH Directory of Irish Fam/Hist Research No 21 2 DIR O369 IRI
IRI RESEARCH The Ancestor Trail in Ireland 2 GUI O377 IRI
IRI RESEARCH Intro to Irish Research- Beginners Guide 2 GUI O378 IRI
IRI RESEARCH How to Trace your Irish Ancestors A-Z 2 GUI O382 IRI
IRI RESEARCH Irish Ancestry 2 GUI O383 IRI
IRI RESEARCH Basic Facts About Irish Fam/Hist Research 2 GUI O385 IRI
IRI RESEARCH Irish Genealogy - A Record Finder 2 GUI O387 IRI
IRI RESEARCH Irish Genealogy - A Record Finder 2 GUI O388 IRI
IRI RESEARCH In Search of Ireland 2 HIS 1999 IRI
IRI RESEARCH Tracing Your Irish Ancestors 2 GUI 2062 IRI
IRI RESEARCH Handbook of Irish Genealogy 2 GUI 2192 IRI
IRI RESEARCH Burkes Introduction to Irish Ancestry 2 GUI 2226 IRI
IRI RESEARCH Tracing Your Irish Ancestors 2 GUI 2433 IRI
IRI RESEARCH Irish Genealogy - A Record Finder 2 GUI 2434 IRI
IRI SONGS Songs of the Irish Republic 2 GEN 2286 IRI
IRI SURNAMES Surnames in Ireland 2 DIR O359 IRI
IRI SURNAMES Irish Surnames & Posssible Locations A-Mc 2 DIR 2513 IRI
IRI SURNAMES Irish Surnames & Posssible Locations M-Z 2 DIR 2514 IRI
IRI TO AUST Harps in the Mulga 2 GUI 1791 IRI
IRI TO AUST'LIA From Shamrock to Wattle 2 GUI O380 IRI
IRI WEB RESEARCH A Family History on the Web 2 GUI O384 IRI
IRI/AUST/NZ Irish Families in Aust & NZ 1788-1985 Vol 2 2 DIR O357 IRI
IRI/AUST/NZ Irish Families in Aust & NZ 1788-1983 Vol 1 2 DIR O358 IRI
IRI/AUST/NZ Irish Families in Aust/NZ Vol 4 R-Z 1788-1994 2 DIR O366 IRI
IRISH The Great Shame - Irish in the Old & New World 4 IMM 1886
IRISH CONVICTS Convicts & Exiles From Ireland 1791 - 1820 4 IMM O839
IRISH CONVICTS Irish Convicts - Origins Transported to Aus 4 IMM O840
IRISH FAM' NAMES Irish Family Names 2 DIR O373 IRI
IRISH IN AUST The Irish In Australia 5 HIS 2025
IRISH IN WA Harps in the Mulga - Irish in WA 2 GUI 1791
IRISH PAPERS Irish Papers 2 GUI O389 IRI
IRISH PRO Tracing Your Ancestors in the PRO 2 GUI 2436 IRI
IRISH STORIES Vanishing Ireland 2 BIO 2488 IRI
IRISH/AUST & N.Z. Irish Families in Australia & N.Zealand M-Q 2 DIR 1861
IRISH/AUST & N.Z. Irish Families in Australia & N.Zealand R-Z 2 DIR 1862
ISLE OF MAN The Manx Family Tree 8 GUI 2108 IOM
ISLE OF WIGHT Isle of Wight Family History Society (& MAP) 8 JOU 2361 IOW
ISLE OF WIGHT Isle of Wight Family History Society (& MAP) 8 JOU 2361 IOW
ISLE OF WIGHT Isle of Wight Family History Society 8 JOU 2361 IOW
Ist FLEET MANIFEST Ist Fleet Passenger Manifest 4 IMM O902
Ist FLEET RETURN The Return of the First Fleet 4 IMM O927
ITALIAN POW's Italian Farming Soldiers-POW's 1941/47 5 MIL 1089
ITALIANS AUS/NZ How to Trace Your Italian Ancestors in Aus/NZ 3 GUI O526
ITALY The Land of Italy 3 HIS 2233 ITA
ITALY Seaside Resorts in Italy 3 GUI O527 ITA
ITALY/AUST/NZ How to Trace Your Italian Ancestors in Aus/NZ 3 GUI O526 ITA
JACKSON E S Ernest Sandford JACKSON Pioneer Surgeon Australian 4 BIO O723
JARDEE The Mill That Cheated Time 6 HIS 2350 S/W
JARRAHDALE The Mills of Jarrahdale 1872-1972 6 HIS 1227 S/W
JEFFERY U Uranie and Her Shoemaker 4 BIO 2273
JEWISH ANCEST' My Ancestor Was Jewish 2 GUI O215 UK
JEWISH JOU 1990/93 Aust. Jewish Historical Society Vol11 1990/93 1 JOU 1973
JEWISH JOU 1993 Aust. Jewish Historical Society Vol12 Part 1 1 JOU 1974
JEWISH JOU 1993 Aust, Jewish Historical Society Vol11 Part 6 1 JOU 1975
JEWISH JOU 1994 Aust. Jewish Historical Society Vol 12 Part 2 1 JOU 1976
JEWISH JOU 1994 Aust. Jewish Historical Society Vol 12 Part 3 1 JOU 1977
JEWISH RESEARCH A Guide to Organising your Jewish F H Records 3 GUI 2495
JEWISH RESEARCH Genealogical Res Within the Jewish Family 3 GUI 2496
JINDERA Jindera - A Town and its People 7 HIS 1540
JITARNING SCH Jitarning School 1913-1950 6 EDU 1519
JOADJA The Story of Joadja. Mittagong. 7 HIS 2277
JOADJA 1870-1911 Joadja Creek Shale Oil Town & its People 7 HIS 2276
JOHANNSEN A Son of "The Red Centre" 4 BIO O724
JONES CLEM Pioneers & Progress 6 HIS 1390 C/AG
JONES W & T Descendants of Walter & Tabitha JONES 4 BIO 2475
KADINA Kadina. A Second Look 7 HIS 1668
KAL' FOOTBALL Gravel Rash 6 HIS 2328 EG/E
KAL' N'S/PAPER The Voice of the Goldfields - Kalgoorlie Miner 6 HIS 1271 EG/E
KAL TWO-UP Heads & Tails. Kalgoorlie Two Up School 6 HIS 1281 EG/E
KAL' WATER Origins of the E/G Water Scheme 6 HIS 1284 EG/E
KALAMUNDA A Line On Kalamunda 6 HIS 2076 PER
KALBARRI Kalbarri - Oral History 1951-2001 6 HIS 1837 N/AG
KALG'-BOULD' The Glittering Years 1907-1928 6 HIS 2004 EG/E
KALGOOR' CEM' Kalgoorlie Cemetery Heritage Walk Trail 2004 7 CEM 2197
KALGOORLIE The Fabulous Golden Mile 6 HIS 1261 EG/E
KALGOORLIE The Fields in Photos - Kal. - Coolg. 1892-1912 6 HIS 1272 EG/E
KALGOORLIE The Mile That Midas Touched 6 HIS 1273 EG/E
KALGOORLIE In Old Kalgoorlie. Pictorial 6 HIS 2483 EG/E
KALGOORLIE CEM' Kalgoorlie Cemetery Heritage Walk Trail 2004 7 CEM 2197 WA
KALUMBURU Kalumburu-Benedictine Mission 1908/75 6 AB/HIS 1497 WA
KAMBALDA Gold Finds Near Kambalda 6 HIS 1262 EG/E
KAMMANN A KAMMANN Family 100 Years in Australia 4 BIO 2118
KANGAROO ISL' Kangaroo Island 1800-1836 7 HIS 1680
KANOWNA The White Feather 6 HIS 1265 EG/E
KANYAKA Kanyaka 7 HIS 2185
KATANNING Katanning - A Century of Stories 6 HIS 1248 S/AG
KATANNING A Place to Meet 6 HIS 1249 S/AG
KATHERINE The Katherine Region 7 HIS 2396
KATHERINE WOMEN Women of Katherine 7 HIS 1559
KATIKATI Tales of Old Katikati 3 HIS O523
KELLERBERRIN A Man His Dog & A Dead Kangaroo 6 HIS 2399 C/AG
KELLY NED Ned Kelly (Large Book) 5 HIS O969
KELLY NED Ned Kelly (Large Book) 5 HIS 1053
KELSEY DUDLEY The Shackle - Dudley Eban KELSEY 7 HIS 1565
KENT SHIRE History of the Shire of Kent 6 HIS 1245 S/AG
KENTISH Social History of Kentish Municipality 7 HIS 1995
KENWICK CEM' Kenwick Pioneer Cemetery 7 CEM 1739
KENWICK CEM' Kenwick Pioneer Cemetery 7 CEM 1739 WA
KENWICK CEM' Kenwick Pioneer Cemetery 7 CEM 1739 VIC
KIANDRA Historic Kiandra 7 HIS 1541
KIDMAN S KIDMAN - The Forgotten King 4 BIO O725
KILVERT'S DIARY Kilvert's Diary 2 HIS O291 UK
KIMBERLEY Bulls & Boabs 6 HIS 1417 KIM
KINGIA SCH' The Kingia - Bunbury Senior High School 1966 6 EDU 1516
KINGUSSIE/CAMEN Kingussie & the Camen 2 HIS O429 SCT
KIRKYARDS N/East Scotland Kirkyards (75 books) 2 CEM 2448 SCT
KITTO Fam Hist of James & Jennifer KITTO 4 BIO 2154
KITTO KITTO Family History 1996 Updated 2005 4 BIO 2155
KLEM The KLEM Family in Australia 1856-1982 4 BIO O726
KNAP Who'd Be a Farmer's Wife? 4 BIO O727
KOJONUP First the Spring 6 HIS 1250 S/AG
KOND'N -HYD'N Kondinin-Kalgarin-Hyden. Community Time & Place 6 HIS 1393 C/AG
KOOKYNIE Kookynie to Keysbrook 6 HIS 1285 EG/E
KOOKYNIE North Eastern Goldfields From Kookynie to Laverton 6 HIS 1294 EG/E
KOOKYNIE/NIAG Kookynie Niagra 6 HIS 2415 EG/E
KOORDA From Afar A People Drifted 6 HIS 1898 C/AG
KUKERIN Beyond The Fence 6 HIS 1247 S/AG
KULIN Kulin In the Making 6 HIS 1295 C/AG
KULIN A Bold Yeomanary 1949-1970 6 HIS 1394 C/AG
KULIN SCH' Kulin D.H. School Insignia 1916-1991 6 EDU 1520
KULIN SCHOOL Kulin School Journal 1916-1949 6 EDU 1920
KUNDIP Kundip 1901-2001 6 HIS 1286 EG/E
KUNJIN Kunjin - It's Early History 6 HIS 2084 C/AG
KURANDA RAILWAY Cairns Kuranda Railway 1882-1891 7 HIS 1657
KURANDA RAILWAY Cairns Kuranda Railway 1882-1891 7 HIS 2254
KWINANA Kwinana "Third Time Lucky" 6 HIS 2110 PER
KWINANA Kwinana "Third Time Lucky" 4 BIO 2406
KYNETON Historic Kyneton 7 HIS 1636
LADY JULIANA Genealogical Society of Tasmania 1991 7 HIS 1579
LAKE MAGENTA Memories of Lake Magenta 6 HIS 1255 S/AG
LANDSDALE Landsdale - The First 100 Years 4 BIO O786
LATIN - SIMPLE Simple Latin 2 GUI O206 UK
LAWRENCE LAWRENCE (Laurence) from Scotland to Swan River Colony 4 BIO O729
L'DERRY MINE Londonderry - The Golden Hole 6 HIS 2327 EG/E
LDS LIBRARY The Library - LDS 1 GUI OO36
LDS LIBRARY Library Guide to LDS Family History Library 1 GUI OO36
LEE ADA Pioneer's Story 4 BIO O730
LEFROY From Ireland to Western Australia 1842 to 1960 4 BIO 1774 N/AG
LEFROY G de C From Ireland to WA 1842-1960 LEFROY 4 BIO 1774 N/AG
LEFROY G de C The Journal of Gerald De Courcy LEFROY 4 BIO 2403
LEICESTOR Leicestershire Marriage Index 1801-1837 A-E 2 DIR O187 LEI
LEICESTOR Leicestershire Marriage Index 1801-1837 F-KL 2 DIR O188 LEI
LEICESTOR Leicestershire Marriage Index 1801-1837 L-R 2 DIR O189 LEI
LEICHARDT L The Mystery of Ludwig Leichardt 5 HIS O968
LEONORA Leonora & Gwalia 6 HIS 1888 EG/E
LETTSOM Lettsom ( John Coakley) 2 HIS O294 UK
LEWIS ESS'TON The Steel Master - Essington LEWIS 4 BIO O703
LEXTON SHIRE A Valley of the Finest Description 7 HIS 1622
LIEWEHR-LEBER J Life Went On - Story Josefa LIEWEHR-LEBER 4 BIO 2201
LINCOLNSHIRE Lincolnshire Windmills : Old Picture Cards 2 GUI O212 LIN
LINCOLNSHIRE Boston - Lincolnshire 2 HIS O271 LIN
LINCOLNSHIRE Lincolnshire - the Kings England 2 HIS O293 LIN
LLOYDS Lloyds Marine Collection at Guildhall Library 4 IMM O914
LOCKE LOCKE Family History 4 BIO O731
LOFTHOUSE T Oral History of Tom LOFTHOUSE 4 BIO 2420 S/W
LOFTHOUSE T Oral History of Tom LOFTHOUSE 4 BIO 2420
LOG/LOGS 3 VOLS Log of Logs Vol 1.2 & 3 4 IMM 1933
LONDON London Encyclopedia 2 DIR O198 LND
LONDON A City at War 2 HIS O275 LDN
LONDON A History of London Life 2 HIS O283 LDN
LONDON London 2 HIS 1901 LDN
LONDON Life In Victorian London 2 HIS O295 LDN
LONDON - BURKES Burkes Family Index 2 DIR O184 LND
LONDON - KEW The Story of Kew - London 2 GUI O211 LND
LONDON ATLAS London Atlas 3 ATL O615 LDN
LONDON ATLAS Nicholson London Streetfinder 3 ATL O662 LDN
LONDON ATLAS London A-Z Street Atlas & Index 3 ATL 1809 LDN
LONDON CHURCH' City of London Churches 2 HIS O276 LDN
LONDON DIRECT'S Royal College of Physicians- London 1518-1700 2 DIR O201 LND
LONDON FREEMEN My Ancestors Were Freemen - City of London 2 DIR 2288 LND
LONDON GRAVES Famous London Graves 2 HIS 1725 UK
LONDON GUIDE Guide Book to London 2 ATL O620 LDN
LONDON POLL Poll Book 1696-1872. London. 2 GUI O233 UK
LONDON RECORDS London Record Office 2 GUI O232 UK
LONELY GRAVES More Lonely Graves of Western Australia 7 CEM 1717 WA
LONELY GRAVES Lonely Graves of WA 7 CEM 1718 WA
LONELY G'VES More Lonely Graves of Western Australia 7 CEM 1717
LONELY G'VES Lonely Graves of WA 7 CEM 1718
LOW COUNTRIES Low Countries- Holland,Belgium,Luxembourg 3 GEN O496 NLD
LOXTON Loxton 7 HIS 1666
LUMPERS UNION Records of the Lumpers Union 1907 - 1970's 4 IMM O904
M' MAGNET SCH' Mt Magnet School 6 EDU 1521
MACQUARIE Lachlan Macquarie 4 BIO 2336
MAFFRA Maffra - Past and Present 7 HIS 1629
MAFFRA AG' SHOW Maffra's First Agricultural Show 1888 7 HIS 1781
MAFFRA BOWLS The Green Years - Maffra Bowls Club 1921-1983 7 HIS 1782
MAFFRA HIS' SOC' I Remember' Maffra & District Historical Society 7 HIS 1783
MAFFRA SHIRE Maffra Shire Council 7 HIS 1780
MAIN ROADS Bush Tracks to Bitumen 6 HIS 2223 S/W
MALACCA CEM'S Christian Cemeteries & Memorials in Malacca 7 CEM 1722 ASIA
MALDON The Essential "Maldon" 7 HIS 1610
MALLEE SCH'LS Mallee Schoolday Memories 6 EDU 2364 EG/E
MALLEE SCH'S Mallee School Day Memories 6 ED 2364 EG/E
MANJ' BRI'TOWN Battlers, Bushmen & Drovers. Manjimup/Bridgetown 4 BIO 2485 S/W
MANJ' TOBACCO Manjimup Tobacco Industry 6 HIS 2309 S/W
MANJIMUP 100 Years of Manjimup Shire 4 BIO 2308 S/W
MANJIMUP Memories of Manjimup 4 BIO 2311 S/W
MANJIMUP From the Horse & Cart to the Aeroplane. Jim MUIR. 4 BIO 2487 S/W
MANJIMUP History in the News. Manjimup and Districts 6 HIS 2489 S/W
MANJIMUP 100 Years of Manjimup Shire 4 BIO 2308 S/W
MANJIMUP Memories of Manjimup 4 BIO 2311 S/W
MANJIMUP G/S Middlesex Memories (Middlesex & Smith Brook) 6 HIS 2199 G/S
MANJIMUP RAIL The Manjimup-Northcliffe Railway Line 6 HIS 2205 S/W
MANJ'UP B'TWN Battlers, Bushmen & Drovers. Manj'up & Bridget'n 4 BIO 2485 S/W
MANNING The MANNINGs Way of Life 4 BIO 2401
MANNOCK MICK King of Air Fighters.Bio of Major Mick Mannock 5 MIL 1085
MANX RESEARCH The Manx Family Tree 8 GUI 2108 UK
MAORI DICT'NARY Concise Maori Dictionary 3 DIR O516
MAPLE-BROWN An Australian Country Life 4 BIO O732
MARBLE BAR Gold Dust & Iron Mountains 6 HIS 2142 PIL
MARBLE BAR To The Bar Bonded 6 HIS 2296 PIL
MARENGO News From Marengo 7 HIS 2355
MARG' RIVER They Came to the Margaret 6 HIS 1777 S/W
MARINONI The MARINONI Family. 100 Years in Australia 4 BIO 2446 S/W
MARINONI The MARINONI Family 100 Years in Australia 4 BIO 2446
MARITIME HIST A Maritime History of Australia 4 IMM O779
MARLSTON HILL Marlston Hill & All That 6 HIS 1178 S/W
MARQUIS Marquis Memories 4 BIO O734
MARTELLA G Giuseppe and Family 4 BIO 2171
MARX BRUNO How I Remember My Life 3 BIO O663
MASONIC L'DGE Richmond Lodge-50th Anniv. Masonic Lodge 6 HIS 1306 PER
MAY JOHN John MAY Relates His Experiences 4 BIO O735
MCCASKILL D All Things to All People - Life of Rev'd Don McCASKILL 4 BIO 2404
McCOURT James McCOURT & Connections 4 BIO 1929
MCGREGOR I The Burning Hill 2 HIS O421 SCT
McMAHON A Remarkable Convict Woman 4 BIO 2528
MECKERING PS Meckering Primary School 1896-1996 6 HIS 2515 C/AG
MECKERING PS Meckering Primary School 1896-1996 6 EDU 2515 C/AG
MEDICAL DICT'RY Balliere's Medical Dictionary 2 GEN 2455
MEEKATHARRA Meekatharra - End of the Earth 6 HIS 1838 CTRL
MELB OLD CEM' The Old Melbourne Cemetery 1837-1922 7 CEM 1704
MELB'NE ATLAS Melbourne Street Directory 3 ATL O629
MELB'NE ATLAS Blair's Guide to Melbourne & Victoria 3 ATL O644
MELVILLE CITY A City For All Seasons 6 HIS 2012 PER
MENTAL PATIENTS Burials & Mental Patients Estates 7 CEM 1703 SA
MENZIES No Sign of the Times 6 BIO 2326 EG/E
MENZIES R G Sir R MENZIES - The Measure of the Years 4 BIO 2218
MERCY SCH Channels of Mercy-Mercy Schools in SW of Australia 6 EDU 1514
MERCY SCH' Pathfinders in Education-Sisters of Mercy Bunb 1883-1983 6 EDU 1515
MERCY SISTERS A Good News - Mercies Sesqui Centenary 1831-1981 6 HIS 1466
MERCY SISTERS Valiant Women-Sisters of Mercy in 1845-1849 6 HIS 1477
MERREDIN History of the Merredin District 6 HIS 1395 C/AG
METEOROLOGY The Origins of Autralian Meteorology 5 HIS 1024
METHODIST ANCES' My Ancestor Was Methodist 2 GUI O216 UK
METHODIST ANCES' My Ancestor Was Methodist 2 GUI O217 UK
MID' RAIL' WORK Midland Railway Workshops 6 HIS 2407 PER
MIDLAND Centenary of Midland 6 HIS 1308 PER
MIDLAND R'WAY Railway History of Midland Junction 6 HIS 1309 PER
MIDWEST FISH'G The Way It Was 6 HIS 2333 N/AG
MIL' 1946 As You Were. 1946 5 MIL 1147
MIL' 1949 As You Were. Services at Home & O/seas 1949 5 MIL 1149
MIL' 1950 As You Were. 1950 5 MIL 1148
MIL' AFTER 1945 Stand Easy. After the Defeat of Japan 1945 5 MIL 1146
MIL' ARMY OVERS'S Soldiering On. Aust Army & O/seas 5 MIL 1144
MIL' ARMY OVERS'S Soldiering On. Aust Army & O/seas 1942 5 MIL 2264
MIL' ARMY RES' Tracing Your Family History: Army 5 MIL 1101
MIL' AUS MEDALS Medals to Australia - with valuations 5 MIL 2430
MIL' AUS/NZ REC'DS Trace Your Military Ancestors in Aust/NZ 5 MIL 1094
MIL' BATTYE LIBR'Y Our Military Ancestors 5 MIL 1107
MIL' BLITZ Boy in the Blitz 5 MIL 1086
MIL' BOANS WWI Boans to the Battlefields 5 MIL 1058
MIL' CAPTIVES Captives 5 MIL 1090
MIL' COMMEM' Australia Remembers 5 MIL 1117
MIL' CORVETTES Corvettes: Defending Aust in her darkest hour 5 MIL 2491
MIL' DESERTERS The Deserters 5 MIL 1081
MIL' DESERTERS Army Deserters from H.M.Service Vol 1 1853/58 5 MIL 1122
MIL' DIGGERS Diggers- Army, Navy, Air Force in 11 years 5 MIL 1142
MIL' DISPATCHES Frontline Dispatches Aus at War 1845-1972 5 MIL 1120
MIL' DISPATCHES Mentioned in Dispatches - WW1 5 MIL 1121
MIL' DISPATCHES Happy Dispatches 5 MIL 1140
MIL' DISPATCHES Front Line Dispatches 5 MIL 1992
MIL' ENGINEERS Corps of Royal Aust Engineers 1939-1945 5 MIL 1143
MIL' FEMALE DOC'T Matilda Waltzes with the Tommies 5 MIL 1079
MIL' H.M.A.S. H.M.A.S. 5 MIL 1125
MIL' H.M.A.S. MK 11 H.M.A.S. MK 11 The 2nd RAN Book 5 MIL 1145
MIL' H.M.A.S. MK 1V H.M.A.S. MK 1V 5 MIL 1139
MIL' HISTORY Australia at Arms 5 MIL 1157
MIL' HISTORY Official History of Aust in the War 1914/18 Vol 4 5 Mil 1159
MIL' HISTORY Official History of Aust in the War 1914/18 Vol 5 5 MIL 1160
MIL' HISTORY Official History of Aust in the War 1914/18 Vol 6 5 MIL 1161
MIL' HON'RS/AW'DS Aust Roll of Honor, Nat Honors & Aw'ds1975/96 5 MIL 2072
MIL' ILLUSTRATIONS Army Australia - Illustrated History 5 MIL 1116
MIL' KHAKI & GREEN Khaki & Green. Army at Home & O/seas 5 MIL 1135
MIL' LAND ARMY Until The Boys Return. Women's Land Army 5 MIL 2431
MIL' LIGHT HORSE Light Horse - Australia's Mounted Troops 5 MIL 1123
MIL' M/NAVY RES' Tracing Your Family History: Merchant Navy 5 MIL 1103
MIL' MEDALS For Distinguished Conduct & Notorious Service 5 MIL 2195
MIL' MEDICAL OFF'R Recollections of a Regimental Medical Officer 5 MIL 1082
MIL' MUSEUMS Guide to Military Museums 5 MIL 1097
MIL' NAVAL HIST Naval Records for Genealogists 5 MIL 1847
MIL' NEW GUINEA War in New Guinea and Yanks & Aussies in Battle 5 (Box) MIL O776
MIL' NURSES While History Passed. Aus Nurses (Prisoners) 5 MIL 2432
MIL' NURSES WW1 Nightingales in the Mud of Gt War 1914/15 5 MIL 1072
MIL' NZ CON' PARTY Sing As We Do. Kiwi Concert Party 1941/43 5 MIL O525 NZ
MIL PICTORIAL Australia at War Pictorial History 1939/45 Vol 5 5 MIL 1155
MIL' PICTORIAL Australia at War Pictorial History 1939/45 Vol 1 5 MIL 1151
MIL' PICTORIAL Australia at War Pictorial History 1939/45 Vol 2 5 MIL 1152
MIL' PICTORIAL Australia at War Pictorial History 1939/45 Vol 3 5 MIL 1153
MIL' PICTORIAL Australia at War Pictorial History 1939/45 Vol 4 5 MIL 1154
MIL' POW's POW Prisoners of War 5 MIL 1063
MIL' POW's Prisoners of War from Gallipoli to Korea 5 MIL 1093
MIL' R/NAVY RES' Tracing Your Family History: Royal Navy 5 MIL 1102
MIL' RAAF The Eagles. Story of the RAAF at War 5 MIL 1133
MIL' RAAF RAAF Saga 5 MIL 1136
MIL' RAAF RAAF Log. RAAF at War 5 MIL 1137
MIL' RAF RES' Tracing Your Family History: Royal Air Force 5 MIL 1104
MIL' RES' FILE Military Research File 5 MIL O774 WA
MIL' RESEARCH Military Research File 5 MIL O774
MIL' RESEARCH Army Records for Family Historians 5 MIL 1095
MIL' RESEARCH General Guide to Collections & Archives 5 MIL 1109
MIL' ROLL CALL Roll Call 5 MIL 1098
MIL' ROLL CALL Roll Call 5 MIL 1099
MIL' ROLLS.MEDALS Australian Commonwealth Horse 5 MIL 1119
MIL' S.A. VOLUN' South Australian Military Volunteers 1855 5 MIL 1105 S.A.
MIL' SA CASUALT'S S.A.Casualties of WW1 5 MIL 1106 S.A.
MIL' SERVICE 1941 Active Service 1941 5 MIL 1132
MIL' SERVICES 1947 As You Were/ Aus Services at Home & O's 1947 5 MIL 1128
MIL' SERVICES 1948 As You Were/ Aus Services at Home & O's 1948 5 MIL 1129
MIL' SIGNALS Signals. Australian Corps of Signals 5 MIL 1130
MIL' SOUTH AFRICA Aust Mil Contingents-War in South Africa 5 MIL 2421
MIL' SOUTH PACIFIC Jungle Warfare. Aust in the South Pacific 5 MIL 1134
MIL' STORIES WW1 The Australian People & The Great War 5 MIL 2063
MIL' THE ANZACS The Anzacs 5 MIL 1150
MIL' TRIUMPH Australasia Triumphant 5 MIL 1066
MIL' UNIFORMS Uniforms of the Australian Colonies 5 MIL 1118
MIL' VETERANS BIO' Diggers & Mates-WW1 Veterans Bio's 5 MIL 2423 WA
MIL' VOLUNT'R DEF' On Guard. Volunteer Defence Corps 5 MIL 1138
MIL' WAR MEMOR'L Australian War Memorial 5 MIL 1100
MIL' WHO's WHO Who Was Who in WW2 5 MIL 1124
MIL' WW1 Complete Illustrated History of WW1 5 MIL 2509
MIL WW11 The Marshall Cavendish Encyclopedia Vol 2 5 MIL 2263
MIL' WW11 The Marshall Cavendish Encyclopedia Vol 1 5 MIL 2262
MIL' WW2 RESCUE Lucky 73- USS Pampanito Rescue of POW's 5 MIL 2493
MILLIGAN Early Days of MILLIGAN Family 1859-1977 4 BIO 2290 S/W
MILLIGAN Early Days of MILLIGAN Family 1859-1977 4 BIO 2290 S/W
MINGENEW Mingenew 1846-1986 6 HIS 1773 N/AG
MISSING PERSON Searching for Tony 3 GUI 2253
MISSING SHIPS Vanished Fleet-Aus C'st Pas Ships 1910-1960 4 IMM O932
MISSIONARIES The Rock and the Sand 6 HIS 1479
MITCHELL The MITCHELLs of Bunbury 4 BIO 2544 S/W
MITCHELL The MITCHELLs of Bunbury 4 BIO 2544 S/W
MITTAGONG Mittagong's Picturesque History 7 HIS 2261
MOIGNARD MOIGNARD Family & The Church of Christ 4 BIO 2389
MOIR SAGA The Continuing MOIR Saga 6 HIS 1884 S/AG
MOONTA Australia's Little Cornwall 7 HIS 2230
MOONTA/KADINA Moonta Wallaroo Kadina Sketchbook 7 HIS 1675
MOORA Tracks Through the Midlands 6 HIS 2183 N/AG
MOORE RIVER Sort Of A Place Like Home 6 AB/HIS 1503 WA
MORGAN MAD DOG Mad Dog MORGAN Country 7 HIS 1535
MOR'HAMSTEAD Memories of Moretonhamstead 2 HIS 2438 DEV
MORN'TON MILLS Memories of Mornington Mills 6 HIS 1224 S/W
MOTOR HISTORY Four Wheeled Pioneers 6 HIS 2408
MOULTON A W Abraham Walter MOULTON 4 BIO O736
MT BARKER What We Were/Church Parish of Mt Barker 6 HIS 1246 S/AG
MT BARKER The Way to St Werburgh's 6 HIS 1890 S/W
MT GAMBIER Mount Gambier - The City Around a Cave 7 HIS 1682
MT GAMBIER CEM' Mount Gambier Cemetery Indexes 7 CEM 1700
MT GAMBIER CEM' Mount Gambier Cemetery Indexes 7 CEM 1700 SA
MT MAGNET Drawn to Mt Magnet 6 HIS 1431 CTRL
MT MAGNET Gateway to Gold 6 HIS 1278 EG/E
MT MARGARET Mt Margaret & Districts 6 HIS 1296 EG/E
MT MORGAN Black Gold & Intrigue - Story Of Mt Morgan 7 HIS 1644
MT MORGANS Mt Morgans 6 HIS 2335 EG/E
MT NEWMAN The First 500 Million - Mt Newman Story 6 HIS 1359 PIL
MT NEWMAN The First 500 Million 6 HIS 1365 PIL
MT ROYAL HOSP' Mount Royal Hospital - A Social History 7 HIS 1604
MUIR MUIR Family 4 BIO O737
MUIR A & E Settlers Footprints from Star. MUIR Family 4 BIO 2124
MUIR JIM From The Horse & Cart To The Aeroplane 4 BIO 2487 S/W
MUIR JOCK Settlers, Fishers & All Sorts 4 BIO 2506 S/W
MUIR JOCK Settlers. Fishers and All Sorts 4 BIO 2506 S/W
MUJA COAL Hebe - The Black Jewel 6 HIS 1205 S/W
MUKINBUDIN Mukinbudin Memories 6 HIS 1404 C/AG
MULGOA CHURCH St Thomas' Church Mulgoa 1838-1988 7 HIS 1548
MULGRAVE SHIRE Pictorial History of Mulgrave Shire 1880-1980 7 HIS 1653
MULLER The MULLER Family in Australia 4 BIO 2271
MULLEWA Wildflower Country 6 HIS 2177 N/AG
MUMBA' NOGG' Timber & Two Up 6 HIS 1223 S/W
MUNDARING WEIR Mundaring Weir Among The Hill 6 HIS 1311 PER
MURCHISON Road to the Murchison 6 HIS 1430 CTRL
MURRAY DIST' Murray District of WA 6 HIS 1220 S/W
MUSGROVE A Short History of Somerset Family of MUSGROVE 4 BIO O739
MYOLA SCH' Myola-Perth College-Schools of the Sisters of the Church 6 EDU 1522
N.T. 1838 - 1839 Forsaken Settlement of Victoria,Pt Essington 7 HIS 1874
N.T. FAR NORTH The Territory. Classic Saga of Aust. Far North 7 HIS 1566
N.T. HISTORY There's Nowhere Like our own Territory 7 HIS 2395
N.T. RESEARCH Northern Territory Research File 1 RES OO74
N.T. SHORT HIST' Far Country - Short History of the N.T. 7 HIS 1562
N.T.CEM' BOOK Northern Territory Cemetery Book No 1 7 CEM 1697
N.T.FLYING DOC' The Flying Doctor Story 7 HIS 1909
N.T.POLICE FORCE Patrol Indefinite - The N.T.Police Force 7 HIS 1563
N.Z BEGIN' GUIDE Fam Hist Res in N.Z. A Beginners Guide 3 GUI O520
N.Z. ATLAS Shell Road Maps of New Zealand 3 ATL O650
N.Z. CONCERT Sing As We Do - Concert Party 1941-43 3 MIL O525
N.Z. EVENTS Great Events In New Zealand History 3 HIS O521
N.Z. GENEALOGIST The N.Z. Genealogist - 14 Book 3 HIS 2196
N.Z. HANDBOOK New Zealand Handbook 3 GUI O519
N.Z. PIONEER New Zealand 3 HIS 1906
N.Z.CEMETERIES . New Zealand Cemetery Records. Holdings List 3 CEM 1723
N.Z.GUIDE The New Zealand Guide 3 GUI O518
N.Z.RESEARCH Tracing Family History in New Zealand 3 GUI O517
N.Z.SHORT HIST' A Short History of New Zealand 3 HIS O524
N/AG HOMES'DS Homesteads of the Mid-West 6 HIS 1373 N/AG
N/CLIFFE-PEMB Northcliffe & Pemberton 6 HIS 1442 G/S
N/W DIOCESE Spinifex Saints The Diocese Of North WA 1910-1985 6 HIS 1280 EG/E
N/W SETT'MENT The Challenge & The Chance 6 HIS 1850 N/W
NAMES Names for the Australian Baby 1 GUI OO90
NAMES The Guinness Book of Names 1 GUI O458
NAMES The Great Aus & NZ Book of Baby Names 1 GUI O459
NAMES BOOK The Guiness Book of Names 1 GUI O458
NANNUP Pass the Jam Please. HUTCHINS 6 HIS 1216 S/W
NAREMBEEN Narembeen - Golden Jubilee 1924-1974 6 HIS 1397 C/AG
NAREMBEEN Narembeen District History 6 HIS 1408 C/AG
NAREMBEEN Seed Time & Harvest 6 HIS 2086 C/AG
NARINGAN'LOOK Naringaningalook 'meeting of many waters' 7 HIS 1617
NARROGIN Early Day of Narrogin & Districts 6 HIS 1396 C/AG
NARROGIN The Way Through - Story of Narrogin 6 HIS 1399 C/AG
NARROGIN Wolwolling Reflections - Highbury Early Days 6 HIS 1405 C/AG
NARROGIN Descendants of GRAHAM- Eyre to Narrogin 1877-2007 6 BIO 2270 C/AG
NARROGIN Memorial 11. Narrogin & WW 11 5 MIL 1059 WA
NARROGIN Memorial 1. Narrogin & WW 11 5 MIL 1060 WA
NARROGIN BIO' Rushy Pool Ramblings (Dorothy Borthwick) 4 BIO O752 C/AG
NARROGIN MIL' Memorial II Narrogin and WWII 5 MIL 1059
NARROGIN MIL' Memorial I Narrogin and WWII 5 MIL 1060
NARROGIN SCH' Narrogin Primary School 80th Year Celebrations 6 EDU 1523
NAT' ARCHIVES Finding Families - Guide to National Archives 1 GUI OO45
NAT DIRECTORY National Research Directory - 1985 1 DIR O123
NAVAL RECORDS Naval Records for Genealogists 5 GUI 1847
NEDLANDS Nedlands - From Campsite to City 6 HIS 1312 PER
NEDLANDS Asteroids on the Swan. Early Development of Nedlands 6 HIS 1313 PER
NEW GUINEA War in New Guinea. Yanks & Aussies in Battle 5 MIL O776
NEW NORCIA The Story of New Norcia 6 HIS 1377 N/AG
NEW NORCIA The Story of New Norcia 6 HIS 2144 N/AG
NEW NORCIA A Town Like No Other 6 HIS 2332 N/AG
NEWCASTLE Pioneers of Newcastle NSW 7 HIS 1546
NEWCASTLE 1901 Index to Names from Fed Dir/Newcastle & Dist 7 DIR O101
NEWDEGATE Newdegate 1922-1972 6 HIS 2494 S/AG
NFK COLONIAL CEM Colonial Era Cemetery 7 CEM 1694 NFK
N'FOLK TO TAS' Nfk Isl Embark to Van Diemans Lnd 1807/13 4 IMM O926 NFK
NIAGRA An Historical Study - Niagra 6 HIS 1264 EG/E
NICKEL/GOLD Nickel Country - Gold Country 6 HIS 1277 EG/E
NOCKOLDS The NOCKOLDS Family Tree 4 BIO 2537
NON-CONFORMIST My Ancestor Was Non-Conformist 2 GUI O218 UK
NON-CONFORMIST My Ancestor Was Non-Conformist 2 GUI O220 UK
NOONGAR WOMEN Southwest Noongar Women 6 AB/HIS 1504 WA
NOR' TERRITORY Northern Territory 7 HIS 1561
NORFOLK The Parish Registers of Diss 1551-1837 2 DIR O194 NFK
NORFOLK Bibliography - Norfolk 2 DIR 2294 NFK
NORFOLK The Howards of Norfolk 2 HIS O286 NFK
NORFOLK Norfolk Record Office 2 GUI O239 NFK
NORFOLK CEM' Colonial Era Cemetery - Norfolk Island 7 CEM 1694 NFK
NORFOLK CEM' Colonial Era Cemetery of Norfolk Island 7 CEM 1694
NORFOLK HISTORY Ramblers Guide to Norfolk Island 7 GUI 1543
NORFOLK HISTORY Building Norfolk Island 7 HIS 1544
NORFOLK ISLE Norfolk Island 7 HIS 1543 NFK
NORFOLK ISLE Building Norfolk Island 7 HIS 1544 NFK
NORFOLK TO TAS' NFK Emb to Van Dieman's Land 1807-1813 7 IMM O926
NORFOLK TO TAS' Nfk Embark to Van Deimans Lnd 1807/13 4 IMM O926
NORMANS LAKE Normans Lake - A Collection of Memories 6 HIS 1252 S/AG
NORMANTON Normanton Centenary 1868-1968 7 HIS 1654
NORSEMAN A Western Gold Rush 1936-1951 6 HIS 2202 EG/E
NORTH WEST The New Frontier - Australia's Rising North West 6 HIS 1367 PIL
NORTHAM/KAT'N Northam - Katrine Heritage Trail 6 HIS 1398 C/AG
NORTHAMPTON Every Year the Christmas Bush 6 HIS 1378 N/AG
NORTHAMPTON Northampton 1848-2000 6 HIS 2251 N/AG
NORTHCLIFFE Northcliffe Remembers 6 HIS 1827 G/S
NORTHCLIFFE Northcliffe Remembers 6 HIS 1827 S/W
NORTHCLIFFE The Northcliffe Experience 4 BIO O682
NORTHUM'LAND Northumberland 2 GUI 2046 NBL
NORWEGIAN S/W The Norwegian Connection 6 HIS 1174 S/W
NORWICH Index to Norwich City Officers 1453-1835 2 DIR O195 NFK
NSW 1814 CENSUS Census of NSW 1814 7 CEN O353
NSW 1814 MUSTER General Muster of NSW 1814 7 CEN O346
NSW 4th FLEET Fourth Fleet Families 4 IMM 2449
NSW ARCH' OFFICE The Archives Office of NSW Research Kit 1 GUI OO60
NSW ASS'TED IMM Index to Asstd Imm Arr Moreton Bay 1848-1859 4 IMM O937
NSW ASS'TED IMM Index to Asstd Imm Arr Port Phillip 1839-1851 4 IMM O938
NSW ASS'TED IMM Index to Asstd Imm Arr Sydney 1844-1859 A-F 4 IMM O939
NSW ASS'TED IMM Index to Asstd Imm Arr Sydney/Newcastle G-M 4 IMM O940
NSW ASS'TED IMM Index to Asstd Imm Arr Sydney/Newcastle N-Z 4 IMM O941
NSW ASS'TED IMM Index to Asstd Imm Arr Sydney 1860-1879 4 IMM O942
NSW ASS'TED IMM Index to Asstd Imm Arr Sydney 1880-1896 4 IMM O943
NSW B.D.M's Born in the English Coloney of New South Wales 7 HIS 2538
NSW CHILD MIGR'S The Children's Friend Society 4 IMM O944
NSW COL' SEC'Y Ind Papers of NSW Colonial Sec'y 1788-1825 7 CEN O352
NSW COLON'L LIFE Colonial Life in NSW 7 HIS 1536
NSW COLONY This Peculiar Colony 7 HIS 1915
NSW CONVICTS Convicts Arriving in Australia 1794-1800 4 IMM O847
NSW CONVICTS Convicts Arriving in Australia 1801-1805 4 IMM O848
NSW C'T REC'DS C't Rec's Ind pre 1900 Picton Vol 5 1863-1865 7 DIR O109
NSW C'T RECORDS Court Records Index pre 1900 Vol 3 1840-1857 7 DIR O104
NSW CWA HIST' Serving the Country - History of CWA in NSW 7 HIS 1550
NSW FEM' CON'S The Women of Botany Bay 4 IMM 1532
NSW GAOL INMAT'S Tracing Gaol Inmates 4 IMM O878
NSW MUSTER Musters & Lists NSW & Nfk Isl 1800-1802 4 CEN O347
NSW MUSTER Musters & Lists NSW & Nfk Isl 1805-1806 4 CEN O348
NSW MUSTER General Musters NSW/Nfk/Van Deimans 4 CEN O349
NSW MUSTER 1822 Gen' Must's & Land Stock Must's NSW 1822 7 CEN O350
NSW PARISH REG'R Parish Register in Australia 7 HIS 1686
NSW PARLIAMENT The NSW Parliament 7 HIS 1545
NSW PASS' LISTS Is Yours an "SS" Gt Britain Family 1852-1875 4 IMM O929
NSW PICTON C't Rec's Ind pre 1900 Picton Vol 7 1880-1883 7 DIR O102
NSW PICTON C't Rec's Ind pre 1900 Picton Vol 6 1866-1874 7 DIR O103
NSW PICTON C't Rec's Ind pre 1900 Picton Vol 4 1858-1862 7 DIR O105
NSW PICTON C't Rec's Ind pre 1900 Picton Vol 2 1833-1839 7 DIR O106
NSW PICTON C't Rec's Ind pre 1900 Picton Vol 1 1829-1832 7 DIR O107
NSW PIONEERS IND NSW Pioneers Index 1788-1918 a Guide M/FICHE GUI 1761
NSW RC REC'DS The Catholic Records Index 2nd Edition 7 DIR O108
NSW RESEARCH New South Wales Research File 1 RES OO77
NSW SCONE Moving Images and The Theatre 7 HIS 2539
NSW STATE LIB' Pathfinder No 2 1 GUI OO59
NSW/NFK ISLAND Musters & Lists NSW & Nfk Island 1800-1802 7 CEN O347 NFK
NSW/NFK ISLAND Musters of NSW & Norfolk Island 1805-1806 7 CEN O348 NFK
NSW/NFK/VAN D Gen' Must of NSW, Nfk & Van Die's Land 1811 7 CEN O349 NFK
NSW/TAS MUSTERS Musters - NSW, NFK Van Dieman's Land 1811 4 CEN O349 NSW
NSW1985 DIREC'Y UBD Sydney Street Directory 1985 3 ATL O642
NULLARBOR The Nullarbor Plain 6 HIS 2367 EG/E
NULLARBOR Verse From the Nullarbor 6 HIS 2369 EG/E
NUMURKAH Numurkah 7 HIS 1597
NURSES AUST' Scarlet Pillows 6 HIS 1787
NURSES ENRO' The Enrolled Nurse 6 HIS O865
NURSING ARMY Reminiscences of an Australian Army Nurse 4 BIO O793
NYUNGAR Nyungar Tradition of S/W 1829-1914 6 AB/HIS 1499 WA
OCCUPATIONS How to Find Occupational Records in Aust 1 GUI OO50
OFFER C & D Brookside - The Life & Family of C & D OFFER 4 BIO O741
O'KEEKE Railways & Pastures 4 BIO O743
OLD ERNIE By Bread Alone 5 HIS O970
OLD MELB' CEM' The Old Melbourne Cemetery 1837 - 1922 7 CEM 1704 VIC
OLD MELB' GAOL The Old Melbourne Gaol 7 HIS 1993
ONE NAME STUDIES Register of One Name Studies - 1990 1 DIR O439
ONSLOW A Walk Around Old Onslow 6 HIS 1423 N/W
OPERA (LYSTER) The Golden Age of Aust. Opera 1861-1880 5 HIS 1047
O'REILLY B Green Mountains 7 HIS 1658
O'RIELLY WA's Great Escape 4 BIO O742
O'SEAS RES' FILE Overseas Research File 1 RES OO70
OTWAY Notes on the Otway 7 HIS 1632
OUTBACK HEROES Outback Heroes 5 HIS 1852
OUTBACK PIL' Call of the Outback 6 HIS 1362 PIL
OUTBACK ST'NS Some Ghosts, Some Not 6 HIS 1364 PIL
OVERLANDERS The Overlanders 5 HIS 1042
OXFORD LIT' GUIDE Oxford Literary Guide to The British Isles 2 DIR O191 UK
OXFORDSHIRE Oxfordshire & Buckingham Lt Inf 1917/18 5 MIL 2281
PAKISTAN Pakistan Around the World Program 3 GEN O499 PAK
PALGARUP Reflections of Yesteryear 6 HIS 2211 S/W
PALGARUP SCH' Palgarup School - In Retrospect 6 HIS 2212 S/W
PALMERSTON CEM Palmerston Pioneer Cemetery 7 CEM 1698 NT
PALMERSTON CEM' Palmerston Pioneer Cemetery 7 CEM 1698
PAR' H'NDBOOK Parliamentary Handbook - WA 1984 1 INDEX 1461
PARISHES - BOYD'S A List of Parishes in Boyd's Marriage Index 2 DIR 2289 UK
PARKER The House of Northbourne PARKERs 4 BIO 2005
PARKFIELD Shipping - Parkfield 4 IMM O951
PARKHURST CON Register of Parkhurst Convicts Apprenticed in WA 1842-1851 4 IMM O853
PAROCHIAL ADMIN' The Parish Chest 2 GUI 2231 UK
PARSONS Rockingham' Rock-Bottom Rock-Solid 4 BIO 2402
PATHFINDER 1 Pathfinder No 1 1 GUI OO58 NSW
PATHFINDER 2 Pathfinder No 2 1 GUI OO59 NSW
PAYNE Brave Hearts 4 BIO 2017
PAYNE GEO The History of the Descendants of George PAYNE 4 BIO O746
PAYNES FIND Paynes Find 6 HIS 2323 CTRL
PEACH BILL Australia Wide With Bill Peach 5 HIS 2115
PEDLER PEDLERs of Australia 4 BIO 2477
PEEL REGION Mandurah & The Murray 1829-1900 6 HIS 1217 S/W
PEMBERTON Phoebe Remembers 6 HIS 1440 G/S
PEMBERTON Tale of a Groupies Son. Group 89 6 HIS 1441 G/S
PEMBERTON Tall Trees & Tall Tales. Stories of Old Pemberton 6 HIS 1222 S/W
PEMBERTON "Rosevale" - Pemberton. The Early Years 6 HIS 2175 S/W
PEMBROKESHIRE The Regional Book 2 HIS 2047 UK
PENNINE PORTRA'S Pennine Portraits 2 HIS O305 UK
PER' FRE' 1955 Plan For Metro Region Perth & Fremantle 1955 6 HIS 1321 PER
PER' FRE' HIST' A Concise History of Perth & Fremantle 6 HIS 1320 PER
PER SKETCHB'K Perth Sketchbook 6 HIS 1317 PER
PERENJORI Golden Opportunities 6 HIS 1380 N/AG
PERTH Victorian & Edwardian Perth 6 GUI 2306 PER
PERTH Metropolitan Road Guide Perth 3 ATLAS O630
PERTH Perth & All This 6 HIS 1454
PERTH - 1956 Visitors Guide to Perth - 1956 6 HIS 1319 PER
PERTH 1976 Metropolitan Street Directory Perth 1976 3 ATLAS O631
PERTH 1976 UBD Street Directory Perth 1976 3 ATLAS O633
PERTH 1978 Metropolitan Street Directory Perth 1978 3 ATLAS O632
PERTH 1998 UBD Street Directory Perth 1998 3 ATLAS O634
PERTH ARC'VES Guide to Australian Archives :: Perth Collection 1 GUI OO47
PERTH CITY Perth & All This - Story About A City 6 HIS 1454 PER
PERTH CITY A City & It's Setting 6 HIS 1876 PER
PERTH PEOPLE The People of Perth 6 HIS 1315 PER
PERTH STREETS The Streets of Old Perth 6 HIS 1316 PER
PERTH to W/WAY The Old North Road 6 HIS 1981 N/AG
PETERBOROUGH Peterborough Profile 7 HIS 2180
PHILLIMORE'S Phillimore Atlas & Index of Parish Registers 3 ATL O613 UK
PICTON P'SCH' Picton Primary School 1891-1991 6 HIS 2476 S/W
PICTON SCH' Picton Primary School :: 1891-1991 6 EDU 1524
PIGGOTT Australian PIGGOTT Family Tree 6 BIO 2346 S/W
PIGGOTT PIGGOTT History 1844-1979 4 BIO O747
PIGGOTT Australian PIGGOTT Family Tree 4 BIO 2346
PIGGOTT BEN Ticket of Leave Men - Ben Piggott - Springhill 4 IMM O864
PIGOT DIRECTORY Pigot Directory - Kent. Surrey. Sussex. 2 DIR O193 UK
PILBARA Pearl Shells & Pastures 6 HIS 1416 KIM
PILBARA Nor'Westers of the Pilbara Breed 6 HIS 1424 N/W
PILBARA Cyclone Coasts - Australia's NW Frontier 6 HIS 1356 PIL
PILBARA Pilbara Journey. Through the 20th Century 6 HIS 1360 PIL
PILBARA Pearl Shell & Pastures 6 HIS 2008 PIL
PINGARING History of Pingaring 1923-1973 6 HIS 1254 S/AG
PINGELLY Pingelly - Our People & Progress 6 HIS 1400 C/AG
PINGELLY A Fortunate Life. A B FACEY 6 HIS 1401 C/AG
PINJARRA Rails to Pinjarra - 100th Anniversary 6 HIS 1218 S/W
PINNACLE SCHOOL From The Pinnacle 7 HIS 1643
PINNER/CURTAIN Tree of Thomas PINNER & Eliz Ann CURTAIN 4 BIO 2020
PINSET HOTEL The Pinsent Hotel Since 1851 7 HIS 1634
PIONEER REG'R The Pioneer Register 4 IMM 2450
PIONEERS Pioneers Country 7 HIS 1662
PIONEERS EG/E The Forgotten Pioneers of the Eastern Goldfields 7 CEM 2023 EG/E
PIONEERS EG/E The Forgotten Pioneers of the Eastern Goldfields 7 CEM 2147 EG/E
PIONEERS EG/E The Forgotten Pioneers of the Eastern Goldfields 7 HIS 2529 EG/E
PODGER PODGER 1898 - 1998 4 BIO 2203
POLICE AUST' Police in Australia 4 IMM O874
POLICE TIM'R CK History of Policing in Timber Creek 4 IMM O879
POOLE G T George Temple Poole Architect 1885-1897 6 HIS 2469
POPANYINNING Popanyinning School Reunion 1989 6 EDU 2547 C/AG
PORT ARTHUR Ghosts of Port Arthur 7 IMM 2102
PORT DALRYMPLE The Story of Port Dalrymple 7 HIS 1575
PORT FAIRY A Holiday and Fishing Town - Port Fairy Vic 7 HIS 1638
PORT HEDLAND Town of Port Hedland 6 HIS 1361 PIL
PORT PHILLIP GENT Port Phillip Gentlemen 7 HIS 1609
PORTLAND Portlands Volunteer Rifle Corps 1859-1863 7 MIL 1625
PORTLAND Portland Now & Then 7 HIS 1641
PORTL'ND BATTERY Portland's Historic Battery 7 MIL 1728
PORTUGAL Fodor's Portugal 1972 3 GUI 2237 PRT
POW LOST AT SEA Heroes at Sea - Index Aus POWs lost at Sea 5 MIL 1065
PRIMROSE BOB Tall Timber, Brown Paper and Porridge 6 HIS 2457 S/W
PRINCESS ROY A Cargo of Women 4 IMM 1531
PROSPECTING Way to the Gold in WA 6 HIS 1275 EG/E
QLD AGRICULTURE Harvest & Headaches 7 BIO 1650
QLD ATLAS Brisbane Street Directory 3 ATL O641
QLD CANE The Cordonnier 7 HIS 1655
QLD GOLD TOWNS Old Gold Towns of Queensland 7 HIS 1647
QLD HERITAGE Building Queensland Heritage 7 HIS 1649
QLD MINING TOWNS Old Mining Towns of North Queensland 7 HIS 1648
QLD NORTH Memories of Golden Gate, North QLD 7 HIS 1779
QLD OUTBACK REG Outback QLD Pioneer Register Pre 1950 7 DIR 1664
QLD POSTAL HIST' Postal Pioneers 7 HIS 1661
QLD RESEARCH Queensland Research File 1 RES OO76
QLD SOURCE B'K The Queensland Source Book 1 GUI 1355
QLD SQUATTER Up Rode the Squatter 7 HIS 1659
QLD STATE LIBR' Unlocking the Past - State Library Resources 1 GUI 1345
QLD SUGAR Pioneer Sugar Mill - 100 Years 7 HIS 1651
QLD TO KIMB/LY Tales of the Overland. Qld to Kimberley 1885 6 HIS 2116 KIM
RAAF These Eagles - RAAF at War 5 MIL 1126
RAAF Victory Roll - The RAAF at War 5 MIL 1127
RAILW'S M'BAR Marble Bar to Mandurah 6 HIS 2298 PIL
RANDALL Family History - RANDALL. MOYLE 4 BIO 2481
RANGIATEA STORY The Rangiatea Story 3 HIS O522
RAVENSTHORPE Ravensthorpe Then & Now 6 HIS 1287 EG/E
RAVENSTHORPE Ravensthorpe - Then and Now 6 HIS 1802 S/AG
R'BOURNE GOAL Old Roebourne Gaol 6 AB/HIS 1511 WA
RC CHURCH AUS Official Direct of Catholic Church of Aust 1981/2 1 DIR O479
RENFREWSHIRE Renfrewshire Mon Inscriptions Pre 1855 2 CEM O405 SCT
RESEARCH Sources in the ACT 1 GUI O52
RESOURCE LIST Genealogy Centre Resource List: Australasia 1 GUI OO64
REWELL The REWELL Family History 4 BIO O748
RICE FAMILY The Life & Times of the RICE Family 4 BIO 2305 S/W
RICE FAMILY The Life & Times of the RICE Family 4 BIO 2305 S/W
RICHARDSON H A Pleasant Passage (the convict ship Sultana ) 4 BIO O749
RIDDELL Riddells Village - Riddells Creek 7 HIS 1603
ROBERTS Roberts - of Cornwall, England and Capel 4 BIO O744
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ROOKWOOD The Sleeping City - Rookwood Necropolis 7 CEM 1712 NSW
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ROSEDALE The Rosedale Story Vol 1 7 HIS 1611
ROSER In Search of Elizabeth 4 BIO O751
ROTTNEST Rottnest Island - History & Architecture 6 HIS 1323 PER
ROTTNEST Rottnest: Links in History 6 HIS 1324 PER
ROTTNEST Rottnest Island in History & Legend 6 HIS 2194 PER
ROYALTY The Decades of Royalty 6 HIS 2412
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RSA GUIDE The Companion Guide to South Africa 3 GUI O514 RSA
RSA GUIDE 1971 Guide To South Africa 1971 3 GUI 2232 RSA
RSA HISTORY South Africa, Past, Present & Future 3 HIS O512 RSA
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RSA SKEL'N COAST Skeleton Coast 3 HIS O515 RSA
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RYE Rye 2 HIS 1811 UK
S' RIVER COL'NY Swan River Colony 6 HIS 1329 PER
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SA AB STUDIES Introduction to Aboriginal Studies 6 HIS 2394 AB
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SA BIO' INDEX Biographical Index of SA 1836-1885 No 2 1 DIR O111
SA BIO' INDEX Biographical Index of SA 1836-1885 No 3 1 DIR O112
SA BIO' INDEX Biographical Index of SA 1836-1885 No 4 1 DIR O113
SA BIO' INDEX Biographical Index of SA 1836-1885 No 5 1 DIR O114
SA BIO' INDEX Biographical Index of SA 1836-1885 No 6 1 DIR O115
SA BIO' INDEX Biographical Index of SA 1836-1885 No 7 1 DIR O116
SA BIO' INDEX Biographical Index of SA 1836-1885 No 8 1 DIR O117
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SA BOOK 2 M-Z SA 1836-1885 1 DIR OO91
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SA MENTAL EST'S Mental Patients Estates 1 HIS 1671
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SA OBIT'S Yorke Peninsula Obit & Death Notices 1875 7 CEM 2267
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SA OBIT'S Yorke Peninsula Obit & Death Notices 1877 7 CEM 2269
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SA PASS'ER LISTS Pioneers & Settlers. Passenger Lists 1837 4 IMM 2442
SA PASS'ER LISTS Pioneers & Settlers. Passenger Lists 1838 4 IMM 2443
SA PASS'ER LISTS Pioneers & Settlers. Passenger Lists 1839 4 IMM 2474
SA PASS'ER LISTS Pioneers & Settlers. Passenger Lists 1840 4 IMM 2499
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SA RESEARCH FH Sources in Official Records of SA 1 GUI OO61
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SA RESEARCH Sources for SA History 1 GUI OO63
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SA SHIPS 1836-60 Migrant Ships for South Australia 1836-1860 4 IMM O922
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SAMPSON.R. Rosa SAMPSON - Her Story 6 HIS 1234 S/AG
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SANDSTONE Sandstone - As I Remember It 6 HIS 1775 CTRL
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S'BUN' F'BALL The South Saga- Sth Bunbury Football Club 1897-1976 6 HIS 2497 S/W
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SHANNON Shannon Times. History of a timber town. 6 HIS 2429 S/W
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SHARK BAY Shark Bay, WA 6 HIS 1427 N/W
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SHARK BAY Shark Bay Days 6 HIS 1895 N/W
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SHIPS PICTURES Sailing Ships - Pictures 4 IMM 2103
SHIPS RESEAR' Ships - Ships, Research, Types, Pictures etc 4 IMM O885
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SHOALHAVEN CEM' Index to Deaths Shoalhaven pre 1900 7 CEM 1693 NSW
SIMONS J J The Life Story of J J SIMONS - Founder of Y.A.L. 4 BIO O758
SLATTERY DAN Dan's Diary - Journey from Dardanup to S/Cross 4 BIO 2505 S/W
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SNELL W A The Glassy Goanna - Life of William Albert SNELL 6 HIS 1357 PIL
SOUTH EAST CEM' South East Cemetery Indexes 7 CEM 1701 SA
SOUTH PERTH History of South Perth 6 HIS 1325 PER
S'PERTH SCH' South Perth Primary School 1898-1998 6 EDU 1526
SPEYSIDE Speyside Monumental Inscriptions Pre 1855 2 CEM O404 SCT
SPEYSIDE Speyside Monumental Inscriptions Pre 1855 3 CEM O647 SCT
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ST ARNAUD History of St Arnaud 7 HIS 1613
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St JAME'S BDM's St James Blackiston 1847-1997 7 JOU 2428
ST JAMES CHURCH St James Church 7 HIS 1547
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VIC CEM'S Cemeteries - Victoria 7 CEM 1705
VIC CEN' G'FIELDS Grave Reflections. Central Goldfields 7 CEM 1709
VIC G'FIELDS BUR'S Where They Lie. Burials Goldfields 1852-1870 7 CEM 1707
VIC GOLD Digging for Gold 7 HIS 1585
VIC GOLD TOWNS More Gold Towns of Victoria 7 HIS 1586
VIC GOLDFIELDS Victorian Goldfields 7 HIS 1589
VIC HISTORY Living History of Victoria 7 HIS 1605
VIC LA TROBE PRO List of Holdings La Trobe & PRO 1985 1 GUI OO53
VIC LONELY GRAV' Lonely Graves of Gippsland Goldfields 7 CEM 1710
VIC MARINE BIRTHS Marine Births in Victoria from 1855-1869 4 IMM O900
VIC PIONEER IND' The Victorians Pioneers Index 1837-1888 Guide M/FICHE GUI OO51
VIC POLICE Police in Victoria 1836-1980 4 IMM O868
VIC POLICE REC'S Cops & Robbers - Guide To Police Records 4 IMM O872
VIC RESEARCH Family & Local History Indexes in Victoria 1 GUI OO54
VIC RESEARCH Family & Local History Indexes in Victoria 1990 7 GUI OO55
VIC RESEARCH Family & Local History Sources in Victoria 1 GUI OO56
VIC RESEARCH Victorian Research File 1 RES OO78
VIC RESEARCH Genealogy Research in Victoria 1 GUI O777
VIC RESEARCH WAGS S.Aust Interest Group 7 GUI 1927
VIC SHIPWRECKS Shipwrecks Along the Great Ocean Road 4 IMM O924
VICTORIA DIST Ancient Landmarks 6 HIS 1383 N/AG
VICTORIA IMMIG' Shipping Arrivals & Departures VOL1 1778-1845 4 IMM 2512
VICTORIAN AGE Life in the Country/ Victorian Age 5 HIS 1009
VIETNAM Desperate Praise 5 MIL 1080
W' TERRACE CEM' The Hist & Records of West Terr Cem Adelaide 7 CEM 1702
W.A.G.Railways Station Masters of Western Australia 6 HIS 2542
WA - 19TH CEN' MAITLAND BROWN - View of 19th Century WA 6 HIS 1382 N/AG
WA C'NTRY DIR' UBD West Australian Country Towns 1973-1974 3 ATLAS O635
WA 1829-1979 Western Australia 1829-1979 3 ATLAS O657
WA 1906 Western Australia as it is Today - 1906 6 HIS 1803
WA 1992/93 DIR' The WA Municipal Directory 1992-1993 3 ATLAS O637
WA 20TH CENT Twentieth Century Impressions 6 HIS 1804
WA AIRLINES Speck in the Sky - A History of Airlines in WA 6 HIS 1474
WA ARCH'TURE Western Heritage 6 HIS 1450
WA ARCH'TURE Western Australia Architectural Heritage 6 HIS 1452
WA AUTHORS West Coast Stories 6 HIS 1484
WA BURIAL INDEX West Australian Burial Location Index 7 CEM 1720
WA BURIAL INDEX West Australian Burial Location Index 7 CEM 1720 WA
WA CEM' LISTINGS WA Cemetery Listings 7 CEM 2053 WA
WA CEM' LIST'S WA Cemetery Listings 7 CEM 2053
WA CEN' 1832 1st Census of Western Australia 1832 1 CEN O354
WA CEN' 1837 Western Australia Census - 1837 1 CENSUS O355
WA CEN' 1837 1837 Census WA 1 CENSUS 2104
WA CIVIL SERV' The History of the Civil Service Assn of WA 1902-1979 6 HIS 1472
WA C'NTRY DIR' UBD WA Street Directory 2nd Ed (Country) 1992 3 ATLAS O640
WA COLONIAL Western Images 6 HIS` 1451
WA CON' REC'S Convict Records of WA 4 IMM 1931
WA CONVICTS Convicts in WA 1850-1857 Vol IX 4 IMM O855
WA CONVICTS Unwilling Emigrants 4 IMM O860
WA CONVICTS Convict Records of WA 4 IMM O861
WA CONVICTS Convict Fremantle 4 IMM 1930
WA COUNTRY Country Images 6 HIS 1458
WA CWA Her Name is Women - CWA 6 HIS 1459
WA EARLY Western Australian Readings 6 HIS 1485
WA EARLY We Discovered an Island 4 IMM O909
WA EDU' DEP'T WA Yesterday and Today 6 HIS 1486
WA EDUCATION Commemorative Album WA 1829-1979 6 HIS 1881
WA EDUCATION The Western State - Its People and Its Ports 6 HIS 1917
WA EXECUT'NS Legal Executions in WA 4 IMM O873
WA FARMING On Farmers' Service 6 HIS 2007
WA GENIE RES' Dead Reckoning 1 GUI OO66
WA GOLD STOR' Westward Gold 6 HIS 1274 EG/E
WA GOVT' GAZ' Government Gazette - WA 1909 6 HIS 1113
WA GRAIN POOL The Grain Journey 6 HIS 2216
WA HIST SOURC' Sources For History of South Western Australia 1 GUI 1789
WA HIST' SOURC' Sources For History of South Western Australia 1 GUI 2489
WA HISTORY WA's Tempestuous History Vol 1 & 2 Omnibus 6 HIS 1445
WA HISTORY Western Australia 6 HIS 1446
WA HISTORY Western Australia 1829-1900 6 HIS 1453
WA HISTORY Westralian Voices 6 HIS 1455
WA HISTORY A New History of WA 6 HIS 1805
WA IMAGES WA - Images of the 20th Century 6 HIS 1487
WA IMPRES'NS Twentieth Century Impressions of WA 1 GUI OO38
WA LANDM'KS Western Landmarks 6 HIS 1334 PER
WA LOCAL HIST' Welcome to Local History 1 GUI 1460
WA LOCALITIES Western Australia Localities/Gazetteer 3 ATLAS O639
WA MAIN R'DS Servant of the State-History Main Roads Dept 1926-76 6 HIS 1471
WA MED' HIST' A History of Medicine in WA 6 HIS 1462
WA MEDIC' SCH' The First Quarter Century. Faculty of Medicine WA 6 HIS 2440
WA MUSEUM Memories of a Museum 1891-1991 6 HIS 1468
WA MUSEUM Challenge - A Story of 150 Years 6 HIS 1469
WA MUSTERS Aust Joint Copying Project - WA Musters, Returns, Pay Lists 4 IMM O875
WA NAT' TRUST National Trust of WA Sketchbook 6 HIS 1336 PER
WA NAT' TRUST The Heritage of WA 6 HIS 1444
WA NEWSP'ERS The Years of News - West Aust & Perth Daily News 6 HIS 1475
WA PBS A Superior Kind of Savings Bank - Perth Building Society 6 HIS 1465
WA PHARMACY A History of Pharmacy in WA 6 HIS 1464
WA PICT'N LOCK' Index to Entrance Book Picton Lock Up 1845-1861 4 IMM O870
WA PICTORIAL WA Pictorial Parade of 150 Years 6 HIS 1443
WA PIONEERS Nothing to Spare-Recollections of Aust Pioneering Women 4 BIO O799
WA PLACES Gone West - Guide to WA's Places from the Past 1 GUI 2360
WA PLUMBING In Good Hands 6 HIS 2067
WA POLICE Grandfather was a Policeman 1829-89 4 IMM O871
WA POLICE Searching for Ancestors in the WA Police Force 4 IMM O876
WA POLICE Policing Our State 4 IMM O881
WA POLICE RES' Police Research 4 IMM O883
WA POLICING Frontline Policing - On the Beat & in the Bush 6 HIS 2458
WA PORTRAITS Westralian Portraits 6 HIS 2184
WA RACING Born Winners Born Losers Racing & Breeding in WA 6 HIS 1457
WA RAILWAYS W.A.G.Railways - Lines, Stations, Sidings 1 GUI 2398
WA RES FILE Western Australian Research File 1 RES OO80
WA SECWA Power for the People 6 HIS 1824
WA SHEARING Tin Dog Damper & Dust 6 HIS 1456
WA SHIPS1829-38 Ships Arriving in Swan River Colony 1829-1838 4 IMM O958
WA SHIPS1829-38 Ships Arriving in Swan River Colony 1829-1838 4 IMM O959
WA SHORT HIST' A Short History of WA 6 HIS 1449
WA SOUTH West of the Bight 6 HIS 1244 S/AG
WA ST'M SHIPS Steamships in Colonial WA 4 IMM O910
WA SUPR'ME C'T Order in the Court 4 IMM O882
WA TOWNS Histories of Western Australian Towns 1 GUI 1740
WA TRANSPORT Urban Transport & the MTT 6 HIS 1482
WA U'TAKERS The Dismal Trader - Undertaker Business 1860-1939 6 HIS 1473
WA WELD CLUB History of the Weld Club (1871-1950) 6 HIS 2009
WA WOM'CRICK' The History of Women's Cricket in WA 1930 - 1980 6 HIS 1467
WA WOMEN As I Remember Them 4 BIO O798
WA WOMEN HIST Her Story - Women in WA History 6 HIS 1463
WA WRECKS Wrecks on the Western Australian Coast 4 IMM O908
WA W'TRHOLES Waterholes of Western Australia 6 HIS 2141
WAGIN The Emu's Watering Place 6 HIS 1251 S/AG
WAGS SIL'ANNIV Family Reflections - Silver Anniversary Anthology 6 HIS 1935
WALES Wales In Colour 2 GUI 1919 WLS
WALES A Trickle of Welsh Blood 2 BIO 2339 WLS
WALGETT Walgett - Before the Motor Car 7 HIS 2390
WALHALLA Switzerland of Australia 7 HIS 1607
WALLINAR/HARD A Sense of Purpose - Wallinar & Hardie Families 6 HIS 1916
WALPOLE In Praise of a National Park - Walpole Nornalup 6 HIS 1851 S/AG
WALPOLE Full Fifty Years & Fifty Very Full Years 6 HIS 2246 S/W
WALSH MATRON Life in Her Hands 6 HIS 2068
WALTZ' MATILDA Waltzing Matilda - The Answers 7 HIS 1642
WANDER'G SCH' History of the Pioneer Schools in Wandering Shire 6 EDU 1806
WANNEROO The Pioneers - Story of Wanneroo 6 HIS 2077 PER
WANNEROO Wanneroo 6 HIS 2295 PER
WAR BRIDES For the Love of a Soldier 5 MIL 1068
WAR MEMORIAL Guide to the Australian War Memorial 5 MIL 1078
WARBURTON E The Map to St Werburgh's 4 BIO O702
WARD'RS/JAIL'RS Warders and Jailers 1829-1879 4 IMM O880
WAROONA Drakesbrook Days - Ilustrated History of Waroona Shire 6 HIS 2024 S/W
WAROONA From Quedinup to Dunsborough 4 BIO 2204 S/W
WARREN AREA In God's Own Country - Warren Area 1906/95 6 HIS 2186 S/W
WARREN DIST' History Landscape & Heritage of Warren District 6 HIS 2089 S/W
WARRNAM/SALVOS The Salvos Are Coming. 1887-1987 7 HIS 1631
WAR'SHIRE ATLAS Birmingham Street Directory- 8 ATL 1729 WAR
WATERLOO BATT' The Battle of Waterloo 1815 List Of Killed 5 MIL 1108
WAY '79 The Way 79 - Who is Who 4 BIO O809
WEEKLY TIMES The Bible of the Bush 1869 -1994 5 HIS 1798
WELCOME WALL Welcome Wall's Celebration 4 IMM 1882
WELCOME WALL Welcome Wall's Celebration 4 IMM 1883
WELLINGTON DUKE Life of Wellington 2 HIS O319 UK
WELL'TON MILLS Wellington Mills 6 HIS 2467 S/W
WELSH F' HISTORY Welsh Family History 2 GUI O764 WLS
WELSH F' HISTORY Researching Family History in Wales 2 GUI O771 WLS
WELSH GHOSTS Welsh Ghosts 2 HIS O766 WLS
WELSH HOMES Welsh Castles, Gardens & Houses 2 GUI O765 WLS
WELSH REGISTER Parish Register of Wales 2 GUI 2361 WLS
WELSH RESEARCH Tracing Your Welsh Ancestors 2 GUI 2058 WLS
WEST Ireland to Australia 1943-1995 4 BIO O790
WEST ARTHUR West of the Arthur 6 HIS 1257 S/AG
WEST GERMANY West Germany - The Land & It's People 3 HIS O482 GEW
WEST HIGHLAND A Guide to the West Highland Way 2 GUI O418 SCT
WESTMORLAND Vital Statistics- Westmorland Census 1787 2 CEN 2437 WES
WEST'N STATE The Western State 4 BIO O802
WESTONIA Westonia - The Wheels of Change 6 HIS 2088 C/AG
WESTRAIL Westrail - A Concise History 6 HIS 1483
WEXFORD PORT Wexford Port 2 HIS O401 IRI
WHEATLEY Ancestors of Elizabeth Dorothy BACH 4 BIO 2523 S/W
WHEATON P & W Philip & Ann WHEATON 1848-1987 4 BIO O792
WHO'S WHO UK Who's Who - 1978-1979 3 BIO O828 UK
WHO'S WHO UK Who's Who Vol 3 Eng 1603-1714 3 BIO O837 UK
WICKEPIN "Comadyne" Wickepin 1892-1992 6 HIS 2198 C/AG
WILLIAMS The WILLIAMS Family - Stanley 1822-1945 7 BIO O796
WILLIAMS R M Beneath Whose Hand 4 BIO O794
WILLIAMS R M I Once Met a Man 4 BIO O795
WILLIAMS SHIRE The Williams Shire Council 6 HIS 1406 C/AG
WILUNA Wiluna - Edge of the Desert 6 HIS 1433 CTRL
WINDICH TOMMY Bushman Born 6 AB/HIS 1494
WINDY HARBOUR Windy Harbour Settlement 6 HIS 2090 S/W
WINJAN Winjan's People 6 AB/HIS 1508 WA
WITT HOWELL Bush Bishop 4 BIO 2134
WITTENOOM Blue Murder. Wittenoom's Deadly Dust 6 HIS 1365 PIL
WITTENOOM On We Go The Wittenoom Way 4 BIO 2303
WLS - VIDEO How to Trace Your Family Tree Vol 2 Eng/Wales 2 GUI O180 WLS
WLS AUTOBIO' A Trickle of Welsh Blood 2 BIO 2339 WLS
WLS BDM'S England & Wales BDM's from 1837 2 GUI O242 WLS
WLS GHOSTS Welsh Ghosts 2 HIS O766 WLS
WLS HOMES Welsh Castles, Gardens & Houses 2 GUI O765 WLS
WLS IN COLOUR Wales In Colour 2 GUI 1919 WLS
WLS PARISH REG' Parish Register of Wales 2 ATL 2359 WLS
WLS PARISH REG' Parish Register of Wales 8 ATL 2359 WLS
WLS RESEARCH Welsh Family History 2 GUI O764 WLS
WLS RESEARCH Researching Family History in Wales 2 GUI O771 WLS
WLS RESEARCH Tracing Your Welsh Ancestors 2 GUI 2058 WLS
WOGOLIN SCH' Wogolin Road School 1913-1925 6 EDU 1527
WOLLASTON WOLLASTON's Picton Journal Vol 1 1841-1844 6 HIS 1169 S/W
WOLLASTON The WOLLASTON Journal Vol 1 6 HIS 1170 S/W
WOLLASTON The WOLLASTON Journal Vol 2 6 HIS 1171 S/W
WOM' PIONEERS Yesterday's Daughters 4 BIO O684 AUS
WOMEN PIONEERS Yesterday's Daughters 4 BIO O684
WOMEN'S BIO'S McMillan Dictionary of Women's Biography 4 BIO O480
WONGAN.BALLIDU Wongan Ballidu Pioneering Days 6 HIS 1384 N/AG
WONNERUP H'SE Wonnerup House Story. George LAYMAN 6 HIS 1195 S/W
WONTHAGGI The Wonthaggi Coalfields 7 HIS 2540
WOOD & HURST South By South West Wm WOOD Sarah HURST 4 BIO 2307 S/W
WOOD D Daughter of the Pioneers 6 HIS 1478
WOOD Wm & J Desc of William J WOOD & Sarah WOOD 4 BIO 2153
WOOD/HURST South By South West Wm Wood Sarah HURST 4 BIO 2307 S/W
WOODCUTTERS Woodline-Woodcutters of the Goldfields 6 HIS 1937 EG/E
WOODCUTTERS Rails Through the Bush 6 HIS 1939 EG/E
WOODHALL SPA Woodhall Spa 2 GUI O213 UK
WOODLINES Early Woodlines of the Goldfields 6 HIS 2366 EG/E
WOR' HIST' 1930-39 The Thirties - A History in Colour 1930/39 3 HIS O467
WORLD ATLAS Atlas of World History 3 ATL O628
WORLD ATLAS The Jacaranda Atlas 3 ATL O648
WORLD ATLAS International World Atlas 3 ATL O649
WORLD ATLAS World Atlas 3 ATL O660
WORLD ATLAS Reader's Digest Atlas of the World 3 ATL 2524
WORLD ENCYCLO' The Modern World Encyclopedia GLA-LAN 1 DIR OO82
WORLD GAZ' Nelson's World Gazetteer 3 ATL 2028
WORSLEY Fallen Timber A History of the Worsley District 6 HIS 2543 S/W
WORSLEY CEM' Burials of People Associated With the Town of Worsley 7 CEM 2049
WORSLEY CEM' Burials at Worsley 7 CEM 2049 WA
WRIGHT A A The Generations of Men - Albert Andrew WRIGHT 4 BIO 2236
WRIGHT M & A The Generations of Men 5 HIS O984
WRIGHT T T Thomas Twigg WRIGHT 4 BIO 2258
WRITING HISTORY How to Write The Family Story 1 GUI OO14
WRITING HISTORY Writing A Family History 1 GUI OO15
WRITING HISTORY Writing Your History 2 GUI 2130
WRITING HISTORY Tips For Writing your Family History 1 GUI OO13
WRITING HISTORY How to Write the Family History 1 GUI OO14
WRITING HISTORY Writing A Family History 1 GUI OO15
WRITING HISTORY The Family History Writing Book 1 GUI OO16
W'TON ELECT' State Electoral Roll. Wellington 1988 5 ELE 2463 S/W
WW1 Australia's Fighting Sons of the Empire 5 MIL 1114
WW1 VETERANS Diggers & Mates. WW1 Veterans Biographies 5 MIL 2423 BIO
WW11 We Were There 5 MIL 1111
WYALCATCHEM Wyalcatchem - History of the District 6 HIS 1409 C/AG
WYALLA A Ribbon of Steel 7 HIS 1996
WYNDHAM Shire of Wyndham Ph. Book 2001 6 HIS 1418 KIM
WYSS Nothing is Ever Uphill - WYSS Family Nannup 4 BIO 2235
YALGOO Yalgoo 6 HIS 2321 CTRL
YALGOO Fields Gold 6 HIS 2322 CTRL
YANBUK Yanbuk and District 1838-1994 7 HIS 1619
YEARLING SCH Lakeside Reflections. Yearling School 1910-1985 6 HIS 2445 C/AG
YELVERTON H J Southern Enterprise H J YELVERTON & His Sawmills 4 BIO O797
YILGARN Yilgarn Venture 6 HIS 1283 EG/E
YILGARN They Wished Upon A Star 6 HIS 1833 EG/E
YILGARN Yilgarn - Good Country for Hardy People 6 HIS 1834 EG/E
YKS DALES Those Who Left The Dales 2 HIS 2472 YKS
YORK York Heritage Trail 6 HIS 1410 C/AG
YORK Old Police Station York 6 HIS 1411 C/AG
YORK - VIKINGS Jorvik Viking Centre 2 HIS 1812 UK
YORK- B'ROCK To Green Hills & Beyond 6 HIS 2001 C/AG
YORK SCHOOLS From Early Beginnings - History of York Schools 6 HIS 1772 C/AG
YORK SCHOOLS From Early Beginnings. Hist of York's Schools 6 EDU 1772 C/AG
YORKE PENINSULA Yorke Peninsula Obit & Death Notices 1872/74 7 CEM 2266 SA
YORKE PENINSULA Yorke Peninsula Obit & Death Notices 1875 7 CEM 2267 SA
YORKE PENINSULA Yorke Peninsula Obit & Death Notices 1876 7 CEM 2268 SA
YORKE PENINSULA Yorke Peninsula Obit & Death Notices 1877 7 CEM 2269 SA
YORKSHIRE Plain Tales from Yorkshire 2 HIS O303 YKS
YORKSHIRE Sun of York 2 HIS O315 UK
YORKSHIRE Yorkshire - The Dales 2 HIS O324 YKS
YORKSHIRE James Herriot's Yorkshire 2 HIS 1914 YKS
YORKSHIRE Hull Gent Seeks Country Residence 2 HIS 2029 YKS
YORKSHIRE Vallis Choracensis- Hist of Antiquities 2 HIS 2048 YKS
YORKSHIRE Yorkshire - East Riding with York 2 HIS 2324 ERY
YORKSHIRE Yorkshire - West Riding 2 HIS 2325 WRY
YOUANMITE SCH' Youanmite Primary School 7 ED 1528
YOUNG CEM' Mon.Inscrip. Young Cemetery - 1984 7 CEM 1714
YOUNG CEM' Mon.Inscr. Young Cemetery 1984 7 CEM 1714 NSW
ZUYTDORP The Wreck of the Zuytdorp 4 IMM O913